Pet Peeve #37: With a License to Peeve

That just kinda robs the whole “start whatever zone you want” schtick that Blizz has tried pushing out in the last few years.

Which is now a peeve of mine. Why say you can start where ever you want when clearly you’re forced to start in X so stories in Y and Z make sense.

Honestly, the stories in the three zones are rather disjointed in a sense. For example, Zandalar’s whole deal is that in the three zones, there are seals that keep Gahuuna in place, and you find out about that in Nazmir (So I guess you could call that as the natural starting point if you’re looking at the whole “Entire story” side of it). Then you find out how the seal in Vol’dun got broken in… Well, Vol’dun, and also the discovery of Jakra’zet being evil (Which was no shock if you saw him at the start of the continent), and getting him killed. Although at the same time it’s probably more sensible to do Vol’dun last, because of Mythrax, and I don’t think he’s the kind of guy to just sit around and wait for the noble Champions of the Horde to finish picking flowers while getting up to finishing the three zones so they could engage the Blood Gate scenario.

So I guess the natural order would be Nazmir, Zuldazar and then Vol’dun, as opposed to Zuldazar and then X zone. I think it’s more open for the Alliance Side because the threats feel pretty the same (Maybe Drustvar being the worst because of the whole coven stuff and Gorak Thul being a pretty intimidating presence)

Jakra’zet isn’t really mentioned in Zuldazar once you’re past the continent intro, right? He definitely does not appear in person during the Zuldazar main questline.

Are you sure? I do not remember him being mentioned anywhere.

That said, thematically it feels like Zuldazar > Nazmir > Vol’dun is best. First you clean the home front in Zuldazar and set the stage for the other two zones (with the blood cultist subplot and the Sethrak incursion), then you go to Nazmir to face the problem head on, finally you go to Vol’dun to wrap up a loose end in Jakra’zet, in the process awakening Mythrax which sets the stage for the finale.

I’d very much advocate Voldun first, then Nazmir, then Zuldazar. Voldun is about securing the Horde’s place in Zandalar, but that is pretty much a given already if you do it after dealing with all these major threats.

Nazmir second because Zul namedropping G’hun before you know what G’hun is would be anitclimactic during his betrayal. Also, the blood troll threat within Zuldazar feels more real when you know what blood trolls are. Lastly, it feels like other priorities would change quickly after Zul’s betrayal, making the other zones less important.

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When you’re doing those quests at the harbour, investigating the strange goings on, people act as if Jakra’zet is still alive and a member of the Zanchuli council (albeit one viewed with suspicion).

The Zul thing I may be mistaken on - but I can’t shake the feeling that he’s mentioned by a blood troll in Nazmir or something.

These are very minor points and not super immersion-breaking anyway (well, not that WoW is particularly immersive), but still minor niggles. As I say, I might be wrong about Zul being mentioned in Nazmir, but Jakra’zet is 100% mentioned in early Zuldazar quests and his betrayal isn’t known. You could argue that maybe word of it hasn’t reached Zuldazar yet, but it stood out as a little weird to me.

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Well that is easy, considering the way you finally confront and kill him, it’s likely that news simply will take time to spread, as you say. After all, it was only you, a couple stranded guards and a sethrak who actually confirmed him guilty and saw him die, yes?

Yeah, I said you could argue that, but it’s a bit weird that the higher-ups don’t know. I think it’s Zolani who mentions him? Not sure.

I do also agree with what Izzifix said about how it’d feel really weird to do the other zones after Zul’s betrayal where it doesn’t come up among the main ‘good guy’ characters (as I said, I think an antagonist NPC name-drops him at some point) and you’re kind of just expected to believe that no one knows/cares that an attempt was made on the king’s life.

You could argue that Talanji was in Nazmir so word hadn’t reached her, though given that she set up camp just over the border and news travels weirdly quickly in Azeroth anyway, it’s a bit odds with the rest of the game.

All that said, you can definitely argue what you’re saying and it doesn’t matter much at the end of the day. Just personally, I think the story flows better that way.

I think it highlights a bit of an issue with the “choose your zone” system though. It’s cool that they wanted to tie them together more in Zandalar (barely did it in KT but whatever) than they did in Legion, but when you can choose your zone, you tend to have weird disconnects like this when they’re so closely linked. I will say that I prefer it to how it was done in Legion and Kul Tiras, though, and very minor things like this are better than what we had before.

