I've been getting for almost 18 years and counting of friendship from her, so cleaning her box is the least I can do.
I don't care how long I've known somebody, if they came and shat in my house, they're not coming in anymore. Same with cats. Thing uses the garden or leaves.
Hell it leaves if it meows.
Or moves.
Or claws the carpet.
Or attempts to make physical contact of any form with me.
I don't like cats.
I'll put that as a peeve: cats. Smelly, filthy, flea ridden parasites. Especially mine. Worthless creature.
Living in a flat with no gas means I need to use a microwave oven to cook my meals.
Guess what's just exploded?
14/11/2018 23:25Posted by
Myaína Living in a flat with no gas means I need to use a microwave oven to cook my meals.
Guess what's just exploded?
I just read that on facebook and omg.
I half laughed, I half facepalmed.
I feel bad for ye but lol.
15/11/2018 00:21Posted by
Vaxir 14/11/2018 23:25Posted by
Myaína Living in a flat with no gas means I need to use a microwave oven to cook my meals.
Guess what's just exploded?
I just read that on facebook and omg.
I half laughed, I half facepalmed.
I feel bad for ye but lol.
It happened as I told him to check food.
I half laughed half cried, and now we're hungry xD
Takeaway? Takeaway.
Wait- it's 1am...
Oh yeah, he went and got Pizza ofc, the take out places in the Midlands are open till 5am
14/11/2018 21:49Posted by
Hobbs People pretending like they don't know the meanings of commonly used modern slang words and phrases like 'thot' and 'red-pilled' because they're attempting to conjure up a facade to distance themselves away from those "lowly droll commonfolk."
Cutting straight to the point, you are quickly becoming my favourite Gnome, Hobbs.
asinine terms, like "smol"?
I believe that is a misuse of the term asinine. Slang is not asinine. It is a natural occurance in any language. Of course they are going to get filtered into the game as people speak the language they know. The issue is these terms being used by characters in a universe that would not have the same cultural tradition to create the same slang.
People misusing or using the wrong terms is quite annoying, be it IC or OOC. "Edgy" for example is completely misused in RP, and should not be used in in-character interactions, period. I can understand some races having a predilection to modern slang due to the flavour of that race, Goblins for example can get away with a bit more than say -any- elven race (which are the prime offenders usually).
It is incredibly jarring to see elves use anything other than correct and full forms of English. Same applies to other "sagely" races like Tauren and Draenei who I've also use profanity worse than any human character.
Immersion ladies and gentlemen, take into consideration your fellow roleplayer!
14/11/2018 21:49Posted by
Hobbs commonly used modern slang words and phrases like 'thot
I tried to avoid becoming a member of the meme brigade, so don't have words such as those among my vocabulary,
I think most people avoid those. Still, completely disregarding their existence in order to place yourself above those who use it is outright dumb.
14/11/2018 21:56Posted by
Chíeun 14/11/2018 21:49Posted by
Hobbs 'red-pilled'
To be fair that term is kind of contentious in my experience ever since the manosphere adopted it...
15/11/2018 05:26Posted by
It is incredibly jarring to see elves use anything other than correct and full forms of English. Same applies to other "sagely" races like Tauren and Draenei who I've also use profanity worse than any human character.
If you must swear as a draenei, use a good, honest alien profanity like shazbot!
Speaking of which, I'm immensely frustrated that the Lightforged plate wearers have barely anything that fits them that isn't the heritage set. Making transmogs is a bother.
Continuing on the subject of the allied races, I wish that they had more lore to their name so that fewer characters would just be carbon copies of each other. But then, that isn't fair as I see many orcs, the race with arguably the
most lore, being much the same.
Adding to that ordeal in a branching peeve, I'm twitchy at the fact that a fair bit of race lore is either buried in material outside the game such as paperbacks and chronicles while other, absolutely vital bits of culture lore is in that one quest somewhere in the middle of a chain dealing with another thing and in no way the established cornerstone that it would be if you wish to portray them. This is especially problematic with draenei and the mag'har clans.
In closing, I'm so close to maxing 7th Legion rep for my dark iron but lack the time to grind hundreds of Zandalar world quests for piddling trickles for hours on end without company. As is, I make incremental progress every other week due to the emissary quest and the whole process is putting me off actually making the dark iron that I wanted. And then I have to level it for another 6 months to be 110. Don't get me started on the mag'har grind...
Also, I peeve at playing a Guardian or Feral druid is an endless repetitive string of ROAR blowing out my eardrums. It's no wonder I've been mostly Restoration since MoP.
Is it really that incomprehensible that some who play wow may not understand the use of terms like "blue/red-pilled" "thot" "soy" etc. ?
It's not totally inconceivable that some people who play wow aren't into internet culture in a wider sense, and wow is their only really interface with it in vague terms.
Bit of a stretch to assume people who claim to have no knowledge of these terms are doing so because of some judgemental stance. The judgement in such a sentence is only going in one direction and its not coming from those claiming ignorance of the words.
I say this as someone who knows what these words mean.
Is it inconceivable that these people can Google the word instead of taking every chance they get of appearing sanctimonious?
Peeved when a person with whom you've been RPing more consistently starts pointing out problems regarding to RP but doesn't offer a solution when asked nor continues the conversation when asked to to figure out solutions which would work for both. Just left me with a feeling that such feedback wasn't genuine and regardless of the fact that not all people mean well, it's still annoying.
I tried to avoid becoming a member of the meme brigade, so don't have words such as those among my vocabulary,
I think most people avoid those. Still, completely disregarding their existence in order to place yourself above those who use it is outright dumb.
If I don't know what something means, I don't know what it means. It's not a matter of trying to make myself seem better, and that's an odd take on it.
<span class="truncated">...</span>
I think most people avoid those. Still, completely disregarding their existence in order to place yourself above those who use it is outright dumb.
If I don't know what something means, I don't know what it means. It's not a matter of trying to make myself seem better, and that's an odd take on it.
Not knowing what something means doesn't hinder you from googling it, instead of making those around you waste their time to sate your ego by telling you exactly what it means in order for you to just dismiss it as "stupid modern trends" or something or the other.
Try use Google if you don't know the meaning of a certain word instead of trying to fellate yourself with the fact that you don't know the word(s)'s meaning and as such, are better than those immature people who use it.
You're not impressing anyone, Distantpeak.
To be fair Hobbs, I didn't know what it meant either, until I googled it.
Which was today.
Except thott, I knew that one!
To be fair Hobbs, I didn't know what it meant either, until I googled it.
Which was today.
Except thott, I knew that one!
I also do not know what soy and blue/red pilled mean...
But that's because I ignore social media and meme webpages
To be fair Hobbs, I didn't know what it meant either, until I googled it.
Which was today.
Except thott, I knew that one!
Great on you that you googled it!
Except thott, I knew that one!
Yeah, it's short for thottbot, right? 'Thott' means someone who's old/obsolete/not with the times, OLD MAN.
Also they have a terrible comment structure and section.