Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

Boy, you look like Diego from Ice age. Sabertooth lookin :peach: mother lover.



Me and another Goblin spent a solid ten minutes spamming emotes to see all the new facial expressions and animation improvements.
Today is a good day.


Really minor thing, but one that’s awesome anyway. In 8.2.5 all the starting zones have been scaled to 60! This means Mulgore, Durotar, Tirisfal, Eversong, Azuremyst, Elwynn, Dun Morogh and Teldrassil are all valid leveling zones all the way to 60.


Equally minor delight, but the druid class has finally gotten a hold of me as a player. Both restoration and balance are enjoyable so far. :sunflower:


Omw back from hell now…

Another upside that the bed and desk I was interested in were perfect, so I’ll buy them! I also found some good pillows that I’m pleased with, so all In all it was a good trip.

Still, IKEA can shove it.

I recently found Yu-Gi-Oh on Netflix, and have been taking a nostalgia trip. I used to watch the weekly episodes of that show as a kid. Oh I love finding these treasures.

I’m quite happy with my worgen druid’s new face.

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MEMORIES. Waking up at 7am, watching Zoids and Yu-Gi-Oh and stuff aahhhhh :frowning:

They updated the female dwarf mining animation. While it’s a little choppy, I actually really like it.
Also the Legion paragon mounts (among others) are finally on the Black Market Auction House.

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Pet delight, soon Ill be moving from a personal bedroom to what is essentially a full apartment with complete facilities, and a comparatively ocean of space for a steal. Essentially the sister is moving out of the house with her husband and child, asking me if I want to buy and move to their old quarters. Meaning now that the entire bottom floor will be mine personally, instead of the bedroom.

Soon Ill have actual space for my 40k and Gunpla painting, collecting and Display.

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I think I got my driving license. Like, I don’t want to scream victory too soon but… Unless that website is very tricky, I did good at the practical examen. (Will post again in an hour, after calling the driving school for confirmation haha)

Early congratulations!


That gear looks very nice on you!

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I DID IT, I HAVE MY DRIVING LICENSE!! (This forum do not like me being in capslock but I do what I want)


Good yerb!

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Kump has a transmog without a helm and I can look upon his glorious face.


He finally got his frost wolf mog. Kump, We salute you.

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I got my pandaren priest to 120!