It’s a dog eat dog world out there
Its one of those traps the English language sets for people who have English as a second language Narme. It doesn’t always make sense. For example, using the Wow races.
Human is singular, Humans is plural
Kaldorei is both singular and plural
Dwarf is singular, Dwarves is plural
Gnome is singular, Gnomes is plural
Draenei is singular and plural
Worgen is singular and plural
Pandaren too, is both singular and plural
Orc is singular, Orcs is plural
Troll is singular, Trolls is plural
Tauren is both singular and plural
Forsaken is singular and plural, as is Undead.
Sin’dorei is Singular and plural
Goblin is singular, Goblins is plural
Nightborne is singular and plural.
To further confuse things however, whilst Worgen is both Singular and Plural, Gilnean is Singular, Gilneans is plural, Blood Elf is singular, Blood Elves is plural.
It is like the word ‘they’ which often confuses people not native to England, so for example “I have spoken to the Smith family, and they think that…” So it is being used as a plural, whereas you can equally say “Yeah, I spoke to John, they said they’re not coming out tonight” meaning singular.
Like I say, as with most of English to non natives it is a cunning trap we devised to make ourselves look cleverer than we are.
My main issue with Warmode is that it’s hardly any fun to be ganked out by a huge group of Alliance/Horde. You need to have your own group as well just for the safety of knowing that you won’t die in less than three seconds.
I know PvP is not supposed to be this balanced thing where everyone fights fair and square because honestly if such was the case, it wouldn’t be fun… But it’s not perfect either. I only have WM turned on for leveling… And when I reach max level it’s turned off until I get decent gear and then I may entertain the idea of having it on.
In response to Bravius from another thread about an RP-PvP event and my reaction to signups being closed, and my sentiment about Camp RP:
No. Because me having a fairly negative demeanor towards the concept of RP-PvP (Or to be more specific: Camp RP) due to a deep-seeded animosity I hold towards it. That or I had a pretty bad first impression of one Camp RP moment that made me think that it’s all nothing more than a massive joke.
I roll in to the Horde camp, and I see people hanging around. I approach them, and they seem to not notice (Or want to react to me). Then I see another batch of people come in, and then they spend the most of the time just making random noises at each other. Fun stuff, right?
Also I was playing a Blood Elf at the time, and the other batch decided to be pretty aggressive towards me because of it (Orcs, amIrite?). And don’t tell me that it’s just one bad experience and I shouldn’t judge it by a first impression.
Well… bleep you on that sentiment. First impressions count for a lot, people who think that first impressions are meaningless are, quite frankly, rather slow.
… So you just have words that take a S and others don’t, and it’s entirely random? There is not one consistent rule? (And some have the gale to complain about the masculin/feminin of french after that, at least our conjugation is logical.)
No, it really doesn’t sound sensible. It’s perfectly random!
Ils sont fous ces Anglais.
Then again the fault of French is that you guys put letters in many words that seem completely redundant as they’re never even pronounced with the word.
I was trying to find the linguistic rule as to how it works, and I just can’t. I’m sure there is a way of defining it, the closest that I have found, is where the conventions of how we spell a word come from the differences between Germanic language, and French and Latin languages, so really, you’ve only got yourself to blame
And hey, at least we don’t calls tables, chairs, windows and suchlike ‘He’ or ‘She’ , heh heh.
Languages are just -weird- basically.
But without WM you won’t get funny situations like you attacking someone, and they “escape” /laughing at you, only for you to find them to have died due to falling.
Peeve, I got a new keyboard because the old one broke, and this one’s so f*ing sensitive, i’m constantly making typos.
Also, depending on what series you’re in can completely change how you deal with multiples of a race.
I know one author that uses wraiths when talking about multiple yet there’s at least 2 other different series that use wraith as both the singular and plural.
I won’t argue the silent letters. But at the same time, I wouldn’t mock someone who is not first language french for getting stuff wrong, so you know.
Eh, it’s all “she” here! Une table, une chaise, une fenêtre. And there is rules! Kinda. With a lot of exceptions, but still.
I actually had a semi-decent time in war mode yesterday when the Zandalar invasion happened. A bunch of players, ungrouped and unorganised, descended on the void elf head quest area - both Alliance and Horde - and there were back and forth skirmishes as both sides jockeyed for mob kills.
Then it all got ruined when an actual alliance raid (which, to reiterate my previous complaints, could not even complete the world quest there) showed up and stomped the Horde entirely.
Oh well, fun ended.
I’ll bite.
Besides the fact that nobody is forcing you to attend campaigns you might dislike and going into the campaign thread to tell people how you wouldn’t want to join is a bit of a prick move, just “rolling in to the Horde camp” and approaching them only to go unnoticed often stems from you not attempting to join the conversation at hand to begin with.
In all the campaigns I’ve attended Horde side, Camp RP atmosphere is one of the predominantly best things about playing Horde. Because while on Alliance side you very often do get ignored, Horde side (due to smaller pool of players) is very accommodating to people – provided they even try to participate.
Standing around and expecting to be the belle of the ball by virtue of showing up like as if it was such a huge chore doesn’t make for very interesting RP, and people don’t tend to give much mind to things they don’t find interesting be it in real life or online.
Being a blood elf and orcs lmao has nothing to do with it.
Can you stop being like that
It’s the same “There’s no RP around anymore” syndrome. There’s a lot of RP around, and a lot of it good. You’re just not trying to engage.
Then it all got ruined when an actual alliance raid (which, to reiterate my previous complaints, could not even complete the world quest there ) showed up and stomped the Horde entirely.
Raids are there to get easy ‘‘Tour of Duty’’ achis which are quite easy to get during the incursions.
Pet battle mobs just standing there unable to get killed by normal combat, destroying some immersion as i’m wiping out some enemies
TBF I’d make it so that you can’t get Tour of duty that way either.
I won’t argue the silent letters. But at the same time, I wouldn’t mock someone who is not first language french for getting stuff wrong, so you know.
To be honest, that is my policy anyway, the day I can criticise a non-native persons English, is when I can speak -their- language as well as they can. So basically never…
Christmas is more work than reward, even though I don’t do the cooking, it’s still a fact that holds true in general, I believe.
Perhaps it’s got to do with how used we are to a variety of foods, so trying to come up with something original every year is just… yeah…