Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Well, if there is anything that makes me interested in RDR2, it would be the random encounters that you can… Well, enounter. And the one thing that kept me engaged with the first Red Dead was probably hogtying people, or lassoing them and then drag them around with a horse. Though never finished the game because I am not much of a console person.

And a slow pace has its place in games. Though I always found Rockstar’s games always being at second or third gear, so when they release a game that starts at first gear and then gradually go up to third or fourth gear at best feels a little jarring, so I understand where Mithcha is coming from.

I do find her verdict to be rather harsh though. Though I will admit, I did find GTA5’s story to be largely overrated…

For me it’s not that he’s a bad person, I honestly don’t find him to be one. He’s a standard modern rockstar PC - a bit rough, a bit of a hoodlum but ultimately ‘nice’ at his core. He could easily be Franklin or the other PC that isn’t Trevor from GTA V and nothing would be different.

My issue is I had no connection to him, at all. Nothing made me care about him or his story, the only moment I thought I -might- like him was the introduction to being drunk. But after it went right back to be an un-charismatic lump of coal.

It’s a shame, I want to like the game but just can’t. GTA V I found pretty boring truth be told but it had enough moments to make feel invested, RDR2 just doesn’t. Combine that with the hyper realism and it just kills my interest completely.

Boycotts empirically do not harm big business, just the customer. That said, you couldn’t pay me to support Ubisoft and EA with my time and money. It’s a matter of principle.

As for Bethesda, following 76 and insisting on their own distribution platform, Skyrim is my last elder scrolls game. On that note, better make the most of it and mod it so that your vampire space elf waifu character fights Randy Savage with fallout nuke catapults. It has to last in perpetuity after all.

Did you by any chance play around WoD?

Just look at those iron horde tanks, waaaaagghhpaint and all.

Russians joining your group in order to do some elite world quest…while being on the other side of the island.

They’re just using your group to realmhop, not to join the quest. I’ve stopped inviting anyone with a cyrillic name as a result. Sorry not sorry, russian people.

That Uncle Gao didn’t get arrested, and have Ella (The overly-shy Tiller) take his place to lead the brewery. She may not be a Stormstout by name, but Chen admitted her brew was certainly on par with the best brews they made.

But Actiblizzard are just as bad, if not worse in some cases. Don’t forget that this is the company that retroactively put loot boxes into Modern Warfare 4 AND stripped out the DLC maps to resell them at a higher price than the original release.

The slow pace of RDR2 for me mirrors classic western films which tend to be slow with bursts of action.

Had an absoloute cack time in WoW yesterday, dungeon where the tank decided to skip all the quests and side bosses, repeat of the dungeon hoping to get the quests done (still leveling) new tank just leaves.

Outside of the dungeon? Some mouth breather of a hunter just one shotting lowbies trying to get a quest done.

Pet Peeve: Arbitrary scores assigned by random people.

At least with a game journalist you could go back and see what they consider to be a 10/10 game to get some context but a score with no context is completely redundant.

That’s not even getting into the fact that on a ‘out of ten’ scoring system five should mean perfectly average.

The only redeeming factor was that you liked a couple of the characters in camp? And you give it a 4/10, slightly below average? Really?

It’s just dumb, if the game’s not for you or you are terrible at playing it that’s one thing but to say it is objectively bad as a result of that, It’s just dumb.

That’s you that sucks, not the game, you are controlling the character. This reminds of that one journalist, I think it was polygon, who had the video of Doom showing they either had never played a FPS before or were just breathtakingly terrible at them. How are you supposed to take the opinion of someone who is so awful at a game seriously?

TL:DR Scores are stupid and so are you for using them like you do, but not as stupid as me for getting worked up into a nerdrage about people using them.

Secondary peeve: Unlocked Mag’har, incredibly underwhelming, IGN: 10/10

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Actually he’s right, there’s no ‘get on the horse real quick’ animation, just the same mount up animation regardless of situation.


Correct. Jim Sterling put it best when he said the game was “over-animated”.


They give a 10/10 to whomever pays them the most…
And no, 5/10 isn’t average, 6/10, just like at school, means it’s barely passable, anything under that qualifies the game as some level of dogsh :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:t. 7/10 is average, 8/10 is good, 9 is fantastic and 10 is just about perfect

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You can totally get on the horse fast, you can jump onto it from heights, you can mount up while it is moving to gtfo in a rush. I’m not arguing that the game does not like to take it’s sweet time, because it does and why not. I’m saying there is a go fast button and being smart/planning ahead will make things must faster.

I mean, lets be real, if the game auto detected hostile situations and changed everything about movement accordingly that would be awful, that would be the game taking control away from you. But you opinion may be different and that’s ok, I personally prefer the game to let me decide if I want to stroll casually through a gunfight like a total badass or if I want to run screaming to my horse and get on it while it is already starting to run away in panic, but that’s just my opinion.

Says who? Your school? Where is this coming from? Anything under 6/10 is poop?

This is my entire argument and you have proven my point, arbitrary scores are stupid and they clearly mean completely different things to different people.


