Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

My last two months of sub will be spent leveling Alts probably…

Lucky you! Leveling alts is (over all 25%) faster now!

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Saw a blood elf cannibal as i flew around in orgrimmar, supposedly having an enchanted muzzle on…

No, a cannibal like that would be put to death, not kept from biting people with a freaking muzzle, and definitely not let out in public


What in the… What?

another title being mental patient.

Yup, just hangin’ out in public

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They’re a pair

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Okay, can someone tell me what is Blizzard’s God-Forsaken Logic at this point?

Apparently they’re gonna cut support for Heroes of the Storm by taking away most of the development staff from the game, and most likely transfer them to their China-Satisfaction-Projects.

Does Blizzard want to fail at this point in time? They are doing a good job at it.

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Given China went full on censorship on a bunch of online games this week, including Diablo…


Bet Blizzard HQ is like a sinking submarine right now, flashing red lights, people screaming.

Got to love the karma of it though.

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HOTS was never going to stand the test of time in the MOBA market because they tried to force their way into an oversaturated genre several years too late by appealing to “casuals” and then they pumped a tonne of money into making it a viable esport, too. I figured it would last 5 years however, and not 3. It’s a shame because I’ve played it regularly since the public alpha and I enjoy it - heroes like Maiev feel super unique amongst MOBAs for me and I shall miss her so.

Activision is seizing more and more control of the Blizz department and, according to inside sources who apparently contacted games journo’s in the wake of the Diablo Immortal Fiasco, this year was the first time they had an Activision accountant come in and tell them all that they need to save money. HOTS is evidently the first causality because it’s nowhere near as profitable as Blizz’s other games and hosting things like HGC costs money.

I hope WoW ain’t the next game on the chopping block.

8.1 is riddled with bugs… That angers me.

Tell me about it, my game won’t even start.

I hate what they’re doing to HotS. First, they stopped giving us monthly heroes, then they decide to make a “hero” from within the Nexus and get all uppity about its lore - it has no lore, stop trying to pretend it does - and now they’re basically turning tail and running from what could be a good game, if they’d just stop being nimconpoops.

The HoTS thing feels like another squeeze from Hacktivision. The game isn’t printing enough money, time to double down on the mobile markets instead.


It’s an ill omen for sure. Activision’s hand in this isn’t over in the long run and I suspect HOTS to merely be the first casualty of their mobile gaming pursuits.

Starcraft will likely be the next casualty, if we’re going by levels of popularity/income revenue from titles.

I guess it’s time for The Weakest Link: Blizzard Edition?

peeve; biscuits that sink! like come on, i want a good dunk but I dont want to be drinking a slurry at the end of my coffee.

None of my addons have put updates up yet.

Also, doing Draenor on my enchanter on another server because I need to get weapon enchant on my Herald character.

If anything, though, by further wrecking Blizzard, Activision will go down with them, I mean, they’re really not doing well.

That said, their stock price stopping to decline is a peeve to me.