Not wanting original characters to change their race isn’t racist - it’s such a frustrating “defense”. It’s called being loyal to the fans by respecting the universe they’re fans of, Netflix.
I still haven’t gotten myself to watch The Dark Tower yet, despite loving the book series and adoring Idris Elba - but he can never ever be Roland in my mind.
I’ve mentioned this before, but the detail of my non-3D robe, rather than this junk, I want:
This, more depth effects, it being looser from my legs, more obvious cloth textures, the pieces under the shoulderpads being more attached to the robe, shoulderpads being the right size, the fact that that pic has just so much better detail to everything.
But wait, how is there hair coming from behind her? she’s wearing a hood…
Thank you! But you’re telling this to the wrong person. Tell this to those professional victims/virtue signalers/needless vanguards who think that if you don’t want a white characters in a story to suddenly be black for no good given reason makes you in to someone who dresses up in white robes and hates black people.
Oh wait… I mean “Cabbages of color”. Oh darn, I am really bad at this… uhm… Unicorns. Yes, that’s it, right? These people want to be considered as unicorns, am I right to assume this? Ah crap, I just assumed their identity.
Peeve: people using the word “SJW”. It’s been overused to apply to a very broad category of people and is virtually always used derogatorily. It’s basically a label to be used as a “your argument is invalid” button without actually addressing the gist of the argument.
It’s because these SJW put their noses in every goddarn thing there is.
Surprise, surprise, people want better treatment of their own social groups.
I’m a lesbian and I’m involved in campaigns against homophobia. I guess this makes me worthy of the TLA that automatically brands me as not worth listening to.
So SJW is literally the same to you as “racist”, “sexist”, “homophobe” is to the rest of us?
Did I call you such? No, I didn’t, I do believe it’s the case with the Witcher series because it follows the recent trend oh so connected to those people to make everything multicultural, more skin colors etc… despite it not being so in the original story. Making changes for the sake of skin color and all that inclusion sort of stuff. These things shouldn’t overwrite already-existing lore.
Speaking of skin colors, though…
Why is it that Shadowmoon orcs have both grey-skinned, aswell as brown-skinned orcs…? What’s the cause of the grey skin in their case, and how come others have not gotten the same change?
Speak for yourself.
Because there are very few social justice warriors out there these days.
The big battles were fought and won by their grandparents, the modern social justice warrior fights for such important things as
‘Men should not have their legs open on the train!’
‘We should rename Gingerbread men!’
Meanwhile they shy away from the actual fights where they could be doing good, such as womens rights in the middle east.
The average social justice warrior in the west is young and pampered, living off their parents and trust funds, despretly looking for some none issue to turn into a struggle to put some meaning in their otherwise pointless life.
It’s just increasingly polarised politics/social perspective. The people on the ‘other side’ are dumb racists or whiny liberals. While both of those things exist, the reality is they’re in the minority but strident tribalism makes people say/believe otherwise.
To change the topic, female trolls not having a crooked back, sexual dimorphism in WoW in general just… doesn’t seem right, orcs, trolls, draenei, tauren…
Ever on that character, that is.
Psoriasis is spreading. Now got patch of rough skin on both hands that will flare up into it.
I mean, I’ve had it on nearly every place imaginable, but never on a spot that I can’t hide with clothes.
There’s probably a good reason for that.Namely how the word itself was adopted by the folk who are… For a lack of a better word: Radical. The kind of people who probably are not the most pleasant kind of people where you can have a stable discussion with.
Yes, that is most certainly unfair… Assuming there is anything worthwhile to discuss, anyway, and if both parties are perfectly capable of a discussion.
More often than not, the “Social Justice Warriors” that can be seen are the kind of people who cannot be reasoned with, or they try to censor everyone and everything that just happens to be “Not very PC”.
I don’t think anyone is against that notion at all. But don’t blame people not taking this desire seriously, when the rational people are being overshadowed by people who scream “UNFAIR!” while shaming the opposition.
I don’t know. Are you someone who can be reasoned with and also treats people who are on the opposing side of the fence respectfully?
When I talked with you that one time over Battlenet, I do believe you were respectful and can be reasoned with, although I feel like you were rather dismissive with the things I put forward, but I think that was because you don’t really delve in to much media.
This was the thing I wanted to discuss with Lintian, but I feel like she dismissed it because… I am under the impression because she doesn’t follow The Witcher games (Even though it’s more to do with the books), and that adaptations can never be accurate (Although that doesn’t really explain why it’s perfectly sound to overwrite lore for the sake of “Diversity” in such a unsubtle manner)
And there’s also this dismissal of any kind of inquisitive statements directed to you…
Reznick makes a perfectly good point: To you it seems that the word “SJW” is such a derogatory word that it counts as a peeve to you. Meanwhile, anyone else (Mainly straight white men) have to deal with being called all sorts of things because they don’t wish to subscribe to the line of thinking “Let’s not give an inch to the people who scream diversity while shaming people who they don’t like”.
Pretty much this.
I saw a video where some rich black kid wanted to do a “Hunger strike”, because some redneck in a pickup truck called him a flower with an N.
I think Chris Rock needs to tell these people that they’re a bit… Unstable.
needing to eat because i need strength/vitamins/ect, but i really don’t feel like eating my evening slop. like, i gotta put up with this sloppy for another 6 weeks. someone send me something crunchy pls.
Oh hey, just want to ask, how can you hide these threads? You say that you can hide them, please share how. I cannot find the method.
A more exact problem with Draenor being locked off, I’m a death knight, and my wofl from life is dead, i could get a new wolf, but I’m a DK, which means, most creatures fear me like the plague, a Garn would be nice, but…
look at the bottom of the scroll bar, you can see the reply button and another, its the other