Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

Hang in there and I’m certain it will be. :slightly_smiling_face:


Reading this wholesome message makes me smile.
Cheers to you, random person on the internet!
… Also, 1k message soon. SOON.


Loving all of the good vibes the Vulpera being confirmed has brought: they’re my favourite race in the game, and I cannot wait to rp with so many wonderful people!


Passed a milestone birthday yesterday and felt ooooold… But I got given a mint condition Transformers 20th Anniversary comic and it is a thing of beauty. The detail of a comic where the artists love their job is always a pleasure to behold.

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Got issued a Deadline, well, a gentle deadline, as in “Do you think you can get this done by Christmas?”. Now that doesn’t sound like a delight, because its a deadline for work, -but- it is a deadline for work I enjoy doing, if it is hard at times, and it actually makes me feel more like it is a proper job, with targets and timescales and ‘My Publisher would like it done by X time’ makes me feel more like it is not just me larking around in my ‘studio’, but actually having a proper job, albeit a very amicable environment where I pick my own hours, as a result I am like “Yes! This will happen!” If I do the work sat in my pyjama’s at 5 in the morning, that’s fine, if I do it in a suit at midday, that’s fine, but now I have a deadline, which makes me feel far more like “Yes, I am actually working for a living” even if the nature of the work just seems like doing fun stuff. This is the only work environment, where having been given a deadline or target to meet, is actually a positive or reassuring thing, and encourages me to work harder, rather than being an onus upon me. Bizarre as it sounds, this is a Thumbs up Doubleplusgood.

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Got to play some Bloodborne tonight!

Deleted all my characters and started from scratch since I haven’t played BB in months (nor have I played Dark Souls in a while so didn’t have that to fall back on either).

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It’s my birthday tomorrow, I turn the big 3-0. Normally that would be cause for a peeve because who wants to be old. But I feel positive because I can look at where I am in life now compared to where I was in my early twenties and am content, if not happy.

Good times.


Starting to like playing fire. Big fun in epics and over all. If you can’t beat mage, you join them and become better mage. I’m looking at you Coldie

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We’ll see how that goes with you becoming a better mage… might take you a while.

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You would know. :wink:

The alabaster mounts look quite nice. Better than I expected. The added effect with their mountspecial is a nice touch.

I just wish there were coloured, living versions of them. Their models are perfect. Completely superior to the MoP ones.


My weekend has unexpectedly begun today. :partying_face:


Lucky you… two more days to go for me!

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Already on weekend. Been whole month

I did my first semi-structured interview today.

It was a blast.

What I planned to be roughly semi-formal interview of 45 mins turned into a 1 and half an hour long interview where I got so much material for my research that I should be able to do with 2-3 more interviews and I am done.

She was extremely knowledgeable, professional and well-read on the topic- So you can only imagine how easy & comfortable it was for me to do the interview since I did very little asking or probing and she just gave me all the answers to my questions. She was also the good kind of person who didn’t just nod along as I proposed some view, but would rather outright agree or say “No, I don’t think that, here’s -why-.”

She was also very interested in possibly having me work for them after my thesis is complete.

Also, last night when I was taking our dog out, I saw blazing gorgeous green northern lights for the first time this fall.

Great day all in all.

Did I say that Norway is really a baller place to be at? Because it is.

@moody Qualitative research is real science!!!


I’ll have you know being 30 is not -old-. As long as I keep screeching to myself in a mirror that 45 is not old, I will not feel old in exactly a month, Upon which note assuming the timestamps on the posts are accurate, Happy 30th Akamito. And Kudos on life goin’ better at 30 than it was in your early twenties, lets be fair, we’re all generally a bit of a jebend in our early twenties, or worse, have some grim shiz going on, I think (Not sure, I’d have to check the adulting manual, but seem to have lost mine) that around 30 you’re supposed to have the talent and skill tree to kind of make it work. Adult is a Hero Class, it is not however, the easiest class to master. Good luck.


999th post.
Tomorrow event with the Onslaught bois.
Saturday, Call of the Ebon Blade.
Had a great day.
What could I ask for more?


Better loot

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Dudflex’s attention