Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

You never asked me. Priest is generally fun to play still. It’s a bit wild on how effective healing can be but Shadow still is solid fun.

Frost mage is decent, Fire is fun - but doesn’t feel like you’re doing much damage.

I’m enjoying Fury warrior more than Arms. Beast Mastery Hunter is surprisingly easy to get a groove going with (first time i’ve ever played BM in all my years on this game).

Sure there’s a lot of broken classes (hello Rogue) and ones that just don’t have the fun factor any more (Warlock, anything other than Blood DK, DPS shaman) but there are still a lot of things that are.

Survival hunter is indeed very fun. Some people don’t like it because it kinda had the nuance taken away from it with Legion but smashing about with a harpoon and a handful of bombs is a pretty narsty way to level.

A lot of other classes get better once you regain some of your stat weights with gear as well tbh. Assassination for me was awful once I hit 120 but as soon as a regained a good whack of my haste it was fine.

I think Assassination actually has the least APM of any class rn, but once you’re maintaining your dots on multiple mobs and everything flows nicely it doesn’t feel slow at all.

You just gotta push past the post-115 legendary less depression, dude. You’ll be fine. :+1:

Have you heard of the high elves?

I got several peeves:

  1. People who say “pandarenS, worgenS, taurenS”. Why? Just why? How do these people not realize how odd that sounds?

  2. Kal’dorei. Next person I see with that is getting the paddle.

  3. People that have absolutely zero idea about the lore in Warcraft but complain. "In muh TBC we still had real lore!11 no spaceshipis!“111”. You never played the draenei starting zone then, I suppose? You never played WC1-3? Different planets, orcs are aliens, the races on Azeroth such as humans are basically creations of some giant people from outer space. I don’t understand how you can think Warcraft was always a “medieval setting” when we have aliens (orcs) since the very beginning of WC1. How can you be this ignorant and claim “muh lore was better” when you have not a single clue about the lore?

  4. Complainers about the lore extending. Tauren paladins (sunwalkers), pandaren, void elves and idk, yes they exist. No, they are not called tauren paladins but instead sun walkers. Why do you complain if you don’t even know the basics?

  5. Insanity. The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over in the same way expecting different results. Goes to all who complain “I find no RP”. Yea… Maybe you would if you wouldn’t be boring as hell to talk to with your one word replies. Maybe you would if you got up from your butt at the tree in SW and talk to people instead of letting them pass. Yes, walking in SW for hours without talking to one means you suck, not others. Go and be social.

  6. People who say “be honest” but then think my honest opinion is hurting. What did you expect? I am always honest in my opinions. No, you’re a random person on the internet for me, I don’t care about you. I don’t even know you. Why would I care what you think or want? You could die tomorrow and I wouldn’t bat an eye. To give this some context: a person complained about something and I said Idc because I did not even know that person. Friends and stuff? Sure, no problem. But people trying to tell me something that don’t even know me? Nah fam. Miss me with that gei sheit.

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Hey, that one’s Blizzard’s fault!

Yes but the tech didn’t play as big of a role as it does now.

Be glad you haven’t met the ‘Worgenesse’ yet.

“Alright so we’ve got Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei, Quel’dorei, Shal’dorei, Fal’dorei… but lets just call the night elves Kaldorei lol”

And Frost up above pretty much nails the issue with the current tech level in WoW.

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What. Have you ever seen someone use that?

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Or goblinette, gnomette…


I have, as well as Taurenian and Goblinian.

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I… still don’t realise? It’s plural, you put a S. Why wouldn’t you put a S when it’s plural?

They don’t require “S” at the end to be a plural.

“This pandaren.”
“These pandaren”

Sounds more sensible than “These pandarenS”, doesn’t it?

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Deer, fish, moose, offspring…

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The amount of Loa/Ancients, with some resembling eachother a bit much, too.

Kimbul and Xuen come to mind, both ancients liked to honor, strength and all that…

Add undead to the list. The amount of times I’ve seen “undeads” hurts me.


Unfortunately, yes, I have seen a Worgenesse Druidesse.

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Those sound like weird languages;
“Yes I’m fluent in Worgenesse, she said Donna is fat”

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Reminds me of the variations of words people use instead of Draconic.

Wanting to make another character but knowing I can’t commit to more than one character for RP.

While writing this i was logging in, I died by a group of alliance cowards

See, I’d hop on another character now… IF I HAD ANY

This is why I make it a business of mine to not play in Warmode, unless I have a good reason for it.

Can’t even get me to go in to Warmode to summon people. It’s just not worth the stress that at any given moment, some hobo is gonna roll in and kill you because of reasons, when all you’re doing is either waiting for people to come to summon, or do World Quests, or scratch your buttox.