Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

I am without pain for the first time in like … a month and a half. The tooth extraction did the trick and I didn’t even suffer with it.

Life is good once more.


Yeah I to love [not] second life rp

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Somehow the highlighted part of your post has been the most compelling reason for me to pay attention to that game I’ve ever seen. Everything I’ve seen from it so far has been a mild “Yeah, that’s neat I guess” but now I’m actually a bit interested in giving it a go.

Shows what a difference someone’s description of a personal experience makes vs. advertising or “games media” blab.

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I got Challenger really fast this season. I’m actually surprised how easily I got it. Road to Rival.

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Go Duelist, be a little more ambitious.

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The tournament of the Onslaught went really well.
New people joining in.
A week of holidays.
What a time to be alive!


I have finally got all classes to 120.

Did one of my DKs yesterday after dragging my feet now completing the set (even though I have duplicate classes leveled)


Posted my first bit of creative writing in AA. It’s been years since I’ve done anything like it. Was surprisingly fulfilling


I had a wonderful weekend in London! Went to Comic con and met a wow friend too.

Peeve is that the Pokemon center was so busy they had queues that closed at 8am… So I couldn’t get in LOL But it was still a great weekend! I got new Newrock boots too. SCORE.


I feel you on that. Me and my wife almost thought about popping down (we’re only an hour away) to go the Pokemon centre, but saw all the reports that it was absolutely rammed and decided to give it a miss. No fun spending the entire day queuing :frowning:

In similar news, me and the wife have always wanted to go the Harry Potter studios down in London but circumstance has always prevented us on the few times we’ve tried to go. For my birthday, my family bought me and her train tickets, tickets for the studio and an offer to babysit for a day and a night so we can go out there soon :smiley:


Put all the Halloween decorations out.

Going to buy a few more tomorrow and carve the pumpkin


I am going to get a new cat tomorrow. And one one hand I very much look forward to that, but on the other hand I do still miss my old cat who passed away in august. But I am sure I will love the new furball just as much as the old :slight_smile:


Doing the Darkshore Warfront for Transmogs. I needed the Tier 2 leggings and Tier 1 shoulderpads to finish both variants of the Plate sets, so I decided to run my Warrior through the Warfront. Not only did I arrive into the Warfront to find Sira down to 30% health so I didn’t have to do anything at all, I got both items I needed from the finish anyway!

RNGesus is on my side tonight.


Flailing my Shadowmourne around in timewalking dungeons and enjoying those souls flying all over the place.


I met Alyndaria in skirmishes today. It was pretty cool.


Nearly got my tank transmog on FF14.

Can wear it from level 1, which is good, because the character’s PLD is 11.


More RNG in my favour, finally got the Mantle of the Desert Crusade.

Turns out, for Silithid Royalty, some items only drop depending on which of them you kill last - really wish I’d known that 2 weeks ago! (It was the blue one)

the new FFXIV patch gave me LIFE. alphinaud and alisae are blessed

LFR has restored some of my faith in humanity.

Tank was clearly new. New to the spec, new to the raid, and he informed us at the start of the raid. No trouble, no one seems to mind.

Then we wipe and the expected bickering ensues. Blame is soon enough placed on the tank. He admits that he should have read the tactics better in advance, but this doesn’t sate a particularly angry rogue. Name-calling in caps, demanding the tank be kicked and so on it went.

We kicked the rogue.

Tank tried again, clean kill, no further troubles through that wing of LFR.


Cleary they should’ve blamed the dps