Pet Peeve: The Undying

You may find it juvenile, but a lot of people do not consider it that juvenile.

Lintian, you’re breaking my heart :broken_heart:

Speak for yourself…

Theres joking around, and then theres being a juvenile that has nothing else on their minds.

Guess which category me and Shadowtwili go into.

I take it very seriously, thank you very much. :wink:

I continue to be my own peeve.

My inability to be active in guilds due to IRL reason or otherwise are giving me so much anxiety. I feel a bit alienated and might as well be a side character on most of my characters.

I do fully acknowledge that most of this is in my head though. I just wish I could be more active.

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Pats your back

When aging and real life gets in the way there’s nothing one can do about it. Take it easy and just do stuff one at a time if things are hectic.

This university assignment is making me die inside.

It’s a continuation of this assignment

Except now I need to read 4 other people’s work and grade them as some peer evaluation thing, and in order to do that I need to read their source material too. One guy literally had an entire book assigned as their source for their assignment.

I’ve written 3 analyses about their assignments, just one more to go. Then I need to write up a summary of everything that I’ve learned and what caught my eye in specific.

This is due tomorrow.

Just reading this gave me a headache.

Good luck with that, sounds like one hell of a task.

Pet peeve: Can’t find any interesting RP so far.

Peeve: Many of the best looking sets cost Marks of Honor, and I hate PvP.


I got a mega peeve.

Why does parts of Boralus, including the harbour near the war table, -not- count as friendly territory, so you can’t turn of WM? You instead have to fly over to the inn-section of the city.

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Meanwhile I have literally hundreds of marks and nothing to spend them on.

They should just make the really old gladiator sets available over time tbh, same way heroic/mythic raiding sets become more available as people can more easily solo/farm old content for the tmog. There’s a bunch of sets I really want but I didn’t PvP at the time. You can argue about exclusivity blah blah but again, mythic raid sets are still available. So why not gladiator? I’ve never seen anyone mogged into a Cata or MoP Gladiator set anyways…

It’s aged because it was already very aged when it came out. it is literally Baldur’s Gate but more accessible and less completely broken. The combat feels off because it otherwise plays like an old school RPG. In fact I’m 90% sure you’re supposed to play entirely from the top down perspective since the weird movement and animations don’t look nearly as bad from above as they do when in third person.

The later games pushed for a more action oriented/MMO-style approach.

That’s my concern as well but to be fair I remember half the zone being invaded by Mogu for dailies even back in the day. So long as that returns to being the case I can make do.

Related though, I wanted to go RP with some friends in a Legion zone but then an assault started. Even after finishing it and the scenario, the zone is still on fire and covered in demons. Not a fan.

I would wear the red version of Ruthless.

Its just I don’t do any ranked on hunter, I prefer to heal.

A peeve of mine is how chopped up the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor feels, and how the overall geography does not make much sense.

First of all, what is up with the climate in some zones compared to others that lie just next to them? Winterspring bordering Azshara and Moonglade, yet none of them have any snow. The same thing with Dun Morogh, seeing as there’s nothing but lush forest surrounding that place, and it isn’t even located in the north, like Winterspring. Northrend proves that the climate is much colder in the north, yet we also see Quel’thalas and there is no snow there. Perhaps because of the magic in the land, but still.

Then there’s the tons and tons of mountain chains that just close in so many lands, which feels weird to me. There’s always some sort of tunnel, or break in the mountain you can pass through to get into a new zone, in the old world. I get they want to separate the lands easily but it feels weird that no land kind of melts together, and you can gradually perhaps see how the lush forest of Feralas slowly transition into Desolace and its barren land.


Isn’t that an altitude thing?

However, I do agree. Sometimes when you cross from one zone to the next and the grass suddenly and abruptly changes colour or turns to sand, it does feel very jarring.


Just read the referenced parts of the book (book references must always be accompanied with page number(s)). However, if he’s not used page numbers just write that you were unable to do research on his material because he failed 2 do referencing.

That probably has to do something with it, perhaps. But, Winterspring is even sometimes referred to as Winterspring Valley so even if it was higher up than Azshara, the place is not as high up as the surrounding mountains, altitude wise. Besides, I don’t recall the tunnel from Felwood ascending into Winterspring, it seemed pretty even-leveled, and Felwood wasn’t snowy.

The tunnel definitely ascends.

It ascends slightly, but when you look at the altitude difference from the air, you notice that Winterspring is not positioned much higher than Felwood. Certainly not enough to warrant such drastic climate difference.

But ultimately it is pointless to overthink this sort of stuff, as Blizzard probably just did it to give the zones diversity and were not considering real world climate and geology.

Basically. The world is much larger than it’s portrayed, so you can assume that the tunnel is much longer (and therefore ascends much higher) or the ascent is that much steeper.

Could be pretty much be said about the entire thread