Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

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Tubri, do you live here?

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It’s a zero sum game. You having fun and being part of a guild is actively lessening the finite amount of fun and time via active people that others can get. So people do their politricks and ruin each other for dominance games. Woe, Babylon.

Youtube Rewind. I wasn’t expecting much of it but damn it’s terrible.


The lack of frostfire bolt glyph sickens me.


Right?! I loved frostfire bolt! In fact, a lot of old cosmetics were pretty dope. But no, the fun police had to shut it all down. I’d love to have glyph of shadowbolt back too.

This, to be fair. It has been overused to the extent it is almost a non-argument, I mean it doesn’t even make sense, by the definition of the words, an SJW is someone who is affable and has friends, believes in equity and fair treatment for all, and is willing to stand up for it…I mean what is the opposite? A misanthrope who believes in injustice but lacks the moral fortitude to speak out about it and is passive?

I suspect it is my age, same way as I think ‘Modern music is all trite anodyne boybands’ but I hate how some words are used these days.

‘Edgy’. The word means the -opposite- of what you are trying to convey! An Edgy person is not dark, brooding and malevolent, they are anxious, nervous and cautious!

‘Toxic’ Way overused, way, way overused, what could have been a valid word to describe modes of behaviour now simply means “Someone who disagrees with me”.

‘Cringe’ A thing isn’t -Cringe-, a situation isn’t -Cringe-, it can be ‘Cringeworthy’, it can make one ‘Cringe’, but it is not -Cringe-.

‘Cuck’ This one baffles me, it needs a very precise set of circumstances to be applicable, 11 years ago I could potentially have been a Cuck, or Cuckold, or been Cucked, (thankfully I was not) however today it is simply impossible for the word to apply to me. You have to be a) male, and b) married, in order to be a Cuck.

‘But Unironically’ That’s a Tautology. I mean if what you are saying is what you mean, then it is automatically Unironic. There is no need to state that. If it was Ironic, it would be contrary to what you are saying, you have already said what you are saying, so it is implicitly unironic.

For those of you that remember, Alanis Morrisette once released a song called ‘Ironic’, which listed a whole set of scenarios, -none- of which were Ironic! “It’s like Rain, on your wedding day!” That’s not Ironic, that’s just bad luck, “Ten thousand spoons, when all you need is a knife” That’s not Ironic, that’s bad washing up discipline and/or incredibly poor choices when buying your kitchen utensils, I mean who has 10,000 spoons? The only thing that -is- ironic is the fact that she wrote a whole song without a single example of Irony in it, and called it ‘Ironic’. The woman either completely misunderstood the word, or is a genius, I still don’t know which.

“I could care less” That means you -do- care! What you mean is “I couldn’t care less” It is saying the opposite of what you mean. I mean if we rate caring on a 0 to 10 scale, with 10 being massively emotionally invested and 0 being completely apathetic, then saying you ‘Could care less’ means you are at least at a 1, possibly higher, I mean 0 is “I couldn’t care less”, “I Could care less” is a 1 or higher, it could even be 9 or 10.

What, Whaaaat? This is for Peeves, allow an old man his peeves.


My most fundamental problem with most SJW’s is that many of them believe in equality of outcome.

We saw how well that went with the 20th century in Russia and China. Gulag Archipelago should be mandatory subject or read in any credible western society school systems, because quite frankly our youngsters knowledge of the horrors of socialism lack severely and unless you look the matter up yourself you may remain obliviously ignorant, much to your own discredit and others.


Oh my god. Time Walking is hell!

I also have 8 more alts to do it on.

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Absolutely. The problem with those systems is that…to paraphrase the quote “Communism is an excellent idea, until humans get involved with it”
As an Ideal, it is perfect, in practice however it led to brutality and mass graves, horrors that are almost inconceivable. That’s the implementation, not the ideal. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Communist, but history does show us that it is how it was done, not the ideal, that was the problem, and that is because of the personalities involved, and the fact that human beings just don’t -work- like that. We don’t. We’re not Ants. In any society there will be a hierarchy and that probably goes back as far as when Zog went “Ooh, pretty hot orange wobbly thing” and learned to cook meat. We’re social creatures, we are not however a hive mind. We can’t just ‘Work and be happy’, there will always be those who rule, and those who are ruled. The Socialist states of the 20th century were appalling places, and in some cases absolutely horrific, I mean Pol Pot’s “Year Zero” is possibly one of the greatest examples, but also look at WWII, Adolf killed 6 million people (Undeniably a mind-staggeringly horrible act) but ‘Uncle Joe’ our Ally, more than tripled his number. Does that mean that fascism is a more benevolent form of government than Socialism? No, of course not, both were abhorrent.

