Finally got to play as Dante in DMC5 and I love his Royal Guard style so much. It’s really satisfying to perfect guard and the change to have it consume DT gauge on a imperfect is a positive one.
Remind me to link you a video once you got through to the end.
Also, Baptiste is fun once you get a feel for his cooldowns.
I think I’m about at the halfway point, just hit Mission 14, and DMC games are generally 20-25 missions long iirc?
I’ve also managed to find a whole 2 secret missions so far - including the “hey here’s a freebie” first one, so it’s gonna have a fair bit of replay value, which is nice.
V’s gameplay is interesting but it’s still not clicked for me, it often feels like not a whole lot is going on. Nero’s devil breakers are cool though, I like that it soft-forces you to experiment with different ones so you don’t just stick to one constantly. The choice to make it so you have to purge to swap them mid-mission is interesting, originally it bugged me but I think it’s a good decision making tool - weighing up burning ones you don’t want and potentially running out vs. holding onto ones that aren’t “as good” so you’re sure you’ve got a stash.
Dancer announced for FF14 as a DPS, the reveal trailer for it had one of my favorite pieces of FF music. The forums over there are salty it’s not a healer. The new hub and starting zones look oustandingly beautiful. This was a good keynote. I can’t wait for 5.0
(oh no, i spoke about another game. ban inc)
Its okay me and a fellow friend from my guild spent 5 hours on rootin tootin cowboy shootin 2 hijacking a TRAIN of all things while going on a rampage across the frontier stopping at every town, voice chatting for other players to get on - only to rob them and hogtie them before flinging them over a bridge.
I don’t think anyone got the hint when both of our characters looked like something straight out of the Deliverance either.
V’s gameplay is my favourite, followed by Dante then Nero. Dunno why but I struggle with Nero. Probably gonna sit down and figure it out when I buy the game for myself. So far only played at my cousin’s place.
Juggling enemies with the pets and zipping around like a very 90s Goth bee finishing them off feels really good with V.
I love rootin tootin cowboy shootin 2’s single player so much.
Just wanted to say that. I’m very invested in sad cowboys.
I need SO many games, but waiting for them to go down a bit in price before buying them.
I still need to buy Spyro.
I do want rootin tootin cowboy shootin though.
Going to play Wow with my brother (returning player) today, just like in the Good old days!
My last island expedition.
Early on, our big headed goofball pulls the entire planet and we die, people split off to solo, ya know, the regular insanity. We quickly fall behind as the bots hoover up the azerite and it all seemed to fall apart.
Being an obdurate, machinelike perpetual resting pulse kind of person I keep going but one of our group evidently gave up when he last got himself killed and is just afking on the boat in anticipation of defeat. The other guy and myself keep trying, attacking high value targets and picking up chests but the enemy is still hundreds of Azerite ahead of us.
We face them on a sloped crossing with a valuable fissure in the middle, holding the spot from the foe as they try to absorb it for that final boost. Their counter hovers in the 993 level with the smallest push meaning our utter defeat.
My companion’s health drops dramatically several times as the three AI focus on him and I must balance my timely heals with tactical smiting to wound beyond what he can’t kill. The enemy tank falters and bubbles in retreat, giving an opening and we strike his damage dealer ally. Their healer sprints in to use the necklace on the fissue but is trapped between us.
The tide turns, the enemy fall one by one, releasing their built up azerite to our counter and I absorb the node, tipping the last few hundred needed in our favour. An amazing recovery remenicent of my wildest heroes of the storm days, afk quitter included.
Can skip the annoying bit at the end of the worgen starting area on my remade worgen druid by teleporting to moonglade.
This makes me so happy!
I’m wearing my Mr Happy socks today.
You can get out of the worgen starting area through a semi-longwinded method. i dont know if it’d count as a glitch or an exploit though
My avatar finally updated and you can once again see my face!
I see you are no longer being consumed by the void.
Just needed some pandaren sauna.
I’m back from Blizz-Vacation after someone didn’t like my comment on the kosharg thread. I don’t care what they say or how many times I get banned, People must know that priests have the best Mogs.
Your mog would look better without those silly shoulderpads though.
Oh so you don’t like my shoulders? Well how about this version for after the Hidden chestplate update?
Everyone knows Papa Nar’zagh is ready to do war in this set.
I’ll put my Goblin Stamp of Approval on dis.
I might be able to wear an eye patch irl soon depending on whether the doctor removes my left eye or not.