If he is going by modern ‘games journalists’ scoring then yeah “Terrible, barely functioning game, plagued with crashes and bugs. 7/10” is about standard.


Something as simple as ‘one press of triangle is slow mount, double tap is quick mount which costs some horse stamina’ would have sorted the ‘I am being shot at, I go to my horse I get on it slowly and then ride away as fast as I can.’

Heck GTA5 had two different types of entering cars, the slower picking the lock option and the quicker, smash the window with your elbow animation.

I know this is a pet peeve, but why do you think “Random people” aren’t allowed to apply a personal score to a videogame? Here, let me throw a few:
Starcraft 2: Five out of Ten. Points redacted for having a decent singleplayer, but doesn’t have as much replay value, and because of how the co-op part had been monetized

Oblivion: Seven out of Ten. Points redacted for some existant bugs, and how outside of a few quest-related dungeons or some that have a unique reward, they all look copy-pasted to a degree.

Yakuza 0: Eight out of Ten. Points redacted for how you can cheese the game fairly easily, and because it is a game one’d have to go in to with an open mind, as the Japanese culture may be a bit much at times.

Unfortunately, game journalists have proven themselves to be unreliable in the last few years (with how they have open contempt towards people who dare to criticize big publishers and who disagree with them), and the only ones that can be seen pretty reliable are the ones who one would consider to be “Random People”, and whom other journos see as “Provocateours”. So it’s not exactly a very ideal situation.

And the two who did give their score did give some context as to why, so I am not sure why you’re saying “Without context”

Personal opinions exist, and a bit of foresight as well. Like I have the foresight to pretty much expect the game to not be as amazing as everyone lords it to be. A good game? Yes, maybe, but the greatest game of all time? Doubt it.

“Don’t blame the game, blame yourself!”. Yeah, that doesn’t really work, and is actually pretty insulting.

What if the game really does control very slowly, so that when something is happening, you try to get out of the situation but aren’t able to because the game’s designed in such a way that everything is done slowly?

You certainly do speak the truth. When someone is dreadfully bad at a game (Not even average, at least an average person can still get through a game with difficulties), then their point of view might not be as valuable.

Still amused that some journo was too blind to read a tutorial bit in Cuphead, that he should dash to get past an obstacle, but kept trying to jump without dashing. Kinda makes you wonder what kind of people are employed to be journalists.

You really don’t have to call people stupid because they decided to add a score that ultimately is rather meaningless. Actually, let me throw a few more scores at you, just to rub them in, and this time with absolutely no context:

Borderlands 2: Six out of Ten.
Path of Exile: Eight out of Ten.
Skyrim: Five out of Ten.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here, the second your hand goes on the horse you are go, you just start hauling a$$ on the horse before you have even swung your leg over, if the player is waiting for the character to get comfortable and adjust his bum before they think about moving the horse then hey, that player has not figured this out yet.

This is not even the point though, it was just a throwaway about people arguing that a game is bad because they are not good at it, it like, ‘pvp sucks, I die all the time!’

But whatever I guess, there is no way to do things quickly, scoring systems are perfect and universally agreed upon, cheese comes from the moon, Alliance is good at something.

Ok I’m just trolling now, i’ll leave you all to it.

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Tubri come on, you are sidestepping literally the whole point of my post then arguing my point for me and following that up with wilfully ignoring the fact that I am pointing out I am the stupidest of all for getting annoyed by any of it.

I understand you want to be some kind of games journalist, that’s bad journalism dude.

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I won’t claim perfect consistency. At some point you’re not given a choice either. I boycotted Steam for years because I oppose(d) the notion of games as a service rather than a product bought and owned but that ship has sailed.

I actually have a lot of issues with the whole post-industrial service economy but I can’t realistically check out from it completely. Refusing to support the disgusting companies and practices that wronged me personally will have to do.

So what you are saying, is that as soon as you interact with the horse, it is treated as already mounted? Well, honestly, if that is true, then it could really be expressed better, so it doesn’t look rather silly how you’re still moving to saddle up while your horse is darting off.

What Zanmarea is pretty valid: Having two animations depending on the situation would be a lot better (Not sure why you think it’d be terrible).

I don’t think anyone said or implied that?

I understood the whole point: You don’t like how people use personal scores, and are annoyed by them. That doesn’t mean I can’t pull apart your post, express what I think, and hopefully add something to it.

Because I thought that it could do well with a bit of argumentation? I do it because I’d like to practice if I will have to argument my points, or just writing itself.

I didn’t ignore it. Just not sure what to say about it… Uhh… You’re not as stupid as you think, that you have a right to be annoyed, but don’t take it out against other people because they do something you don’t like?

Now that is a low blow. If I were trying to do it on these forums, I’d probably go about it in a different way. Secondly, I’d like to keep the Game Journalism ambition to my blog, and just write my thoughts on what people post.

Nice upvoting your own post there.

(Check out both characters’ collections, same pets…)


Without reading any of the above:

Day’s peeve: Me. Forgetting to eat because I’m on a drawing spree and then complaining why I feel ill all time. I wonder why!

Update 57489: Still no mount.