I wholeheartedly agree. Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it, a situation we are sadly seeing right now, in our homes, whenever we turn the news on.

Or to put it more catchily “History repeats itself, why? Because no one listened the first time”


That was the original intended definition and goal. Unfortunately, it kinda got a bad wrap because of the extremists who identify themselves as Social Justice Warriors were the kind who… Demonize people who don’t subscribe to their way of thinking, be it deplatforming people they don’t agree with, or mount harassment acts.

I’ve a friend who considers herself to be a feminist (In the sense that she believes in people being on equal opportunity footing), but doesn’t identify herself as one, because the word got turned in to a description for “A woman/man who hates males and male identity, and want to turn everyone and everything feminine”

Also, let’s be honest, in the last few years, a lot of words have essentially lost all of their meaning, and are now just that: Meaningless words, that people think still carry some kind of meaning.

Words like SJW, racist, feminist, homophobe, sexist. They have been thrown around by people from the Left field and from the Right field, to the point that they carry no meaning anymore.

The word racist, for example? Supposed to be a word meaning discrimination or a feeling of superiority for one race to/over another (In a rough meaning that is, a dictionary gives a better explanation). Nowadays, it’s used to call a white person by cabbages of different shades because they still SOMEHOW feel oppressed, making it sound like that the Deep South is more widespread than just being in the Deep South.

Edit: Yes, I am still aware that the words still are perfectly usable to define people who actually show the certain attributes that the words are supposed to be for. Doesn’t mean that the words are made null and void due to their overusage.

On a low estimate, and including only the casualties during the war.

It’s impossible to ever find credible, complete statistics of just how many people died as a direct or indirect consequence of marxist socialism implementation in the world, with the lowest estimates being somewhere around 20 million, and the highest ones daring over 50 million.

That’s not including the great leap forward either, which adds another 20-50 million people who died.

No matter how you look at it, from a pragmatic point of view or condemning one, we’re still talking about + or - 50+ million people vanishing in a span of a few decades.

1940’s Germany and rise of fascism was a horrible event of History that we’re thankfully taught very unbiasedly and extensively in school (coming from a country who was allied with them during the war), but it is truly a tragedy that western school system doesn’t seem to spend more than a brief mention about how Socialism ravaged the world in numbers that were never seen before, as if it never happened before.


Also; wish it was patch day already.

Mainly because I want bald eagle moonkin form on my HM druid.

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I want heritage armour for my Warlock. Now!

So I saw the Survival Guide for the upcoming patch. And what I saw was… Kinda mediocre, and I left this comment after watching it:

Okay, all of this looks good and all, but it really isn’t enough to really warrant being a full major content patch. It definitely has more than 6.1, but somehow doesn’t feel as exciting as 7.1, which did have some more stuff in there.

What I think would make 8.1 a bit more enticing, is if they took some stuff from 8.1.5’s launch, and pushed it forward for 8.1; Keep the expedition, the Faction invasions, the warfront (Although it would help if you made Warfronts a bit more interesting, but whatever), and the story quests, but also add the Azerite armor changes, the Allied Races, and the mini-raid, just so you can keep people tied up for a little while with that.

At least that way, you can hint more at your definitely-not on-the-nose Lovecraft-inspired storyline and how we will climax at fighting literal Cthulhu.

But I guess this comment will fall on deaf ears, and will be overlooked by the savagery conducted by people watching this video.

Anyone know where else I can post this feedback, in hopes that it will fall on some hearing ears?

Could try the PTR forums? Though honestly, I think you’re a bit too late for this kind of feedback given 8.1 launches next week.

I suppose. But even then, what are the odds that Blizzard reads the PTR side of the forums? Considering how feedback was left all over the place, but wasn’t taken in to consideration during BfA’s beta

At this point what are the odds blizzard will read anything, by the looks of how they’re taking feedback they are quite literally illiterate.

Fun fact: the 8.1 survival guide has a worse Likes/Dislikes ratio than the 6.1 survival guide. Heck, at least the one for 6.1 had a positive Likes ratio!

Looking futher it turns out the 8.1 survival guide even has a slightly worse L/D ratio than Youtube Rewind 2018.


Sounds like a case of “Do a stupid, shame on you. Do a stupid twice, you deserve all the shame you get”.

I am not sure if it’s a good comparison or not, since I imagine the Youtube Rewind probably got a larger view pool, and thus more votes get poured in, while the Survival Guide’s probably viewed only by Blizzard players, so not many votes get pooled in. Regardless, it is still a rather shameful thing to witness.