Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

My pet peeve is that news of all the levelling nerds coming in the patch in a few weeks has killed my motivation to level anything, I keep thinking it’s a waste of time.

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You mean it’s a waste of time because the leveling is going to become faster, or a waste of time now because it’s still slow?

Because as far as I know, the nerf is coming to how long it takes, not how much experience you get.

As long as I get to level up faster, I’m happy.

I guess that the 60-80 is going to be an unholy trudge through Northrend or Outland its kills the motivation, From what I’ve seen (can’t link due to trust) they are cutting 40ish% of needed xp in some levels from 60+.

I’m sorry, but… Nani?

And then you say:

You’re making it sound like it’s going to take longer to level between 60 to 80, and yet you’re saying they’re cutting the experience needed to level up? Sorry but you’re not making much sense here.

No he is saying that 60-80 will be an unholy trudge if he goes there now and that is why he is waiting until the patch.

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Okay, that clears up the confusion. Thank you, wise Pandaren.

everyone in the ffxiv community slinging :poop: at the blue mage reveal. its a job made for solo content, and i’m more than okay with that. a lot of people are crying because it can’t do duty roulettes, raids and pvp. when your class/job can do LITERALLY EVERYTHING by itself, ala healing/dps/tanking, it’s only fair that it’s taken out of the random content equasion… right? or am i the only living person who likes the new job?

Nah I am with you on that one. I was hoping blue mage might have been somehow made into a magic caster tank but I guess they wanted to retain the whole idea of the class to the people that wanted it.

The game has plenty of DPS classes as is anyway, another tank and healer for the expansion would be more welcome I think.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the stock prices for ActiZzard, and I have to say that it’s starting to look pretty bad for them.

They’re already down to 49 dollars at the current moment of me checking. And I honestly am not sure if to feel pleased because of a seeded anger I feel towards Activision, or if to feel bad because it may mean bad business for Blizzard.

I think I’ll feel pleased about it.

Edit: They’re slowly going up now. I don’t like this.

Saw someone with a similar mog to mine. an Awkward but funny moment (Not really a peeve)

Allow me to vent a bit before going to sleep about people you may consider “Wow friends”.

First you have the ghost. The ghost is a type of wow friend whom you meet at first and you both realize to be on a same wavelength, talking hours upon hours getting along nicely and even engaging in what promises to be great RP progression… Then they dissapear for weeks if not months without a word. A ghost doesn’t necessarily has to be a fresh encounter, they could be long time friends of yours… Sometimes the ghost doesn’t even dissapear but they just go silent, you can see them logged in and so can they with you but they never bother to say hello at all.

Second in place… The snake. The snake is a vile individual totally two faced, making you promises but unlike the ghost who never keeps them, the snake does in way that is purposely meant to screw you over or hurt your feelings. When confronted with his sins, he’ll spew his venomous lies to your face, a defense mechanism to avoid your righteous wrath and repeat the same process over and over until you delete, block and permanently erase his existence from your mind after telling him F U.

The sloth… Now the sloth is not necessarily a bad person but he has a total lack of self awareness and care that sometimes makes him worse than the snake. The sloth is that guy too lazy to do his part during RP or events… You make effort to craft intricate and interesting stories with them but they really just don’t want to put the same amount of effort or passion as you which quickly gets on your nerves… Now I’ll repeat, the sloth is not necessarily a bad person, often they do have a demanding job and schedule and have little energy to dedicate… But the sloth also has the abilities of the ghost to not mention any of that which doesn’t help in finding him excuses when you’re left in the darkness.

All and all these are the types of individuals I ran into lately and it’s sincerely ruining my will to keep playing the game. Good night.


I can’t remember if I took my medication or not for the evening.

I know I took them for the morning and afternoon, but I can’t remember if I also took it for the evening.

Hmmm… Better play it safe and skip it now. I should remember to put an alarm clock on it so I know for certain to take my medicine.

Unashamedly the sloth. Worst incidences tend to occur with me dropping WoW entirely to rubbish hours into the newest RPG.

I too am a sloth. But not by design, my brain often turns to mulch and my communication goes by the wayside. I do eventually try to get to the person and say the was an issue however.


