Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

That’s some really economically sound thinking. Less orphans to feed, more money to spend on waging war. Perfect.


Death Knights aren’t like the Dragonborn crawling around Skyrim! The powers of Dragon Death Lasers coming from your orifice isn’t as scary as being a smelly, deathly, possibly maggot infested dude with glowing blue eyes and a knack for death.

bloody hell, somebody is professing their love to my orc priest.

We only just met, stop.


puts up an exaggerated French accent Eeey Bebbyy, you want to maek ze children, no? I have Fyyyyne quizine and a sexy akcyent!

puts up a normal voice after being rejected WHAT!? How dare you reject my advances! I don’t want to Roleplay with you anymore!

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That is not the worst of it…

This wouldn’t happen if you were a DK and they were a DK.

…okay it might


at least he hasn’t tried to engage in ERP with her yet.

I will not accept pregnant-lesbian-death knights as canon!

Tell me then: What are the downsides of willingly becoming a worgen? Blizzard treats it as a curse, but the upsides utterly outweigh the downsides. The powers of the void elves, death knights and demon hunters come at a great cost and this is actually shown ingame. Umbric basically talks about nothing else, the demon hunters had an entire expansion around this thematic (with numerous of them joining the Legion), and he problems of becoming a death knight were also shown several times (the constant need to kill people, the dampened feelings even for people you love etc.).

During Cataclysm there was the idea that the worgen curse actually made you sterile. Now that would be an actual downside and would also explain why there aren’t more people who willingly want to become a worgen. Right now it feels more like, “Okay soldier you can get this exo-suit which will make you better but you might break an arm and a leg. Or you can go out there with your standard equipment. Choice is yours.”

Also your hyperbole doesn’t really work and is in fact utterly retarded.

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The downsides to being Worgen?

  • Furry hell.
  • I guess the fact you’re basically an auto-furry as well, depending on your view.

I mean, Worgen curse-afflicted people can still have babies. And what’s more, the babies will always be normal, without any of the Worgen crap, even if both parents were Worgen. It only adds to the theme of Worgen = human but better at everything but also very REEEEEE and being constantly called a furry.

ED. Figured I should drop a source on the part about the curse not being passed on to children.

Pet Peeve: Why the hell did they decide to make canon time not in line with the actual time expansions took


For starters there’s the temper bit. It’s not even just “oh sometimes you turn into a worgen when you’re angry” – you can still risk turning completely feral if you fail to control it, even after the ritual. Wolfheart novel also makes them out to be particularly prone to being unable to restrain themselves and get very easily carried off in battle. To say they have discipline would be an overstatement.

Undisciplined fighters who get carried off and ignore orders are a bit of a liability to have in battle, a sentiment that Varian carried through out the novel. If they’re so eager to get carried away and turn feral even after the ritual, would you really want to force it upon everyone? Gilneas didn’t fare well with the worgen outbreak.

Thing that kinda bugs me about Worgen, is that you don’t really have much choice in whether they fight as Human or Worgen.

In B-Four “Muh race identity” or “No point playing Humans den”: No, shut up.

Just because Worgen could get the opportunity to also fight in their Human form, won’t make Humans go anywhere, considering they’re still popular, not everyone will want to be a Worgen (I’m not even thrilled about playing Humans at all). Due to their racials and their whole… Human deal that they have going on.

Second of all, how about they get the cosmetic option, but get downsides to it due to them not being in their full form? Like disabling their racials, make them deal 30% less damage for being in their feeble Human form. You know, stuff like that. Doesn’t sound so unreasonable, does it?

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obligatory weeheh u no use mean bad word :cry: :sob:

Yeah no worries I already brought up the bloodlust thing but it was completely ignored, I’d just not bother tbh.

Doublepost because I’m a cool kid, but here’s a damn pet peeve.

Humans have the best damn racial in the entire game.
Increased rep gain.

So in short, my pet peeve is blue background posters whining about unfair racials.


The knight character I’m currently leveling through BFA is a worgen. He was an unwilling afflictee and deems it mostly unbecoming of a knight to embrace the curse, since he’s more old school Warcraft 3 era knight.

It’s a constant struggle to maintain his discipline, despite having every urge to let loose. Sure it comes with great strength, heightened senses and renewed vitality but what’s all that worth if you forget who you are?

I play him as a human ooc because of his unwillingness to embrace the curse and the struggle that comes with it. I also RP a Frostwolf on the Horde side who make a point about suppressing their bloodlust, and I find it a fun trope to RP personally.

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This is truth. The power of diplomacy (especially in the era of paragon reps) cannot be denied.


The current smokywood supplies expired 7 years ago

… Lor’themar’s face does NOT fit his… dress.

The ultimate power of human potential.

A shame so many players forget that Diplomacy is a racial trait of humanity in the Warcraft universe.