Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Exactly. Farraki, Drakkari, Amani, Gurubashi even, they do not belong to the Horde, and should be killed off. Darkspear, Revantusk, Shatterspear, and soon Zandalari, belong, the rest, they should be killed off.

Especially the Amani.

Always the Amani…

I went overboard and alongside the RE 2 Collector’s Edition I also decided to, yikes, get the Kingdom Hearts 3 Deluxe Edition. There goes all my money.

Edit: That’s my pet peeve I suppose. With all these AAA games they all come with special editions these days. :frowning:


I really wish Frostmane were horde too

My nephew is receiving his name this weekend and for that occasion - and why not some others - I went and bought myself a coat to go along with my suit.

I look really good in it. But when I checked my bank account - oof. Felt a twist in my stomach. But I feel like it was worth it.

Here’s a major peeve: The current direction of the story for both Factions.

After seeing the Cinematic for the intro to the Dazar’alor raid and the cinematic for the end of it I’m left incredibly furious with just how blind the story direction has become just during this Expansion alone and have become extremely worried if not outright disappointed.

Warcraft’s story just last Expansion was good, I rated Legion for it’s story highly and praised it on both a Lore front and Gameplay front as I felt it did both incredibly well with the standards it had to set after WoD and it blew them out the water and yet apart from the Zone story - which for both Factions was very well with one or two zones letting it down (looking at you Vol’dun and Stormsong) - BFA so far has managed to hit none of the expectations I had for it.

The Story Front
Credit where credit is due the zones were almost perfect as said above however this new raid leaves me questioning what on Earth has managed to happen.
We start off with the Alliance sending a (rather small) attack fleet all things considered to raid a massive City and yet despite the Legendary Golden Armada of the Zandalari blocking their way they detonate just a few bombs and half of this heavily built-up and glorified Navy is destroyed as simple as that. I hate this, whilst it subverts expectations for those who don’t play Alliance it also completely destroys something that the Horde really needed in their own words to stand against the Alliance; now there’s no chance on that front.

Rastakhan, oh Rastakhan where do I even begin, a figure built up majorly since vanilla WoW and not even seen in-game up until this very moment, all we’ve heard about him is how Godly and powerful he and his empire is and how much power they hold and yet with the snap of a finger in under 3 patches into his very first expansion reveal he is killed off and the mighty Zandalari City is massacred and left in a riot. Some will argue that this is fine as he was old and Talanjii was taking over anyway but that does not make killing the interesting and highly underused character fine by any means, it doesn’t build up tension nor does it justify Talanjii suddenly taking over - a character who I find as interesting as an unpainted brick wall, she’s so boring despite having so much to work with. -

Another problem is that despite the Alliance fleet attacking Dazar’alor taking a few major hits every ship makes it out utterly unscathed with no losses even Jainas ship which for all intents and purposes should be sinking after being hit multiple times through the ship and being set ablaze.

So that’s my peeve, the story direction.


Female blood elves with a pony tail.

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That’s a Peeve?

Show me on the doll where did the female blood elves with a ponytail touched you.

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Sorry, let me complain about Non Darkspear/Zandalari/Raventusk trolls being in orgrimmar for the one billion time.

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No seriously. Why you are peeved by fem belves with a ponytail? I feel like there’s a story behind it.

Also… Kill all Drakari trolls for me.

Because, and not to be racist, they all use it and they all look the same.


Woah! That’s racist

I’m more annoyed at the fact that they all have the same faces on model. And that 90% of them are amazingly beautiful in their TRP.

I’m not Racist, my cousin’s, daughter’s, friend’s Teacher is a Blood Elf.


i lean back on my chair in dim lighted room.

You sure do have mouth, I tell you that. But you talk ill about my family, you sleep with the fishes.

i inhale my cigar and puff out smoke towards u

You should get some better lighting in here. maybe some fairy lights?

i wave my hand towards u

Leave my office. This won’t cost you anything, but I’ll be asking favour from you in the future

leaves out the back door.

God damn it, now I’m going to have to clean the toilets again.

What he said.

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Can anyone tell me if the [Against Overwhelming Odds] quest (Warmode incentive quest) rewards normal or elite Warfront appearance gear?

Why are the Southern Barrens not a warfront yet? It’s one of the few zones in the entire game where the war between the Alliance and Horde actually feels like a real war. I don’t even know why exactly, but the Southern Barrens have a somewhat special atmosphere.