Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

I saw the second Hellboy reboot trailer earlier and I now have hype for that movie.

Plus the cover version of Smoke on the Water is spine-chillingly awesome. I love me some symphonic rock covers.

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I looted the Darkshore chimera this night, finally! And just after that the bear. Apparently, complaining loudly works!
(Now I need to have Narmë disappears somehow so I can become a Night elf chimera rider.)


Tomorrow I’ll be exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty!


Neferthiliss’ enthusiasm is heartwarming and a delight, ngl.


I finally unlocked Dark Iron Dwarves and I’m really loving my new little rogue. Also very excited to RP with that one!

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I am just happy. Don’t really need a reason. :slight_smile:


Imagine uploading 62 pages of obscure fanfiction to an obscure website, and then some strangers you never spoke to go and read gdmn 62 pages and like and follow you. The faith is astounding. Humanity is magical.


New Voice Acting commission after the stuff I did for Manata on her Warsong Video (The Client having seen it) , Just got the script through today, I think I can absolutely nail it. This is slowly building into a portfolio. Going to record tomorrow. Feeling pretty chipper about that.


Voice acting with a elf/human-y voice, or doing Orc stuff? (I’m a real fan of voice actors etc, it’s amazeballs.)

All I can do is Orc, or deep rumbling voices, as I’m terrible with my normal voice. :<

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IRL happiness: I opened up to my mum about who I wanna be and she’s gonna support me and help me and aaaaaa <3 I am the happy.


Finally dropped that lovely bear! on my Death Knight even, character solely made for an extra attempt at drops from this expansion :ok_hand:


So, you wanna be Ash Ketchum? :smiley:

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Ten years old forever and a boy?

Hell to the yes.

Crappy Pokemon trainer?


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I may be working for Games Workshop as a side gig on the weekends, which is great, because I love the staff at the store I go to and get along well with them (as well as other customers).


I did Orc stuff for Manata’s Warsong video, but this is human, they want a more Charles Dance kind of type calm, sedate voice…


I have literally no idea who Charles Dance is.

Suppose I should check that out.

I can only do rumbling/orc voices as I learned how to sing to death metal, so I’m simply using that ‘‘growling’’ technique as a base on how to make the voices.

Normal voices, ugh, I’m terrible at those.


He’s Tywin Lannister in Game of Thrones if that helps

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I haven’t watched GoT (I totally should though), but I do recognise his face.

Probably have heard his voice then.

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Its all great, I get to practice voice range and record, rather looking forwards to it, to be honest. it is strange, but you do have to warm up to it, so that you can carry on without pause.


Aye, I hope it goes well!

I’ve just recently learned how to get a more ‘‘yell’’ out with my own voice.

I generally practice after Grom Hellscream from the ‘‘Warlords of Draenor Reveal trailer’’, and it feels better each time. c:

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