Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

I think everyone who plays WoW and who also hates Activision can agree with that. Someone on a Discord chat wanted to imply that I am a hypocrite, because I still play WoW and was adamant against EA and Bethesda (Even so far as to call people fake gamers if they don’t have any standards and just buy any game with no regards as to if the game developer/publisher clubs baby seals on the weekends).

I’d say it is rather hard to keep yourself out of the jungle that is the current game market. Take it from me: If I want to play RDR2 now, I’d probably have to get a PS4. I’d get a Switch but the game’s not on it, and I am not that big a fan of the Xbox, so my choices are rather limited.

I can understand why you’d think you don’t have a choice in keeping yourself consistent in a boycott. Games evermore becoming digital only is pretty much the thing that you’d have to go with now, if you want to play games.

Which sucks for me too, because I like buying games physically, but nowadays I started having to buy them digitally, just because bargain-hopping is easier on Steam, and because I don’t wanna travel an hour and a half by train, then walk for an hour back and forth just to get a game I’m interested in.

Well, that’s the least one can realistically do, but I wonder how long will that last for people. If we can learn anything from Bethesda, is that eventually everyone will do something wrong or rotten, that one might not agree with. Which may very well lead people to not having any more games to play in regards to fresh new games (Old games are still left untaited with Sin, so they’re still good to play).

I want the tot paladin set.

But I still haven’t got my cloth boots from there yet and I’m reluctant to start farming another set until i get them.

My secondary monitor just broke. Whoo.

Sounds like a great opportunity for character development!

I wish Saurfang stopped to think about the definition of Honor for a second too, maybe we’d not be in this state!

Or maybe if that stupid troll didn’t listen to voices in his head…

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I have a few peeves with the Horde war campaign:

  1. It feels pretty random at times. What exactly is the goal of the campaign? When I land in Vol’dun as Alliance Wyrmbane basically tells me, “We are here to blow their sh** to hell.” That might not be the most sophisticated goal, but it’s a clear one. So the Horde seemingly wants information about the Kul Tiran fleet? Why not simply kill an admiral in Boralus, resurrect him and then question him?

  2. It should be renamed to “Forsaken war campaign and their three non-forsaken-friends.”

  3. Every. Single. Sailor on the bottom of the sea is a skeleton…BUT DEREK PROUDMOORE AND THE MARSHALL ARE IN PRISTINE CONDITION! AFTER 20 YEARS! How convenient for the plot.


BFA is bad for RP.

I can’t think of a single character I didn’t enjoy more during Legion.

Like, even my zealot extremist character En-Liu, who you’d think is the kind of character this expansion is made for, just isn’t as fun to RP now. She’s supposed to be different. When her craziness becomes mainstream what is there even to talk about? She’s meant to clash with other characters, but when all the others fighting for the Horde go ‘haha yes burn those orphanages indeed friend’ there is ironically no drama to be had.

Blizz please.


Preach it, Chieun. So far, BfA is my least RP’ed expansion which saddens me a little. I’m probably gonna be waiting until 8.2 before I get properly stuck into it, once new Worgen models come along and I can RC some characters to Kul Tirans.

Peeve; hiccups. What’s the deal with them? You don’t get any sign of them, you take a sip of <insert beverage here> then WHAM! You choke on your drink because of a hiccup. They’re silent killers, I tells you.

Edit; okay, using <>'s just makes text disappear.

Well damn..

I don’t know forum code! Or any code for that matter! I had to put ` in after the < for the text to appear.

Everything in the lore nowadays seems to exist to make RP harder…
Bad Warchief
Can’t normally access AU Draenor…
What are we even doing…

Could be worse, they could have pulled a GW2 and outright tried to kill RP with megaservers.

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The Mag’har scenario is awful because not only does it clearly indicate you can’t access AU draenor anymore, even if you somehow did the ‘current’ AU draenor is apparently different from what is portrayed ingame.

Draenor was a bad expansion sure but the world is really cool and RP friendly.


I mean at least in GW2 you still want to rp, right? Unlike WoW where the lore is so bad you can’t be bothered with it because no matter what you want, you won’t have it.

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The problem is BfA’s plot by nature -forces- you to RP around it in some way.

