Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Does one of the other people then say to you (on your own) when something isn’t done, “why didn’t one of you do it?” but its clearly aimed at just you.

The new tagging system.

Why did you add a tag limit back on mobs, blizzard? The Horde Darkshore scenario is bad enough without having to wait a long time on the luitenants respawning again and again only to turn grey near instantly.

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I mean it’s not like Ga’nar is his only surviving blood relation at that point.

Shockingly, no. Mum and I are the ones that do anything in the house, dad and brother say absolutely nothing. If anything, when I complain about the lack of cutlery, I’m told “go wash it up then” when I was the one that initally washed them up… It’s complicated and weird. I just wish the other 2 would put -some- effort in.

Speaking of AU Frostwolves, AU Drek’thar must have some brain damage because instead of calling upon the powers of earth, he insisted on using lightning to strike down a cliffside, taking up so much time that Ga’nar had to die for it.

The Horde is beyond saving, no matter what happens.

Orcs’ combat stance, keeping my weapon a cm from my face, and bigger weapons clip with eachother

Ye but that element is poor as dirt and doesn’t accept collect calls.

People who use æ, ø and å is substitutes for a and o. It’s not. And everytime I see someone named Tåylør or Jæcksøn my stupid brain initially makes my inner voice speak the names as they would actually be spoken in Danish, which is nowhere near what is most likely intended. Leave our weird special letters alone! They’re ours!
hugs letters possessively


Maybe he just really wants some tåys för christmäs.

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I’ll one up you: people who use a “ẞ” as a capital B.

Pretty much this.

It seems that in popular Horde culture, or just in general, the popular belief seems to be “If you are not prepared to club someone to death at any given moment, you are a worthless coward”.

I don’t think that is how things work. Sometimes it’s smart to just… You know. Not fight. Or sometimes even a grizzled Warrior takes a moment to think and comes to the conclusion of “You know… It’s not worth fighting someone over something petty”.

At least it can offer to give a character more depth beyond “I am grizzled Warrior who loves fighting. Lok’tar and all that.”


inevitable night warrior rp’ers.

tyrande didn’t turn into a night warrior, she turned into the night warrior. implying that there is only one at any given time. not to mention the lore surrounding it during the scenario (which i won’t spoil but it leans towards there being only one).

i facking hate customisation options like these. this is why theres no cool significant lore characters anymore. everyone wants to be them too and it ruins the experience.


The entire night elf army has the Night Warrior eyes in Darkshore. Tyrande is the avatar of the Night Warrior, but the blessing empowers the entire army.

The real peeve should be night elves with Night Warrior who flirted around Cathedral an hour after the patch went live.


Ah, my mistake, I didn’t notice the other NPC’s having the eyes.

This should kinda imply that the only Elves with black eyes, should be the ones taking part in the fight up at Darkshore. That, or a blessing that takes some time to take hold, and then diminishes over time, as they’re not proper Night Warriors, so they probably don’t have permanent Dark Eye Syndrome.
(In an unrelated note, “Night Warrior” keeps reminding me of that one Dragonforce song that has some Night Warrior as part of the lyruks)

I don’t think this surprises anyone. There are going to be people who will flirt with just about any race/class, no matter if it makes sense or not. Be it Death Knights (Undead death machines trying to flirt with people. That’s uhh… Not creepy at all). Demon Hunters (Actually, I can kinda understand why, but I still think it a bit odd)

Or some races that probably have bigger things in mind than to make for romantic conquest, or are incapable of any physical romance so their efforts are redundant.

Generally people tend to f-up or just badly RP anything new. I remember when DH were fresh in the game… I remember those days fondly but I will say right away that my quality of RP was certainly terrible when the time came to take off my rose tinted glasses. So yeah it’s cyclical really… New stuff arrives, everyone flocks to it, it’s generally awful at first since you gotta filter, people who no longer have fun or got attention due to X reason give up said concept/race/class RP… Rinse and repeat.

The Nightborne race is a peeve to me. NPC NB model vastly superior to the cheap player model. Few options available, some classes clearly could have used some extra bits of lore to justify them… I ain’t saying they can’t be justified by the Rpers but Blizzard so didn’t recognized them that it’s jarring for me to see a NB Warlock or Priest(ess) of Elune (Considering no sign of them even caring about her were to be seen in Suramar questing).

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Same tbh, so many blood elves with glowing golden eyes, its weird and completely funny to see 90% of the playerbase have three same faces. I decided to stick the golden eyes on my Warlock for irony sake and leave my monk’s eyes as normal.

They look very plastic honestly, its not even a -nice- glow. It’s “I’m an insane Holy Light fanatic please worship the Light or we kill you like scarlet crusader rper” look.

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Irony: i just crushed the end of my pinky finger (lucky i didn’t lose it, that thing was sharp). God I wish i actually had troll regeneration.

Blizzard: “We need to improve our communication.”
Also Blizzard: `

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The amount of animals that are present in both Draenor and Azeroth…
Wolves, Tigers, Bats etc especially, where there is very little difference, I also don’t like there being spiked boar on Azeroth.

It’d be cool if Draenor had Worgs instead of wolves (And Frostwolf clan is simply something that changed a bit in translation, due to Azeroth not having worgs)