Drunken Queen Kerillian is a treasure.
I’m going to miss the beard.
So will I. But it was time to move on. Also look HOW GLORIOUS I LOOK NOW!
So tall and golden!
I am blinded by the light! (Going from dwarf to Zandalari is quite a jump in height)
Like another runner in the night.
This rhythm is quite alright.
You better not lose your sight.
Mom’s spaghetti
That since the patch, you get automatically changed to the spec you queued as with full mana and when you leave you go back to the spec you were.
So it auto swapped me to holy to heal on my lightforged then swapped her back to shadow again after the dungeon was done.
Its amazing!
This was supposed to be a thing a while ago, from what I know. I queued for a dungeon as a healer while questing as DPS, expected it to switch me to healing spec once I entered, but it didn’t happen.
Glad to hear it now works.
wait, what? that’s pretty damn cool! i didn’t see that on the patch notes, was it an undocumented change or am i just blind as a post?
How does it choose a spec? Lets say a priest, you can heal in both disc and holy (last I knew anyway), so how does it decide or does it just default to holy?
No more random Fury tanks truckin’ into crowds, dying immediately and all capsing HEALER!!! at me?
Well that’s a delight.
Well, I mean, they can swap back to fury to do it (you’re not locked into the spec). But they will start as prot, yes.
What if I sign up as a monk DPS for the Tank Role, will I come out as a Prot Warrior?
You come out as a shadow priest, clearly.
The new Warsong Gulch is great, there’s a lot of detail everywhere. Got absolutely hammered in a game so I took the last 2/3 minutes to look around at everything. It’s genuinely a great renewal of the map.
People seem to be having fun with the new races, letting the creative juices flow. That’s a delight.
(Sorry that was late, didn’t see your comments)
I dunno if it was on the patch notes, According to Shamoss though, it was supposed to be here already. I guess they finally got around to fixing it.
i don’t know, but you’re not locked into it, you can change your spec once you’re in the dungeon still. it just starts you as what you queued as.
I finally unlocked the Kul Tiran and made my Skull Druid! I am very happy about this.