People will go to FFXIV now for sure!

This just summed up what i felt! I around level 40ish when i started to get pretty tired of the boring quests so i looked up how much time it would take give or take to get to current content, i was so overwhelmed by the amount of stuff i was going to have to do to even get to the latest expansion i just lost all interest in the game, they really need to redesign the early game.

I agree, Destiny 2 started really bad, Forsaken did really well and I didn’t try yet the new contents.
I’ll jump into it once the awesome game release train slow down a bit, because all the incoming months are overly booked.

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That’s what got me in as well. Another friend who had purchased Forsaken before me said “Yo, now’s the time to jump in.” - a single purchase, got everything up to date.

“Complete collection” is -60% on shop right now. So I thought I’d let people know, just how I’ve been let know before :smiley:

Did you also play Destiny 1, the Taken King is easily one of the best gaming experience I had.

I have not sadly, but I loved the lore so much that to this day I keep reading bits of it and watch loremaster videos whenever I can.

I do not own a console you see, so Destiny 2 was the entrypoint for me. But I understand that it was great :smiley:

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You’re comparing a full game to a mini patch? That’s like saying “Bruh this lamborghini diablo is so much better than that door handle”.
Y’know, I’ve considered playing something else. Not because I’m discontent with WoW, but because the community is so damn moany. There’s so much doom and gloom, “This is the end of WoW”, “I’m unsubbing”, “Goodbye, World!”, “People are going to leave your game, Blizzard”.
Just shut up already.



I play both games, along with GW2. I enjoy all three…as each game has its own flavor.
WoW will, however, always be number 1 for me; but I see no reasons to ‘quit’ other games because of it, or vice versa.
Simply, I play what I like and when I like!


Totally !
I’m always cycling between 3-4 MMOs alongside other kind of games, keep the boredom away and always feels fresh !
I just don’t like entitled people calling other things trash :frowning:

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I just keep on playing FFXIV, WoW and TESO nothing stops people from enjoying more then a single game. When i feel WoW becomes too grindy I just zip over to FFXIV for awhile or go play some ESO. The great things about todays technological advances are that even while playing a different game I can easially keep in touch with my guild etc.

Think out of the box and the doom and gloom will instead turn into something more sustainable. WoW have it’s low points, but so do pretty much every other MMO. However neither ESO or FFXIV have any real sustainable endgame content from my PoV so I always tend to main my WoW account.

I too play FFXIV and I did leave for the game around January this year after getting fed up with BFA.

The issue with patch 8.2 is that the hype around it, has not lived up to what people thought they were getting. Compared to what BFA was, 8.2 does have much more to do, yes it is a grind but MMO’S are grindy, what makes the difference is how the grind is disguised: either via engaging and fun content or via not so engaging, boring content.

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That’s not how you should use ‘entitled’ though.

My bad, I wanted to mean people that can only see 1 thing as good, while seeing everything else as either demeaning to what they do or trash without touching it themselves.

FFXIV is trash. Fkn cat ears and sh!t lol.

When wow gets boring i go to sto or gw2 i have never liked any of the ff games and In eso i hated the combat and class system.

Its great, i am already playing it. I think ill just unsub from world of buggcraft

FFXIV might be the best game in the world, but I will never play it - I’m really not a fan of the world or the art style of Final Fantasy. I never got into it.

So, if WoW sucks so badly that I don’t want to play it, I will just stop playing it and find some other game, likely not an MMO, to have fun with.

Yeah, because of all things, there are only two options - to play WoW or that weeb trash :smile:

FFXIV drones are just the worst…

I always get the feeling people try to sucker punch people into ff14…always this feeling “i dumped too much in ff14 so lets try to bait someone else”.
And mostly cause people really try to hard to advertise it.
I never played any ff,nor do i intend to,just a disclaimer.

Also i loved Monster Hunter World,good action based rpg,to log in an bash stuff.Not lore heavy.For me if i go for an mmo and lore heavy stuff i go to ESO.

We all are feeding the troll. Anyway. Not bad 8.2. I cant understaand why ppl should NOW switch to ffxiv or eso. There is enough content (grindy ofc) for the summer. And after we’ll have classic and 8.3.
Ive tried both the games… and after 14 years wow is my game.
If we survived cataclysm, tanaan and argus we can play forever

Yea you just didn’t prove that you’re also part of the “worst” of a community.

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