Surprised Pikachu face
Should have some better incentives to do it. I generally find it fun to do but the transmog sets are recolours of (in my opinion) ugly old dungeon sets, so maybe adding some ToS themed toys with a higher token cost could work.
I’m in the “loving what I do” camp as well. I’m a lecturer- I get paid to talk and teach about stuff i’m genuinely interested in, and also to research more about it. The only thing that would be better in my books would be a full-time job of paying me to learn things, but sadly it doesn’t exist. Pretty close second however.
That said working in education I totally get the “most don’t like their work” vibes. Education in the UK is, yes, in a bit of an interesting place. That said if you hate it so much, just leave. I don’t understand people who have been moaning to me for the past 5 years. It’s pretty horrific that some of them are inspiring others to take charge of their lives yet they are utterly defeated by pessimism and cynicism regarding their own circumstances.
That or they just can’t give up the summer holiday breaks.
Its the hours involved, there is a certain threshold, and the Jeep and guns work is like, six hours, per week, every third week, so not exactly breaking the bank, The VA work I have yet to make a formal contract for, so again, not classed as paid work, and in most cases, not actually paid work…it is very hard to make VA stuff pay…
I have a few friends who were lecturers, they expressed the same feelings, that it was -fun- talking about things they liked, but less fun when they were repeating the same rote facts, even when dressing them up differently and approaching them in a different manner, and obviously the students helped, because everyone has a different question which forces you to think, and examine what you think you know. I can actually imagine that would be a fascinating job.
As someone who’s possibly getting into music education this is worrying.
Especially due to music often getting battered at a local level.
I’m fortunate that I teach subjects that either change so frequently due to their relationship with the external world, that I don’t fall onto “rotes” too frequently, or the other subject has quite a lot of “rotes” I suppose, but few objective answers and essentially is built around discussion rather than repetition and recall.
it is massively fascinating and at risk of sound like a complete sopbucket, it really is the most special thing in the world seeing that “click” in someone’s eyes when you realise they now either get something they didn’t, or they start to view something in a way they didn’t before.
Bonus points if prior to this their education has been full of naysayers and pen-shuffling muppets who have essentially killed their self-esteem regarding their learning.
There’s physical perks too. Despite not being a Christmas card man, I get a fairly significant amount every year from previous cohorts of my learners. It’s nice they still remember me!
Music? I get that.
I teach subjects a mixture of “Liberal Arts” and the occasional “Social Science”. Funding for liberal arts subjects is basically being killed off big time in favour of a STEM/Vocational rush.
The Gov making no secret that it views education essentially to just push people in “London jobs” and has no purpose regarding generic broadening of the mind/critical thinking.
To the gov, and their endless hard-on for the Londoncentric “District I” bunch, I say up yours.
Huh… Okay then, didn’t see that one coming… And here I am, just wanting more hairstyles : (
My pet delight today is that I was given a substantial pay rise in acknowledgement of my hard work and from helping to pull the business out of a very tricky situation.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
www.bloodline s2.c om/
Pinch me, I dream.
I’m fairly sure that everyone who has played the first one has just reinstalled it in anticipation. Legend goes that whenever someone mentions Vampire: The Masquerade, anyone who hears it immediately reinstalls.
Way ahead of them.
Never uninstalled it.
As someone who bought the original paperback book, I feel compelled to ask, How much does this cost, where do you get it from, can you play a Brujah and are there RP Servers?
£15 (often on sale), steam, yes, and it’s a single player RPG in the source engine so…kinda.
If you are going to get it, I would suggest downloading the mod that effectively completes it. It was one of those games that was forced out of the door before it was finished, so a lot of pieces were unfinished or missing and modders had to piece it back together to fix numerous bugs and restore content.
It is a great game though if you can get passed the janky combat.
I believe the mod also fixes a serious issue in the game - pretty much mandatory, if you don’t want the game suddenly breaking your save file (I can’t remember if it was related to save files or something else entirely. Regardless: game breaking.)
But yes, if you can look past its age, it’s really a great game.
Name a better movie, I’ll wait
Either the first Mr. Bean movie or ‘‘Amadeus’’, easily.
I don’t know, with Mr Bean’s Holiday you get wholesome, heart-string gripping moments with Mr Bean and the Boy from the Train as they make their way to Riviera to unite the boy with his father, and for Mr Bean to enjoy his well-earned holiday.
The scene where they’re earning money with their street performance gets me every time.