Very happy for you, I also opened up a few months ago to my mother after years of fretting over the whatifs and howabouts. I think its the very rare exceptions of parents who don’t accept their children for who they are. For those, I only have my deepest condolences.
But yes, a cause for celebration! 
Got the high noon achievement on mccree 
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Ahh that’s awesome. Nice one!
I am lucky my mum is acceping. She isn’t very err… into modern day things and can be phobic about things but she’s trying to adjust.
Warframe is just heavenly and I now concur Excalibur is my spirit animal. 

Waited ages thinking I had wasted time and gold on the Level 3 Shipyard, and then, after months of nothing, got not one but two of the Heirloom ring missions at the same time! And, even though I was nailbiting due to the 98% chance (it’s still 2%!) I got both of them. Huzzah!
Now I just need the Agility ring to pop up, and then somehow get the Stranglethorn ring 
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Managed to finish the Lord Admiral item set on my Rogue, so not only do I have a cool looking sword now I also have a permanent snare to put on mobs and players.
Beware beware the… doggo(?) of the sea.
Setting up things in England. While navigating the bureaucracy and all that is taking its time (and I have not been able to RP for ages
), I still feel like my life has taken more of a step forward than it has for years!
Logging on my steam account on a friend’s computer and playing some For Honor with fellow ADers is always a delight though. That game is the bible for any Warrior RPer! So much inspiration!
Shoutout to Ghorek. He is new to the game and dies horribly over and over in pubs but he simply does not give up, no matter how many times his limbs are sent flying in various directions. Heart of a warrior!
Pet delight: Only 7 days left until Zandalari. <3
I am seeing a lot of new RP initiatives popping up. That is a good thing.
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Keep the positive stuff flowing!
Had a wonderful day yesterday!
Went to Manchester with mum and she bought me a (Very very) early birthday gift - a Bulova watch <3 It’s gorgeous. Then I had a good day in math’s lesson and actually did well for the first time in several weeks / months!
I actually enjoy maths cause I can do it! Unlike English. I suck at that. Maths and science is where I’m good. So I had a good lesson 'cause I could actually do the work haah. It’s been so difficult recently.
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Holy hell, I just killed Elana in DS2 on my first attempt with my hexer who is carting a +3 roaring halberd. I didn’t want to upgrade it any further because i wanted the wrathful axe from her.
EDIT: Also had Velstadt and 1 skeleton up all fight.
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Been lurking for ages, now I’m back. Eager for RP again
I got mobile data to work! Yay!
I kinda envy the people that enjoy maths. I hate it with a roaring passion, because no matter how many times a problem is explained to me, I can never get it and it frustrates me. I can do basic maths, anything that involves more than like 4 numbers confuses me…
I’m pretty good with English, though. Top of my class when I went for a brush-up exam couple years back.
On topic; DMC V releases at midnight tonight and I am so gosh darned hype! Oh, and Halo MC Collection might be coming to PC! The glory that was Halo 3 matchmaking will make a triumphant return!
I’ve always wanted to play Halo, but never owned an Xbox. Played Combat Evolved many, many years ago, but that’s it.
Here’s hoping.
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