Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

When I get a few minutes to spend in-game and see Akamito got a letter!

Always nice to have an unexpected surprise when I pop on.

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I’ve decided to focus on the positives in WoW and to accept the negatives as something I cannot change aside from sending tickets. Surprisingly it worked and I actually had a pleasant half an hour in Mechagon.

On Sarurday I will have flying at last!

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I had something similar the other day, I had, obviously, been working towards getting flying in BfA, and had meticulously planned it out as to how long t would take (apart from a Rookie move of not realising I could do Mechagon and Nazjatar simultaneously for about a week before someone pointed out I could!) Then just the other day I was like, right, “second to last day, I’ll hand this in then log an al- Oh Hello!” Got it a day earlier than expected…by -5- rep points… 5… my relief was almost physically tangible…:smiley:

Chik’fil’a or w/e it’s called, the american fast food chain, just got wrecked by the UK for being anti-LGBT and I’ve never been happier to hear of a business failing.


Anti LGBT how exactly?

I’d assume they didn’t serve LGBTQ+ people.

Probably best to google it but they’re known for donating to anti-LGBT charities.

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…That’s their right to do.

I’m so sick of this witch hunt against people thinking ‘‘non-progressive’’.

Well we live in an age where outrage/cancel culture has become prevalent for all the wrong reasons. While I’m perfectly accepting of LGBT people you’re nowadays given labels if you point out facts like that gender and sex are the same thing, or that a trans person will always remain the biological sex they were born as.

Ridiculous how those are now “controversial views” because some people have been enabled by society. I even feel I have to be careful with this post, but I can’t help but express myself.


From what I gather, the chain is associated with various Christian charities that’re associated with anti-LBGT laws in Uganda, including most recently a law which suggested the death penalty for being gay & aforementioned law is being actively pursued by many MPs.

Bit more than just “not thinking progressively”.


Fair enough then.

In that case then yeah, screw 'em.

Yeah, that’s a bit much.

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I like how its went 180 from neo cons to left being correct

2016-2018 was whack

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I am never going to Mechagon ever again, thank god.

Being anti-LGBT to donate to anti-LGBT charities is wrong but to go as far as aiding the anti-gay laws to the point where it may be legal to kill gays is just the topping on the cake :’)

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I can see where you’re coming from, the trouble is there are groups out there who are flat out anti-LGBT (Such as this case) that work against the entire movement and want to revert things, not just disagreeing over terminology or specific details that are ultimately meaningless. And by “work against” I mean wanting to go back to electrocuting people that aren’t “normal” and other incredibly horrific practices.

Outrage culture is definitely an issue though, as it dilutes and diminishes the value of points put forward by others on the same ‘side’. Fortunately (or, unfortunately) this particular case is pretty dang justified as explained already.

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I have very few delights these days, really.

But i guess receiving a piece of art can be counted as one. :slight_smile:
Got a cool 3D piece from my Paladin.
(Shared it in the art thread.)


Note that they have two different pages, rather than sharing one.

So yeah. Facts don’t care about your feelings, or whatever the hip thing is to say nowadays.


Yeah can we like not discuss this type of stuff on the WoW forums, I get these threads are off-topic but lets not get into these type of discussions as they always end the same way as religious and political discussions;
