Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

No. You always blame the healer. This works each time.

No, you blame the hunter, even if you don’t have one.

Its ALWAYS the hunter’s fault.


What is your damn dps? It’s so low.

while not even being in the group and all the way on the other side of the world

The best picture we could get of James Bond with the bowtie (he wouldn’t sit still)

All our Halloween decorations;

And my pumpkin, I tried my hand at the one from Halloween with Michael’s profile in the eye.


Op planned for Friday next week for my elbow. I’m excited to finally get it all fixed so my hand goes back to normal.

Gotta take all my 18 piercings out though…

I finally have my internet back! \o/

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I rushed home from work last night to get back in time to watch the opening ceremony at Blizzcon. Made it home just as it was all kicking off, opened my front door and my daughter is at the end of the corridor crawling around, she sees me, lets out the happiest squeal of her life and enters turbo mode to crawl over and see me.

That was amazing.

But what was also cool is that my wife, knowing that I wanted to watch it, had made a tiramisu and said she would look after the baby in another room so I could watch without being crawled on and distracted by baby noises and could voice chat with a friend who I always watch it with.

My family is the all time best.


As discord communities were blasting yesterday when Blizzcon started, my family and I went to Cirque du Soleil where I was amazed by the great spectacle that is their acrobatic and colourful show. I myself have never seen any clips of the perfomences they do so I came in with no expectations, needless to say I’m still amazed about what I saw. I tried looking up some clips on Youtube to post here and share with you guys but IMHO it does not do it justice by witnesssing it all in front of your eyes.

If you can grab some tickets to Cirque du Soleil be sure to do it, as I surely got my moneys worth.


My brother yelled at the cat for sticking his nose near the bird cage. the cat did his, “I know I’m in the wrong, better walk away” jog and it always cracks me up, especially how his ears turn backwards (while still being up)

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I have seen a real life dragon.
None of those pictures are mine.

It’s the Dragon of Calais (France), and it’s absolutly awesome. The spectacle was 1th to 3th november (so tomorrow’s the finale), and starting december 17th, they add a plateform on its back so people can ride it.


Here’s me in Nazjatar;

To continue from my earlier pet delight: We’ve had the new kittie with us for a few days now, and I adore her alot. She has the cutest meow ever, and enjoys lying next to you.

And yet I still miss my old cat alot. She shared 18 years of my life, and I watched her grow from kitten to adult, and she was there for me in good times and in bad. It’s been a few months since she passed away now but I can still imagine her being around.


Got the ‘‘Eye of Sulfuras’’ on my warrior, now all I need is the other half of Thunderfury.


Thanks to the anniversary buff, level 3 trading post buff and the DMF buff I ground out Laughing Skull rep in about 2,5 hours. Nice.

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Also a friendly reminder that the bronze sunglasses are moggable again.

I really like the Classic Alterac Valley. Not liking the Mine games but actually taking time to get through the enemy and actually winning. And legacy gear is strong in it.

Not WoW related but when tumblr dashboard really picks up and everybody’s interacting and RP it makes me cry happy.

Do you think I’d lose a duel against you in this BG?

I’ve two shotted people with Incarnation Starsurge

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