Pet Peeve: The Undying

Now this is a critical failure I can get behind.

Peeve: My right ear has been stuffy all day. I used some ear cleaning stuff and it kinda help but also didn’t? Basically I’m partially deaf in my right ear at the moment, which has left me feeling ~weird~.

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Go to a doctor for professional cleaning.

Regularly clean the entry to your ear with a cotton stick in the future. Do not thrust deep! That can lead to damaged eardrums.
The little hairs inside the ear will carry the dirt up to the brim on their own, but if it’s not regularly removed there, the whole thing can get congested all the way down.

Had that same problem a lot. Then I started cleaning and it hasn’t recurred in several years.

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I olive oiled my ear, then using some cleaning crud. Felt a lot better after.

My own peeve:
I want Skyguard rep, but can’t be bothered to grind it. Why is there no token during timewalking?!

Peeve is having to wake up at 8am tomorrow to go to an assessment. Ew.

This thread… Not the OP, but the posts at the end…

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Luckily the nasty part is over, but it’s still not o topic, luckily the current topic is JJBA and RS3.

The damage is already done.


I was finally able to watch Death of Stalin.

It shouldn’t be this hard to watch a movie as a law-abiding, paying citizen.

The part with Vasily about the doctors was great. “Who are you? How old are you? You’re not old! You’re not even a person!


Sometimes i feel this realm isn’t worth staying anymore. Better go back to my old realm and write my own fictions. People going at each other’s throats like if they are mortal enemies, they do ANYTHING just to deal a damage to eachother, to ruin each other over a SIMPLE GAME.
What’s the meaning of this, really? I don’t care that i was already upset and painful IRL, and got even more and more right now, as far as i can’t move… But those people who get Targeted for nothing. With no outcome.

I’m sorry, but i really got upset over this.


Alright lads, free T-shirt day (all are marked as rares on the mini-map). (will update)
1 = lower shattrah
2 = Stormheim’s main hub
3 = Silken Fields, Valley of 4 winds.
4 = Light hope’s chapel.

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“I don’t trust these creatures to … I mean, how old are you?”
I’m 29.
“That’s a lie. How old are you? - You look dead!”


They’ll get whats coming to them Kump, one day or another they will be taught to be decent.


Zhukov is the funniest imo.

“What’s a war hero got to do to get some lubrication around here!?”

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This is partly my fault, Because You’re my friend and I have the highest respects for you, I will no longer get involved in Forum feuds, even to meme. only simple, non offensive joke posts now.


It’s utter cow poo yeah. But remember all the good folk on the server! All the ones who are not doing anything stupid like obsessing over getting power over others and whatever stupid nonsense people get up to. They just aren’t talked about as much because they just focus on the RP instead of diddling their own buttholes all day.


I fricked Germany, I can take on some flesh lump in a waistcoat.

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My pet peeve is having to search for t-shirt vendors.

I guess I’ll save you all the trouble

Zangara, talador
Light’s Hope
Lower City
Valdisdall, Stormheim
Silkfields, Valley of The Four Winds
Grizzlemaw, Grizzly Hills
Everlook, Winterspring


Do they sell anything new or Exclusive or is it just the regular T-shirts?

all special shirts.

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