Brogg happy dat other day he met Dwarfling that let Brogg put him in stew… Not everyday Brogg gets to smash tender dwarflings
I said I would share the story of how I was terrorized by the cheese bandits for 8 days, and by my hide I shall.
So our story begins when I one day logged on my dark iron, it was just a normal day and I wanted to level him to pass some time, but when I logged in I saw a mail icon, I hovered over it and saw it was from a name I did not know.
So I go to the mailbox, wondering what kind of mail this could possibly be.
mind you I am currently leveling my dark iron, he is not in any guilds, he is as faceless as they come to the community as a whole, in fact I have been outside of the main hubs leveling so there is no way, I could have made contact with these people or they could have known about me.
So I go to open my mailbox and see what this letter is all about and honestly, I expected a lot of things but not in my strangest dreams could I have expected a mail from some stranger that red: yum yum yum! this followed by some asian letters and a slab of cream cheese, which I was to low level to eat.
Now I thought this was wild and I took a picture of it, why? I don’t know something clicked in my mind I guess? So I take the cheese, stuff it into my bag and log out, going to bed.
Now you would assume this is a one time thing, I did but when I logged back on the next day, I saw yet another mail from a player I did not know. So I do what any sane man would do and go to check my mail box, bearing in mind the cheese incident the day before. When I open the box I behold yet another letter and a piece of cheese.
this is when the cogs in my head starts to turn, I consider the possibility that my characters name could mean cheese in some way or form and this is some kind of language joke I am not getting, but a quick dance with google tells me otherwise. Confused and non the wiser I log off later and go to bed.
Now I will save time because this is follows a pattern of me logging in, getting my cheese mail and logging out after I concluded my days business on that character.
I will say that the longer it went on the more cheese I got and the number of different people sent me also grew, it evolved later down the line to pets and other oddities but it was mainly cheese.
I have done my best to link the letters in order in this Imgur post below.
Also, no I do not know what the asian letters mean, I tried to translate them and I got something about horses.
Trial of Style always reinvigorates my enjoyment of this game, even if for just a few days.
Pet Delight: They will finally add hideable chest pieces with the next update.
That’s great news!
Those letters are hilarious…how truly bizarre!
Wait what I missed the entire Q&A, only caught the last bit about why dungeons can’t give reps. Is this true??
ripped forsaken ribcage inc brb
I don’t believe that.
Well, read up on todays Q&A.
- The ability to hide the chest slot will be added in the next update.
The fact that I have gotten so comfortable in my new job that I no longer get overly stressed out over the day being busy and chaotic when everyone else is freaking out. Before I would have been cursing to myself for hours. But not now. I even managed to calm a few of my newer coworkers down when they were freaking out.
Also the fact that I absolutely did not post this in the wrong thread at first. Nope. Didn’t happen. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.
The fact that you genuinely find enjoyment from your work.
It always makes me happy to find the rare person that likes their job.
Moobs. Everywhere.
That perfect kaldorei druid look is happening at long last.
Beer Belly Brigade coming to an event near you.
Due to a recent realisation I’ve come to the conclusion that I need a job and it needs a lot of hours; menial, boring or complicated it doesn’t matter.
If a job has that, I’ll like it
Seeing a gnome winning Trial of Style makes me happy.
Hit rank 8 Brawler’s Guild for that sweet cosmetic set needed for my Kul Tiran. Looks a lil scrappy and hodge podge which works well with this simple adventurer idea I got in mind.
Other positive news. I won a Trial of Style as a gnome which is even better reading the post just above mine.
New Trial of style mog, new pandaria pet collect achievement, mythic grong kill (with a big thanks to splendour).
And the elegon mount!!
Ye boiiiiiiiiiiiiii
On the topic of trial of style, I have to say it’s one of the best events WoW has. All of the other mini-events pale in comparison. My only complaint is it should be a monthly thing like Darkmoon Faire. Still, I’m glad it’s twice a year.
Of the two jobs I do have, neither of which contradict my DWP allowance, I love them both. Whats not to like about haring around in a Landrover with a gas powered machine gun on the roof and terrorising Charity workers with blank firing pistols, or with getting to put on accents and do voice work.
I say two jobs, only the former is a job, the latter is one I am trying to break into this year (Though is part of the reason I got the former job).
I -love- the things I do…