Example: No way in hell Darianuth was gonna stay Kirin Tor after Teldrassil happened. Which kinda sucks because I’m not huge on military RP but it’s seemingly the only logical route for him, or something near it.

Examples #2-12: All my tauren have basically bailed from the Horde. Teldrassil was bad enough (They could see the smoke from Mulgore), then one of my tauren got killed then raised at the Undercity siege, which alienated the rest of my tauren entirely. And since tauren are confirmed to be frequently conscripted, all my tauren had to get the hell out of dodge as they refuse to serve Sylvanas.

By openly ditching the Horde my characters are now basically unable to RP in Horde hubs, because I don’t want to be THAT GUY who acts against Sylvanas but is still somehow chilling in Orgrimmar without consequence. I can either have my cake or eat it, not both. Even my forsaken character is a bit ‘uuuuh…’ and my pandaren has of course dropped the Horde as well. And she was one of the more bloodied ‘For the Horde!’ types I had who was totally fine with invading the ‘weak’ Alliance but even she thinks ‘Okay no this is too far’ when it all hit the fan.

Meanwhile back on Alliance, any Alliance characters I have who are “combat capable” but not actively involved in the war are constantly berated as ‘cowards’ or even ‘traitors’ just for not having a murder hard on for the Horde right now. Regardless of my character’s motivations or backstory that might compel them to avoid the war. It gets pretty tiring after a while. It’s not helped by the recent cinematic that more or less that Stormwind at least is down to conscripting farmers if the war keeps up as it is, thereby reinforcing the idea that any character I have that can lift a sword but not participating in the war is a ‘draft dodger’ in the eyes of these people.

Compare all of this to whenever the story got… I’m gonna say “controversial”, like WoD with it’s Mary Sues and time travel. It was isolated, and we could more or less ignore it and keep RPing our characters as we saw fit. And in Legion, nobody would argue against our characters being attacked by demons or actively killing demons. No controversy or division to be had. In MoP, it was all happening on an isolated continent (And also imo handled the whole ‘Is this a good war?’ narrative far better but I digress).

Even when the story was at it’s worst, we could ignore it and get on with whatever we preferred to do. Now, not only is the story controversial again for many, it’s also globally affecting nearly EVERY character I have. And I hate that. It’s bending my arm to make me RP all my characters a certain way and it’s put me off entirely. On the one hand a story that impacts the globe isn’t in itself a bad thing, but when it’s a story that’s so extreme and basically half my characters are forced to bail on their faction because they’re not Chaotic Evil it’s aggravating.

I remember when they gutted town clothes and replaced them with 15min costume buffs with mismatching items.

I remember when we had to beg for speech bubbles.

I remember when we had no animated emotes for most player actions.

I remember how characters using X armour could not equip any other type of armour, even ‘lighter’ armour so my warrior was forced to wear full late 24/7.

I remember grinding PvP to get transmog stones.

I remember all the half-decent outfits being on the store.

GW2 imo is one of the least RP friendly MMOs I have ever played. Blizzard feels like they just forget about us, Arenanet felt like they actively hated RPers.


They finally added the ability to sit in chairs, I remember one of the GW2 devs being mystified that anybody would actually want to be able to sit in chairs.

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YES. I actually prefer Horde to Alliance in theory, but there is no way Chieun would just sit around after Sylvanas started going on a Scourge trip.

Now, I lucked out and found a really good Alliance guild so it could have been worse, but I still miss the old Horde - and it feels like the plot pushed me away from it rather than my own decision.

The RP immersion tool we all wanted.

Oh god I forgot they never added sittable chairs as well (Well they did -now).

Their excuse was that character height sliders would cause issues.

Looks at XIV


Or hell just take the TESO approach where /sitchair pulls a chair out of your butt to sit on anywhere you want.

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I beg to differ, BFA has been the greatest aid to Story development for Nar’zagh. From loosing his only chance at a future (His son) to to being able to greater explore the idea of loa and troll society. BFA has been generally good in my books.

I can understand why some people would feel otherwise but for me, this Expac has opened a book load of opportunities to progress.

I guess you could say, this Expansion came in HANDY.