what in 10 characters
Long story. Suffice it to say is that the infection grew so serious that there is a 50% chance of medicine failing and having to remove the eye.
Ugh, sounds painful.
Though, if it was me, I’d remove the eyelid and just have a gaping hole where the eye should be instead of an eyepatch.
But hopefully you won’t have to remove your eye. :<
Yikes. I’m sorry my dude, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
Thanks. I hope so too. Gotta stay positive.
Antibiotic resistant superbug?
I’m so sorry to hear that.
No, apparently it’s a bacteria. Taking dexamethasone atm.
Really hoping the best for you, Uruk.
Me too. Don’t you go pirate on us!
Just saw two Drunks go at it in the street, it was great, a lot of stumbling, a lot of miss punches and a lot of slurred swearing. God I love this country.
My character undelete button resets today. Time to restore something fun.
Whatever you do, don’t undelete any Night elves, they are so last season.
I changed mine into more interesting things a while ago. Anything they do with Elune, the Wild Gods and more can’t fix immersion breaking animation and irrelevance.
Just saw that Nazjatar will also have flying.
I think Blizzard might have realised they’ve kind of hit the rock bottom and are scrambling desperately to appease us.
Transmog restrictions lifted, flying in the Argus of BFA. If they threw a few more bones for roleplayers (mobless zone mode, maybe tease us with player/guild bases/housing for 8.3/next expansion) I could put BFA on the same tier as Legion purely on the goodies given to us. The cross faction potion was a very nice change as well.
Maybe they’re realising that it is the roleplayer who are their MVP, who remain loyal.
Player retention is hugely important for continued profitability and they cater to the old guard and reliable addicts. I just worry about the state of things when they’ve become so desperate as to actually listen(!) and act since I have no faith in this sort of decision being made from a development standpoint of making a good, enjoyable game. It’s the iron fist of Almighty Marketing at play.
I was thinking the other night “Eh, I should try to get that mount for that character I want to level up. It’s a raid mount so I don’t expect to actually ever see it, but it won’t hurt to try.”
And then I looted it. Hurray for Ragnaros!
You didn’t.
You got that STUPID ***** Bird from RAGNAROS LIKE THAT!? :C
jumps into lava
Druid is the last healer for me to level to max (never had one above 60 really since vanilla) , and so far I am really enjoying resto, even when levelling as it. Feral affinity and catweaving in group makes me feel like I’m always busy in a dungeon. It’s just really nice to be playing a class I haven’t really tried and it’s actually really enjoyable and I can’t wait to try it out in max level content!
I once gave away the same bird to another guy I was running the raid with at the time, wasn’t too fussed at the time really.
Now down the line I regret it, not because I wanted the bird for myself (its still an eyesore in my view) but the guy I gave it to has gone on to become one of the more putrid and noxious individuals to haunt Argent Dawn, who makes my debbie downer tendencies look like a beacon of optimism. And they like to go about their business here quite frequently too, usually with a different mask on every month or so.
But hey, I thought it might have cheered them up at the time. Looks like I was wrong