I wholeheartedly recommend asking your doctor-friend-person to sign your medications as prescriptions for presorted plastic bags. Computerized medication administration, I believe it’s called. It’s amazing, especially if you’re prone to forgetting. Even if you aren’t, it’s amazing.

Good God, it was snowing outside.

Why, sweet baby Jesus, why does it have to be snow!?

Not saying that you’re necessary the cause of this problem, but there’s clearly some actions you’re undertaking/not taking that is allowing these kind of people do these kinds of things to you. You need to stop letting them do that to you.

In the case of the ghost, perhaps they aren’t really your friends/you put too much faith in people after the first encounter. I for example meet a lot of people just on face-to-face basis, and many a times think “wow this person is really nice, I should spend some time with them!”, but then realize that the social interaction is just tied to that moment or magic in there- And most of the times, it doesn’t last. That’s people for you. You need to shake a person to the core or expose to them for a long period of time for them to take a long term interest in you as a friend. Learn to appreciate the temporal nature of encounters and interactions- Don’t long for them or look forward to them. Live in the present.

In the case of the snake, you obviously trust people too much. This doesn’t excuse people for doing messed up stuff to you in any way, mind you. I’m just saying that you need to give people less credit than they are due in interactions, and only after they show (after an extended period) that they are trustworthy (which is very hard evaluate over the internet), should you open up to them.

I for example out of default don’t trust anybody I meet over AD, save for a couple of individuals I can literally count with the digits of one hand. It’s not that I believe that majority of the people here are scum or trash, I just believe that the filter for despicable behavior is much less present when you don’t have to see them face to face for consequences. I’d know since I’ve done this as well, to people who thought that they can trust me with stuff that I later on used against them. Not saying it was the right thing to do or I defend myself in any way, I just know I did it, and part of the reason why I think that happened was precisely because you can very easily get away with it.

As for the sloth, this is a bit tricky. On one hand, maybe you’re not providing them with entertainment that catches their interest and as a result, they appear very sluggish or disinterested in stories you make up and conjure- I’m a prime example of this. I’m a terrible event participants and frequently alt-tab, and an even worse guild roleplayer. I’m just not the type, it’s not the organizers fault.

Doing nothing will just leave you resentful and bitter, as it has done here. It might also be a good idea to look inside yourself, and see that do you share traits with these kind of personas that enable actions like these? Birds of feather flock together, after all.

I hope this doesn’t come off as edgy victim blaming because that’s certainly not what it is. It’s solid advice from somebody who’s seen both sides of the spectrum. Don’t let these things pull you down, if you do, then your shadow/the people who do this to you will have won. Adapt, learn and change.

Peeve nr 1. has been said to death, but I still dislike the new forums.

Peeve nr 2. Doctor Who series 11. I love Jodi as the Doctor & she is funny and energetic. Bradley Walsh is awesome as Graham. But the other two companions are…boring. Just boring. And there is something off about the writing. Even the good episodes have this sort of line feel to them. Most characters are just robotic & spouting exposistion, or carrying the “I will die soon” flag. And it all just feels a bit soulless.

Can’t bring myself to watch the new series past the first episode. I’m hearing, albeit second hand, that most of the new episodes are super weak. But any criticisms seem to get drowned by “YOU DON’T LIKE IT BECAUSE YOU HATE THAT THE DOCTOR IS A WOMAN NOW” which sucks. Nothing about the new companions interests me either. It feels like it’s trying too hard to be “PC”, it was bad enough in the tail end of Capaldi’s era where they kept going “Look how racist/sexist people are in the past!” when that entire aspect was literally glossed over in the Tennant era, on purpose.

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Have the opposite issue, I quite like two companions, well three, though if the black guy effectively goes “did I tell you I have dyspraxia?” again I’m going to throw a biscuit at the TV. A hard biscuit, with gusto! Stop using it as an excuse and get on with things, ye twit. Sincerely, a person with dyspraxia who can ride his bike. sigh That aside though, I like him.

Jodie though, I don’t think she can act for sh!t. I’ve no issue with the doctor being a woman but does it have to be THAT woman.

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