Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

Now he is your favourite Support. For the Slowing is eternal.

I’ll stick to Morgana for that.

New Delight: hearing Velithar panic because of my “cult” was hilarious, this is why real GangSTARs use middle men.

Edit: Ari, Velithar, cut it out right now or I’ll put you at the bottom of my list. why can’t you both be like Kump and be a good boy.

I had the most interesting beer last night. A sour/wild ale made with microbes from Artis, a zoo. It tasted very refreshing and sour with notes of fruit without being overly sweet. I think I might get another one today.

Have a playfull 4 months old maine co on kitten who is a tons of fun and constant soruce of delight
Makes the heatwave tolerable

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Eid al adha mubarak for those celebrating it.

Just signed up for a BJJ tournament that will be in a couple of weeks, first time Im actually competing in a sport that I love. The anxiety is already building up but I really want to do this :muscle:


As I would say while playing Mordekaiser:

Nihilism vs Budhism, in a sense.

Ayep. I even studied it, took notes and watched a lot of videos about it. It is actually a very interesting point of view. She took all that you know, from the Star Wars lore and life itself and ‘forces’ you to look at it from another point of view. It is just the perfect character.

Especially at the end, how she talks to the Exile. “I would have let the galaxy died for you…”

You’d have to catch me while I bio-arcane barrage you from the safety of my base

Flash - R.
Then, Rilay and Liandry to do the trick.
Oh also, Randuin and Thornmail. Stop hitting yourself!


mostly magical damage though. Randuins hurts though.

Oh well, I always have an icathian surprise


W shield! If you don’t melt it too…

Well. Damn. You win.

I just wanna play Jungler forever but someone else always picks it first :L

I just play fill now since I’ve been playing for so long I can have a go in any lane.
Just play fill and get an instant pop queue, might be top, might be mid, never know.

ngl I just hate laning.

20mins of a minion poking minigame.


I like Jungler because it’s more dynamic and I feel there’s much more decision making to be had. Do I invade enemy jungle? Do I gank a lane? Do I keep my jungle rotation rolling? Do I back now or later? Is the enemy jungler in my jungle?

There’s just so much in the way of 4D chess I have to play with the enemy jungler, and it causes a minirivalry that spans the entire map, which I really enjoy.

By contrast in lanes I just end up poking minions for ages and watch the minimap for any incoming ganks. And due to how the game flows you’re discouraged from being aggressive and pushing the lane until the towers drop their shields.

Warwick is bae tho. I love making people panic when they’re on low HP but I’m on the opposite end of the map anyway, but they’ll play it ultra safe whenever they get to 50% or lower.

I mostly play support myself.

Or; “support” as in, pick morgana, proceed to barrel through the enemy team, oh no, my team now has 2 mages.

Okay, the BJ tournament just made my day
(Back-alley or free range? :stuck_out_tongue: )

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I’m playing once again toplane.
But since it is low elo (Gold V. My objective, each time is to reach this elo and I stop rankeds after it.) it is pretty fun to play a juggernaut to stomp people.

I bought Imperator: Rome for super cheap and I’m excited to get into it. Paradox doesn’t usually disappoint and despite the negative reviews the game has been receiving I bet I’ll still have a lot of fun with it.

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The negative reviews were all lies if you asks me
I:R was a cool game
But its just my humble oppinion ^^

After almost 2 years of unemployment and several failed callbacks, I finally have an interview for a part-time job in a charity shop.

I really hope I don’t eff this up.