Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

I think plenty of people are not big fans of the new forums.

Especially people who often like to post links. Sure folks are able to weave around the whole “No links outside of Youtube and such” through the method of preformated text, but I find it annoying that people have to go one extra step just to post images. Like so:

And I imagine there will be some bleeding hearts out there that will jump in to the defense of this stupid thing, saying “Yeah, I hate this too, it’s stupid, but omhg stawp circumventing teh limitations, you heinous criminal!”, because for some reason people like to say that they hate something, but will still defend the thing they hate tooth and nail because… Reasons?

I hate the scrolling bar. Why not have PAGES AGAIN?!

I’m annoyed that I can’t buy the Allied races yet.

Yes, I would rather spend money on unlocking Dark Iron than do stupid rep grinding. I am the problem and I am fine with it.


I’d rather much prefer see people say that they want Allied Races to be unlocked without a reputation grind, only a quest/achievement acquisition, or have the reputation rewards be more plentiful. At least that way everyone will be happy and still get to play the game and have a sense of pride and accomplishment, and you will still get to retain your self respect.

But if you REALLY think that the only solution is to throw money at it, then well… I don’t like you.

Bit of a ??? response there lol

It’s a game, there’s no self-respect involved. If you do get your self-respect from a video game, there’s probably bigger issues than having a problem with people being willing to spend their money on in-game rewards (i.e. allied races).

“I don’t like you” lmao give me a break.


So because it is a videogame, you think it’s perfectly fine to try and resolve things by throwing money at it, as opposed to I don’t know… Make actual suggestions of improvement? I find it to be pretty irresponsible to say “I hate this, so I’m gonna throw money at it to make it better”. And then to be proud of it by saying “I know I am the problem and I am fine with it” is just the epitome of terrible.

And of course I’ll not like someone who thinks that way. Since they are essentially saying they’d be perfectly fine with more annoying and unwanted monetization schemes implemented, which may in turn also lead to the natural Allied Race unlock to be more grindy and the reputation rewards being less rewarding (Worst case scenario: Emissary reputation rewards being bumped down to 750 reputation).

Call it a conspiracy theory if you will, but you know deep down that I am right. Because why implement a microtransaction without the guarantee that there will be a lot of people who will want to pay? So make it more grindy to maximize the potential of people wanting to pay for an Allied Race.

Is that what you want?

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Evidently they’re not necessarily unwanted, if there’s a market of people who would be willing to pay to have access to allied races.

Your hostility and aggression over someone being willing to spend their own money on a game transaction is very confusing - although not particularly surprising.

I am pretty sure that those people are a minority (And it seems to be a pretty vocal minority as well). And if 7.3.5 has shown me anything, that listening to the vocal minority who demands something tends to lead to having the silent majority very very vocal… And angry. I expect the same kind of result if they were to implement Allied Race microtransactions.

I’ve grown an intolerance towards people with very bad ideas. Bad ideas that can lead to a degredation of a game’s systems.

I find it surprising that there are people who aren’t able to consider what their request/demand might lead to repercussions that they may not have expected.

Nor are they aware that most people pretty much think that microtransactions suck in a videogame.

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Most people don’t care if there are microtransactions in a game they love or not, because they will continue to play the game either way. It is a simple “buy-sell” basis that works in every other shop, so like idk, it is an issue of a buyer cause he has no money to buy a product, not because the seller puts that product on the market.

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Well, to be fair, I am not exactly too miffed about microtransactions in games that I play and enjoy (But a part of that comes down to me playing free to play games, so they’re a given). And I still hate the Eververse in Destiny 2, but I tolerate it to an extent as long as it’s not forcing me to buy Engrams (Speaking of Destiny 2, Shaders wish to say hello as a system that worked until it was changed to fit a microtransaction mold, which in turn made people hate it).

I find this to be a pretty silly oversimplification of the matter at hand. It’s unfair to discount the people who have a problem with microtransactions to a principal level, that they avoid buying entire games with them. And I find that to be a perfectly fair thing to do.

And besides, it’s really stupid to say that the only reason people hate microtransactions is because they aren’t able to buy them. I have enough money so I could buy a bunch of Engrams in Destiny 2, but I am not going to because I don’t want to support such practices, and I am also going to be highly against people wanting systems in place where they can throw money at something, since I know well enough it’s not gonna lead to anywhere good.

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I’d understand that point if WoW was on a pay-to-win basis, which it isn’t. (or is, but it is ridiculously expensive that just isn’t worth it). Yet still, your sole argument lies in

which isn’t an argument whatsoever. If you hate something - don’t use it, or don’t play the game at all, if your principles are so high to a point that you don’t want to buy something that isn’t shoved right into your face. What a shocker, isn’t it?

Let me just give a reminder: Shaders from Destiny 1 in to Destiny 2: One was a cosmetic unlock, the other is a consumable. All due to a change in monetization. Also let’s not mention that the “Purely optional” microtransactions that were patched out of games lead to developers having to rebalance the games. Who is to say Activision-Blizzard won’t rebalance the rate of how fast you’re getting those Allied Races when you can easily pay for them?

It is.

You think not buying microtransactions is gonna stop me from calling them out, and saying I don’t want them and hate people who actually want them? I think not.

I got Destiny 2 for free. And since the Eververse isn’t forcing me to buy Engrams by saying “GIMME YORE MONEY” every time I log in. Until then…

Still finding myself shocked that people want microtransactions, and are okay with paying for them. And I still hate those people for it.


The fact I can still post. Is this maybe intentional? Who knows? I guess we’ll find out tomorrow when Blizzard will possibly fix this.

Hopefully intentional. I mean, why should we be subscribed in the first place in order to use the forums? Honestly doesn’t make much sense. So it’s nice to be able to post without the need for a subscription.

Pet peeve is how a conversation can go from “Hi” to “from the first moment I saw you I knew I loved you, marry me” in an hour of RPing with someone. Is that how you would “court” shall we say, in real life? Yikes


This new Forum formation is and will likely be a peeve of mine for the years to come… but I guess this is Blizz in a nutshell, fixing what isen’t broken.

I loathe the new forums… Entirely puts me off from lever using it or keeping an eye out for threads. It’s awfully designed and I doubt I’ll ever get used to it.

It’s Monday and… I can still post.

The cat is going crazy.

I don’t think he likes the upheaval of going from only having me around to now having 4 people around (only for a week, but he doesn’t know that)

Still, he’s running around the house at break neck speeds and knocking things over.

EDIT: And the howling. Oh my god, the howling.

It’s snowing outside. Like actual freaking snow. Which is weird and unwelcome.

I am not a fan of snow. And it’s November. I don’t think Slovenia should have snow yet. Or at all. The climate really is a mess.