Personal Pros and Cons of Shadows Rising. SPOILERS

Thankfully not really. Or at least I hope she doesn’t. It seemed to me that way too at first. But then she thankfully came back with this line:
“The Proudmoore witch will get her justice”.

I agree with what you’re saying. Blizzard is pushing this narrative that Talanjis wish for revenge would be “bad” (or almost any revenge). And that the Zandalari have to suck it up because they need the Horde and peace no matter what. I think you are also on point with your comparison between Apari and Talanji (and I hate it too). They are pushing it in a bad direction for “unity / peace and shut up Zandalari you can’t even defeat a view starved rebels”.

She keeps on to her goal, Jainas head. They can’t let that simply go. I fear though that they will. Because “she needs the Horde” and their 20 raiders.

No idea what you mean with Genn though, he was rarely in the book. I agree that it’s a one sided thing and only Horde races have to back down, even in such a justified instance as Talanji.

Edit: Letting Shaw go wasn’t perhaps the greatest thing either in that regard.
A grudge against gnomes after what happened to Apari would also make sense.

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The novel itself doesn’t clarify it at any point.
And honestly, i don’t know if I like said twist.
It was a nice gesture that bonded him further to the Horde.
And it layered more depth to his character beyond the already highlighted ‘trickster’ tag.

It’s not as if he hadn’t meddled with souls that weren’t trolls in the past.

There are ways to portray vindictiveness and ways to wave it aside.
After the whole thing with Apari, it seemed as if Talanji was doing the latter.
She acknowledges that justice will come “someday” but the overall tone seemed to lean more along the lines of leaving it in some rather uncertain future.
Whereas other characters seemed to have a more immediate response, and a signalled a posture that highlighted certain willingness/proactiveness to make it happen (if not now, in the near future).

That bit seemed more like him wondering out loud but caving into the need to go down the diplomatic route with the armistice. In the end, as far as I recall, the only remaining ‘nay’ came from Gazlowe.

It does clarify that Bwonsamdi lied and he saves only Trolls.
So we know this from the book. I like it.
Saving not Trolls (and especially Saurfang after BfA) wouldn’t sit to well with me.

Good this didn’t happen.
But I think he “tied himself” stronger to the Horde willingly. With his whole Talanji and support from the Horde plot.

Sure I can agree with that and I think it’s likely it will go that way, sadly. Horde races can’t have justified grudges.

The “ney” wasn’t against peace. Lorthemar did only agree because he wanted to learn more about the Darkrangers on Zandalar. If I’m not mistaken what you mean. So I’m more pleases with him on that instance than with the others.


Doesn’t surprise me a whole lot.
Especially considering the circumstances.
Even he accepted help from Sylvanas in very dire times, where no other help was offered, only scorn (TBC).

He is supposed to be pragmatic. Talanji accepted help from the Horde (And thus Sylvanas) in a time where Blood trolls were rampage and dangerous, and the Alliance only served as a hinderance, and acted only as an enemy and not a potential ally. The Alliance did the exact same thing to the Blood Elves, afterall.

Lor’themar defending Talanji is good to me :smiley:


Sorry? What? Laughs in Garithos

Eh, Garithos left a dent, it did create mistrust.
But the real problem was in The Burning Crusade, when Alliance sent a spy under the guise of an ambassador, along with potential saboteurs, and an invasion force in Ghostlands.

All while the Blood Elves was dealing with withdrawals that was heavy on them, remnants of scourge that was running rampage, and amani trolls that had started coming out to play again.

The Alliance only inserted themselves as another enemy, while the Horde proved to be the only ally.

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Garithos has abused his power and on his personal biases hated elves, which yes created gap between elves and Alliance.

But by the time Kaelthas has departed to Outland with Illidan, he had made his desicion to withdrow from Alliance.

By the time Alliance sends spies the tension is already real, since by that time there are no communication between the two. Point is that there were grievences from Elves as well. They have shown to keep to their own business when Alliance needed help, as well.

And those trolls came out to play again because Elves had no help of humans which consisted large force in their first assault.

Its was only Sylvanas who saw Elves as good liability to bring in Horde, for personal agendas. That doesnt mean that all the ties was broken between Alliance and Elves by then. They chose to go to Horde because of old grievences and Sylvanas being massive threat from south if they chose otherwise.

Lor’themar is smart leader, he was resdy to jump the Horde ship first when Garrosh went berserk.

As I see it, Elves needed to find new cure for their addiction and Humans having their kingdoms leveled to ground, plus grievences from Garithos and absense of Elves from Wars it fell off, but to say Alliance became a problematic to Elves is bit unfair overstatement

Of course, Garithos’ Alliance was the only Alliance left. The new Alliance first came up years later.

The Blood Elves did welcome an Ironforge ambassador into their lands, were even willing to guide him around and talk to him about rather important buildings… in detail no less, as we later find out through quests when one building is destroyed, a Night Elf spy with documents written by this dwarf is found, and we figure out his true purpose of being there is to observe what would happen if such a building happened to ‘malfunction’. Quite a coincidence that it malfunctions while he is there to observe the results of it.

The Blood Elves did in fact act out in good faith here, the Alliance abused that.

You seem to explain more than is necessary.

What I said is.

The Alliance sent spies, saboteurs and an invasion force in a time where the Blood Elves already had to deal with amani parties, scourge remnants and a withdrawal.

The Alliance was unnecessarily hostile, they did not reach out with a helping hand, and they invaded the lands, while the Horde extended a helping hand. It was dire times, the Blood Elves were desperate for survival.

Yes, Sylvanas did use them later in Wotlk, yes she did blackmail Lor’themar.

Regardless, in TBC, the Blood Elves were desperate, and the Alliance did not at all show any interest in helping them, only further killing them.


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