Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

It’s more the fact that I’m 99% positive that in at least one book there’s a brief snippet about her being white.

In fact, the Prisoner of Azkaban came out in 1999, the first film came out in 2001. Hermione was white on the cover art of that book though. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah, something about her pale face

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Another one that gets brought up a lot is her retconning Dumbledore’s sexuality into him being gay, but it was always implied in the books and as far back as when Goblet of Fire was being filmed with its Christmas Ball thing, she wrote to the margin of the script that Dumbledore is gay, he wouldn’t have a wife to dance with like originally suggested by the director’s original draft.

Years before she said it over twitter. In Dumbledore’s case, it’s the same situation like with Soldier: 76 – previously implied for the eagle-eyed, and now finally confirmed. Objectively not a retcon.

There are other things Rowling’s been ehh about over twitter, but Dumbledore’s case isn’t one of them.

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She’s white, so it’s problematic.

Rowling strikes me as that rich British person that she is who suddenly wants in on the diversity band wagon to get points with progressives.

Not something I’m hitting her with a baton for… Just odd and out of nowhere for normies.


She got on the champaigne socialist bandwagon around the time Russel Brand did IIRC.


Personally my favourite lore tack-on was the recent probably-not-safe-for-forum-posts update from Pottermore about Hogwarts and bathrooms.


Oh yeah, that and the black hermoine one are the only ones I heard.

Was kinda… not really interested in knowing that.

It’s largely a desperate bid at staying relevant. Only the Fantastic Beast films (Which are ‘eh’ at best and timeline shattering at worst) keep the Harry Potter name floating around households these days.

Unless I’m mistaken we’ve not had a new book released in ages (No the fanfic made into a play doesn’t count), no new games (No the mobile wallet leech doesn’t count), leaving two mediocre films featuring Dr Who except set in the Potterverse.

She’s written a few other bits since ending the Potter series but nothing else has nearly reached even 10% of the same amount of hype and popularity.


Why couldn’t she just stop at her highest point? She’s rich already, just take the damned money and retire, wth.

Why ruin a mediocre fantasy world? (I’m honestly not really a fan of Harry Potter after I grew older :P)

I disagree, I think it does count. I think it should be treated as the quality one will be able to expect from future harry potter related products.

greed begets greed.

I read two thirds of the Bayerleyn dramathread before I concluded that there would probably be no more important evidence posted.

Aside from how absolutely awful ERP guilds are, what annoys me about the 18+ rule is that while it is obviously there to excuse ERP, it is perceived by some as being there for the sake of quality.

BS. I RPed when I was 16 and I was probably better at it than I am now. My concept wasn’t very good in a vacuum but I led a guild filled with people just having tons of fun, and for a fair while too, without breaking any rules. That alone is a success imo. And I wasn’t even 18.

WoW is 12+ and that should not be ignored. Kids can be super annoying sometimes but they can also behave and play a lot better than many supposed adults.

16 year old me would never start a bloody ERP guild for one.


Would the 18+ year old you? :thinking:

Not me but clearly 18+ greenclad men with game so weak they have to pressure their employees for it might.

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The first RP guild I joined on AD back in 2008 was led by a then 14 year old. Despite me already being in my early 20s at that point I couldn’t remotely hold a candle to his roleplay. And he wasn’t a native English speaker either.

The guild still exists today and has quite a good rep. No ERP shenanigans or you get the boot. Or hoof, in their case.

Is it the Baratide or whatstheirname?

I remember being somewhat surprised by the proper and polite behaviour of their very young GM.

cat sitting on my chest while I’m laying down. he tries to bite my face so I kick him off, he’s now sitting looking at me like I offended him.

If you want a cuddle kitty, you don’t bite my face!

Keep kicking him, he’ll soon learn.

In fact just kick cats in general, filthy annoying animals.

Peeve: cats. Yeah, I went there.

I wish anyone who heavily drinks Get 27 alcohol drowns in it painfully… Bartending with a large group of people part of an incentive is torture.

I’d sooner smash a bottle on their heads than smile happily serving them.