Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

Can’t say I’ve seen much of this. I’ve seen guild exclude Void Elves, Warlocks, Death Knights and Demon Hunters as one but I’ve not seen Warlocks specifically outlawed.
It’s usually a flaw on the part of the Warlock in question In cases i’ve personally seen. Some players have a habit of portraying them as “all power, cool and edgy hipsters with no moral compass” and that usually doesn’t gel down well with the usually more close-knit nature of adventuring guilds.

RL peeve - haveing to get up at 6:30 am so I can sort these freckin’ animals out, and myself, then be off at 7:30 for an hour walk in the rain and ridiculously slippery pavement in order to be in class for 8:30. And I help teach the thing so not like I can be late and wait a bit for the rain to die down then just take the hit like I did as a kid.

And for an added peeve if I ride there, it’s uphill, quite steep one actually, so I’m DOA. Fun mornings. Fun.


My sub ended 9 hours ago. There’s nothing keeping me in the game, except RP and maybe levelling my monks. And even my RP consists of logging on for 15 minutes, seeing what there’s available, not finding it interesting enough or just being unable to get into the correct mindset for roleplay and logging off. Repeat couple hours later.

There’s no point to it. Just need to keep myself from subbing somehow.


The Steam autumn sale just started. Lots of distractions to be found there.

I was just in fact eyeing the sales, yes.

Total War Warhammer II is on sale for 50% off. Been actually eyeing for that game ever since it came out, waiting for the price to drop from it’s near 60 euros.

60 GB to install it, though. Oof. Going to take a while.

Edit: Turns out it’s just 33,8 GB, not 60. Still, kinda oof.

Enjoy it! My computer is sadly not powerful enough to really make the most of that game, but it’s still incredibly fun.

Been occupying myself with Destiny 2 tbh.

I like PvPing and knowing that if I lose it’s because I got outplayed and not because the other guy has bigger numbers or is using broken trinket from mythic raid or playing Current OP as balls class that roflstomps everything else.

When 8.1 hits I’ll just level alts after the 40% required XP reduction but when my sub runs out… idk. Nothing about 8.1.5 sounds interesting and frankly if I -really- want to RP I’ll just do it over Discord or something. I don’t need WoW to RP my characters with friends and I know most of us are seriously thinking of just homebrewing classes and races for DnD 5e and playing that for our WoW RP fix instead. 5e is so flexible and light on numbers that, tbh, it could easily be adapted to be RP focused.

The overall flow of the storyline on Zandalar. Don’t get me wrong the story so far is great, but it feels like the game wants you to start in Zuldazar (half of the NPCs talk like you just arrived) however from what I’ve heard (I am not done yet) this would spoil the other two zones. So no matter what you do you’re doing it wrong.

I bought Doom. While playing it I sometimes imagine this is how a Lightforged draenei would tear through the Burning Legion.

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No, it doesn’t spoil the other two zones. What happens there are different fronts of the same war, with all three subplots flowing into one for the finale quest once you’ve done all three zones. Zuldazar definitely feels intended to be played first, though. After that I’d recommend Nazmir > Vol’dun.

Wuv meeeeeee!

Okay, context: I have been playing Destiny 2 and I am liking it quite a bit. But there’s stuff that I wish I could do with people in a party, but I don’t really want to pug too much, and the people I know are unable to play with me (Girlfriend doesn’t like FPS, one can’t install the game due to the size, and the other one’s hardballing me).

So honestly, I think this picture expresses my Guardian’s robotic emotions quite well.

Why can’t I post comments on threads posted in the General Discussion forums?

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This is the final Pet Peeve thread, for messages can now extend to infinity.

A moment of silence for the unborn pet peeve threads.

Holds hand at heart.


Big if true.

Likewise, still yet to be able to post on the general discussion forum. It is thankfully only a mild peeve as everyone knows the most active forum is of course Argent Dawn, as evidenced by the return of popular topics.

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What if we hold an unofficial rule for these peeve threads? That we make a new peeve thread once the previous one reaches 500 posts or something?

I don’t know. I imagine that way we can keep having our peeve threads.

That is an option, yes.

It might also be entirely forum specific, so there might still be a 500 post limit.

Zandalar makes most sense if you start in Zuldazar and do the quests where you help the Zanchuli Council, then go to Vol’dun, then Nazmir, then come back and finish Zuldazar.

It’s a bit silly.

That said, it doesn’t spoil the zones (if anything, Vol’dun spoils early Zuldazar) - the stuff that would spoil things requires having completed all three zones so it’s all good in that regard.

Can you explain this? I am not sure why this is the case.

So basically, if you do Vol’dun first you find out that Jakra’zet is evil. If you go back and do Zuldazar afterwards, they only suspect him of being evil.

I believe Zul is mentioned by some of the antagonists in Vol’dun and Nazmir as well, so it’s a bit weird when you go back and his betrayal is meant to be more surprising.

The reason I’d put Vol’dun before Nazmir is mostly because Nazmir is where the full extent of the threat is revealed, but this is probably more up to personal choice etc.

Tl;dr: the beginning of Zuldazar feels really weird if you do it last.

Kul Tiras has the same I believe, where it makes the most sense to do Tiragarde Sound first. Makes sense to deal with the threat closest to home ( Ashvane and pirates) first. And you are also introduced to the main enemies in Stormsong Valley ( at Anglepoint Wharf) and Drustvar ( at the logging yard north of Boralus) where you don’t yet know who or what sent them. Would be strange to do either of the two zones first and then come back to Tiragarde.