Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

I have a similar problem with engaging with people in roleplay, namely my super weird voyeuristic hobby of wandering about in stealth reading people’s TRP profiles. Probably the -laziest- way to ‘experience’ somebody well-thought out character btw.


i stopped watching Doctor Who after David Tennant.

I am sad to hear how its gone since.


I miss the days when transmogrification didn’t exist, so when we went to RP-PvP campaigns we had to lug around the actual gear for our RP sets, and our bags were constantly full with other outfits we could snap to using the Equipment Manager.

It was great because griefers could just steam roll us NP.

Personally for me, episode 5 was the worst. Then I think the spider/Trump one(ep 4).

Episode 6 I honestly enjoyed alot, but it was fairly predictable. Episode 7 was okay but fell flat at the end.

I hve mixed opinions on Ep 3, the Rosa one. I liked some of it & I liked the theme they explored, but it was done very bluntly.
Whenever -any- character spoke to Rosa, they namedropped her atleast 2-3 times per sentence. “Yes, Rosa Parks. I think you are correct Rosa Parks. Hey Rosa Parks, finish my suit Rosa Parks.”

The racists were also very over the top. Racism is bad, it is awful and I don’t doubt there are some needlessly cruel & evil people. But everyone they met were p much like racist Stormwind rper, wanting to murder or cast them out cus “we muricans in the south.”

Even the busdriver was poorly done. To summarize it, the IRL driver who threw off IRL Rosa claimed most of his life that he only followed the city rules and held no ill opinion of Rosa. And after his death, she held no openly ill opinions of him.
In the episode they made him a vindictive a-hole who personally hated Rosa and despised all non-whites and willingly left his vacation to go stop “them blacks”.

It was just so blunt all of it.

I am a huge fan of pandas but you’re right that the male one just seems lower in quality than the female one.

It’s widely agreed in the pandaren community that something like Shaohao in the Burdens videos

(Was going to include link here but for some ungodly reason you can’t even put links in your posts anymore)

would be preferred.

Sadly, if the ‘fixed’ worgen models we’re getting are any indicator, it will never happen even if pandas get updated models.

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You can if you get to higher Trust lvl. 2 I think.

So, in a couple weeks then. Fun.

As far as I know, you need to be Trust Level 3 in order to post links. Which I am pretty sure anyone with a more saucy post history is never gonna reach.

Thankfully you can circumvent that somewhat By preformating your text

Which is a bit of an unnecessary step, but hey. Though I may have misunderstood things. I may have to re-read one of the posts that highlights the whole dealio with the Trust levels.

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Doesn’t even need to be very saucy. I’m not getting it cus I had a day’s forum vacation for telling a troll his parents didn’t love him.(Those exact words & no prior warning or suspension.) And this was well over a year ago.

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And this is why I consider this whole Trust Level thing to be a sham. Especially considering what limitations are located where.

And we’re talking about limiting basic forum features such as images and links and what have you, to a Level that a good portion of people won’t have access to. If it were access to soft-moderator tools then I would understand, but not for the simple action of linking an image.

I really want to know what were Blizzard thinking with this…


I agree, to be honest. As someone who mostly lurks and barely ever posts on most forums (I tend to have difficulties finding the right words or arguments to make well-constructed posts in discussions, I never know what to say that hasn’t already been said, or I’m a bit intimidated by what others might think of me etc.) I loathe systems like this if basic stuff like image posting rights and whatnot are locked behind them.

There’s another forum I’m on that requires 200 posts before you can post images. After over two years of membership I have like 50 posts. :expressionless:


My monies on “Dumdedumdedum”


My experience with guilds.

Earlier I posted an example of how to not-so-gently let one know they’ve not been chosen to join a guild they’ve had their eye upon for a while, instead having someone else being chosen above them.

Now my escapades continue with further misfortune.

I ran into a pair of people by accident, with whom I proceeded to roleplay with. Eventually there came a guild suggestion from these people. I was hesitant to accept, because I wasn’t certain of my commitment; whether this was merely a preoccupation of a day or few. So I told them I would consider it.
A day passes and I find myself yearning to roleplay once more. I decide I’d like to contact these people and let them know I would be interested to join.

Days have gone by and I’ve yet to see any of these people being online around the time I’d expect to find them. The said guild in question seemed rather small, so it’s safe to assume it was a rather fresh concept. I’m starting to believe the whole thing belly-flopped and the people have decided to give up. Unless they appear inside a week, it’s back to the start once again for me.

So I decide to browse the forums again and see what guilds there are available. I come across one and decide to give it a read. I like what I’ve read so far, some conflicting thoughts arise but nothing too great. “Where do I sign up?”, I say.
My character happens to be a warlock. Soon I come across a line, explaining how warlocks are not welcome.

I nearly flipped over in my chair in frustration.


The back button doesn’t always appear.

I keep getting teleported to the top of this thread and there’s never a back button to take me to where I was.


Im still peeved that this is such a norm, often with no real reason.

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Some exceptions existed, but warlocks being too closely associated with corrupt magic, they’re just not welcome. And while mine isn’t necessarily evil, rotten to the core, he still dabbles to darker magic.

So… f.

Also, that I choose to “Reply”, it doesn’t turn the post I’m replying to into quote.

It doesn’t even show in my reply -who- I replied to. What’s the point?

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Honestly, I feel like Warlocks could easily be played off as some kind of shadow mages. Outside of Demonology and the Demons themselves, they are pretty much shadow mages, and Destruction Warlock is more or less a Fire Mage with felfire (Assuming they have the green fire). So really, Warlocks being this “Forbidden Class” is a bit silly.

And even if a Warlock is summoning demons, do they not have the freedom to be able to say “This Imp I have here? Yeah, he’s something of a butler of mine. I also have this Felguard manservant who I have disarmed of any weapons, and who I inflict pain upon if he tries to punch anyone”.

Actually, I now want to make a Warlock who actually treats demons as some kind of butlers and manservants.

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My ones are similliar. And I don’t expect to be welcome or recruited to every guild. Diffrent ideas & niches etc. But when a large number of the “generic adventure guild who accepts all raced & classes except warlocks.” With no actual reason beyond “other guilds do this” or “bad magic”(When accepting DHs, shadow priests, velves & dks), then it peeves me.

With that little rant I shall get some sleep.

Is that actually a thing? Why’d a guild recruit void elves, demon hunters and whatnot while saying that warlock is a no-no? What’s the logic behind this?


On a positive light, my head-herpes is gone for the most part, yaaay!

Though now I have some leftover crusts on my head, and it’s itchy. And scratching it brings me agony. At least I am not experiencing constant pain and my head looking red and splodgy.

Other than that, things are looking good. I can also talk about how Path of Exile is giving me a mixed impression on some parts. Playing as a Duelist on one end and am killing everything with the use of one ability, and I then turn to a Templar who too is having no difficulties. Although I am still on the early acts and in Normal difficulty, so chances are it’ll get harder once I get a bit further. But still, I feel quite mighty powerful and I like it.

Oh, and I like that we will keep our sexy models for Victoria’s Secret.