Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

I’ve found the series decent enough so far, couple of weak episodes and some good ones. Jodie fits into the role as the Doctor reasonably well, but it feels like the Doctor has very little idea what’s going on now where the others felt a lot more in control of their situations. She seems to just blunder her way through each episode, which may be the character of this particular Doctor and gives the companions more room to contribute.

I’m not not enjoying it, but I didn’t love Capaldi’s first series either and then he turned out better in the following two series, so it might just be teething issues for both the new Doctor and the new showrunner.

One thing I can say is that the CGI is a lot better, and there is a lot less of Moffat making overly complicated storylines that seem all important for that one series and then are immediately forgotten the following series.

Like seriously, what was the deal with “the hybrid”?

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As much as I liked Capaldi as a doctor I still want to forget that entire storyline.

I’ve not made it a secret how I feel about being open & progressive is generally good, but I have to agree that it’s been sticking out a bit much some times. During Capaldi, the roman/scottish episode felt much like you describe. So far with Jodi, the only two times that left me feeling like that was the pregnant guy on the hospital ship(Which was a big part of the story), and while I liked the episode overall, Rosa. The racists felt very over the top. Also i’m fairly certain people knew what India was even in the south(I know she’s pakistani, but they would think india) So them calling her mexican seemed odd.

Ryan have some good moments but his core personality seems to be “I got dyspraxia & i dont like Graham.” And i find it boring. Yas is very generic companion in her personality though I loved the demons of Punjab episode with her.

Jodi I think is fun and Graham too.

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My peeve; still don’t know if I will pick a Pandaren or Highmountain Tauren for a healer character.
I like both races as their personalities fit me the most in comparisson with the other horde races. The only problem I have with them is that they are broad/tall

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What gender were you thinking? For me they differ so much. Pandaren male I can’t really stand, and while I normally(or always) roll female characters the Tauren women just looks off to me. The guys looks kinda neat, especially the Highmountain, but they are taller than most doors I think.

This may sound a bit weird but I mostly play male characters in games, and I can’t really imagine/pretend to play a female character. I would prefer a female Pandaren( I would love a male model more akin to the female one) but it feels wrong to me. Also I would rather avoid people thinking I am a girl irl while playing a female character

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Not weird at all :slight_smile: I’m the same but reversed. I enjoy playing female characters more, especially in rp or singleplayer games because it is easier to associate with them for me.

But I would love for some slider or more body shapes in the character creation. WoW’s has aged very poorly compared to basically every game with character creation.


But I would love for some slider or more body shapes in the character creation. WoW’s has aged very poorly compared to basically every game with character creation.

Coming to a mobile near you. WoW Ultimate Character Customisation! Only an additional 12.99 on top of your subscription to WoW!


The scary thing is this might actually be accurate…


Good to hear that, as sone people just think it is weird that you DON’T play the other gender.
Personal question: do you base your rp characters on yourself or do you just choose something you would like to try out?

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It varies. Early characters were alot like myself. nowdays I tend to go with the idea I got for the character, while maybe giving them some trait from myself, but not always.

Gonna chime in on this one because I like the question!

Some characters I play based on myself, how I’d interact or react to certain situations would be how my character reacts. Others I try something completey new that is a far cry from how I would normally act.

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I think it’s a mix of both for me. While I don’t completely base characters off of my irl self, I do tend to incorporate parts of my personality in to them. Like my habit of being a bit more quirky at times, or polite, or just my eloquence when speaking English (Not exactly apparent in my forum posts, but kinda there).

But mostly just to try out a different character than what I usually play. Currently playing with Orcs, and once ago I was playing Trolls, and another time only Undeads. Who knows what will be my next race of choice… Maybe Pandarens?

Oh, and this is me posting as the illustrious Tubri. Don’t mind Teuen, the forum switched characters around. But now people saw what character is the main dog on the Defias Brotherhood side… Oh dear.


Thats a peeve. The new forums logs me into the character I last played rather than my main poster.

I tend to pick something i would like to try out. There is always going to be a bit of me in all my characters.

As for the other thing, I have more female characters then I do male in WoW because i’m not overly fond of the male models in game.

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Thank you for the replies, but now I’ve got another peeve:

‘Not knowing how to start with rp/ how to engage in the rp community’

What I often do these days is simply log in, go to orgrimnar and observe how others are rp’ing(some of you might recognise this goblin flying above the valkey of honour). I watching other people reacting and interacting with eachother, what kind of guilds are around and the way people talk with eachother.

A problem I have with rp’ing myself is that I am not an native speaker of the English language and I don’t have the time to join a guild(still in school trying to become a nurse and working as a intern) and irl I am socially awkward(being autistic).
How do you join in at the rp scene when you don’t know how to interact and don’t have that much time to commit?

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While Blizzard isn’t the worst offender when it comes to big chests & odd curves on female models(Most are pretty good) the male ones are all looking like they came out of He-man or something.

yeah, that’s exactly why I don’t pick males often.

Out of my characters on AD the male ones are;

Blood Elf

And my alt account has a male troll.

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I don’t think that is anywhere close to a stopping point for most people, as I think we’re all pretty spread out when it comes to “Where is everyone located at?”

I think that’s a fair issue everyone faces. I certainly don’t have the kind of time that I could invest in to a guild, which makes Roleplay as a Horde character fairly difficult to pull off (Unless I go to places where guilds are bunkered down at, but I’ve a gut feeling that the only way they’re going to smell me is if I wear their tabard or am there to join up (Did have one encounter in Booty Bay and one or two encounters in Orgrimmar, but that’s about it. Most other times if I met a guild, they’d shoo me away or have something of a passive-aggressive attitude towards my inquiries about their actions when they weren’t visibly clear)

That’s a quirk, nothing to feel bad about. As long as you’re well mannered and behave like a respectable gentleman, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Would understand if you just feel shy, which let’s be honest, is something everyone feels now and then.

Hey! He-man is a perfectly acceptable male power fantasy! With… Tights and… Actually I never watched He-Man so I have no idea what it’s about. All I know is it had that weird Smurf Skeleton man.

Anyway, time for a bit of a serious peeve: On my walk outside, I found a dead pigeon, and it reminded me of my parrot who passed away a few months ago. What made me feel worse is that I saw some blood splatters, which made me think that the poor guy got run over, or a more wild-at-heart cat decided to see him as something to pounce at.

I love birds, even pigeons, and this just makes me feel miserable… Life’s not fair.


Don’t you dare criticise Dr Who or you hate women!


So far the series has been pretty crap and very, very, very focussed on what British SJW’s see as problems.

Episode 1, just your typical intro episode for a new Doctor.

Episode 2, the first real episode, not too bad.

Episode 3, really? Time travelling racists? By the point people have time travel, shouldn’t their ‘racism’ be focussed on all those aliens that keep trying to kill and eat Humans? Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, Potatoe aliens… but no, Time Travelling Racists, because the British people need a lecture on the fictionalised events involving an American activist.

Episode 4, Donald Trump bad! Guns bad! Pollution bad! Apparently also it’s way kinder to let something slowly suffocate to death than to shoot it.

Episode 5, interesting ideas though… the alien was stitch, the feminist angle of the general was over played, and the whole pregnant guy, and the companions dealing with their own father issues? Why?

Episode 6, loved the idea of the aliens and their purpose, the rest of the episode though was basically ‘see not all Muslims are crazy and evil’

Episode 7, see Amazon is evil, and so are young white men who are lonely!