This video… Disturbs me.

I don’t usually go linking Youtube personalities that deal with Blizzard stuff (Especially since there’s a good portion of them that are eeeh… Not very good). But this one does make me agree to some degree, and it also disturbs me in regards to what Blizzard might turn in to, or are already turning in to.

There any hope that Blizzard is gonna patch itself up?

Oh hey! I see you can embed videos.

Yeah, I saw that it was possible in another thread where Hobbs asked for folks to link tunes, and people pretty much embedded videos that they linked.

Which I find rather surprising, because I don’t think anyone is able to link images or whatever without putting it in a preformated text option.

And that is still a peeve of mine. Not as much as it is a peeve that I am getting one-shot in Destiny 2’s PvP.

Like I can understand if someone out-aims me, but I don’t understand how I can punch someone at full health, take him down to half, while that guy gets to punch me once and I die from the punch… At full health!

Either there is a sensual disturbance in the force, or something unusual is going on.

Edit: Honestly, I think I’ll go with the hypothesis that there is a sensual disturbance in the force going on, that is making people one-hit K.O me in Destiny 2’s PvP.

Regarding the topic of staring zones in new expansion I’m not a big fan of it… Makes everything feel silly especially in the case of BfA.

In Legion it was passable because stories were contained in their zones. Highmountain wasn’t sending you to get Malfurion’s help in Val’sharah thinking everything was fine and dandy as they were dealing with the nightmare.

In BfA discovering any threat on Zandalar should have Rastakhan sh!tting his pants and force the old man to safeguard his people. Deal with Vol’dun first and a giant C’thraxx is about to siege your own capital, start with Nazmir and you get the see the full scale of the blood troll’s might, start with Zuldarzar and it’s very weird that he ain’t warned about zul’s lies or the link he nurtures with Queen Azshara.

I get that they want to try and give us choice buy everything feel awfully disconnected. For some reason Kul’tiras doesn’t make me feel that way that much. As in no events in there would directly conflict the story that’s been told elsewhere.

What I would like is leveling like in WotLK while still keeping the scaling in place… But blizzard seems hellbent on offering fewer and fewer places to level up in… I miss mop’s diversity and the 5 levels. Bfa is 10 level but you gain nuthin’. You lose power instead.

Watching my haste slowly vanish whilst leveling my monk was truly painful.

Lootboxes are gambling. No matter how you cut it or try to say otherwise, they are gambling. If you’re putting money in to a game of chance (In this case buying a boy of random assorted items) with the chance of getting something good out of it, then it is gambling.

I cannot understand why people keep try to deny this, and then go after people who call it out for what it is.


It peeves me when people get all realism and facts about armour when they see any kind of Elf wearing something that remotely shows skin, be you a caster or leather wearer, demanding you should use plate to go into battle.

I get a lot of people want realism, and logically, they are correct, of course. But this is WoW, not god damn medieval RPG.

Trolls, Tauren, Orcs, every kind of Elf! It’s normal as hell to wear something that doesn’t cover you from head to toe, it bothers me so much more than it should, that people cannot get this.

Most recently, was on my Night Elf, whom I dare say looks like a good example of the kind. A Rogue, no less. The issue arrives when several other Night Elves begin to belittle my character for it. Like for real? Other Night Elves, seriously?

I wish people would shed their human mentality when they RP, and actually get into the mentality of the Race you’re Role Playing.

End of rant. Yes it’s an old topic, yes its beating a dead horse, NO I do not care. THis is THE Thread for moaning and complaining.



I can wear swimwear into battle.

Two sided peeve: I woke up late (Late in my eyes, I wanna wake up much earlier than 10:40AM). And it peeves me that I have some kind of nightmare that consists of a reoccuring villain to take the form of a spastic vomiting zombie.

All my favourite shooters become Battle Royale Games. All my favourite RPGS become online-only survival games, and all my MMORPGS look desperate to become card games and mobile games or MOBAs.


Excuse me, may I tell you about our Lord and Savior, Divinity Original Sin 2?


But I want triiiiiiipllleeeeee A.