Pet Peeve: The Undying

It’s all just a joke until the punchline really lands.

My understanding is that it wasn’t really trolling at that point but certainly taught to them that they can twist anything they like. They did it with another emoji definitely deliberately.

That’s not how the real world works, bucko! That ship has long since sailed and no amount of nervous assertion that something doesn’t really mean what it means will change that. The symbol has several meanings and one of them, so prominent in our time, is something that a company might want to distance themselves from. There’s a deeper conversation on the implications of economics deciding what’s permissible but this is dragging on…

Claiming that only silly people think the OK sign is bad and that it’s only bad if you let it be bad is to be aggressively ignorant as to the snowball effect associated with this stuff as meanings change by usage. Attempts to rehabilitate it come too late to make any meaningful impact and the societal connotations are now such that its usage is defined in such a way that warrants banning in a social setting wherein context is defined by its popular use and not keyboard warriors screeching that only normies think it’s for real when the joke turned into reality.

It’s the WP people who ruined the OK sign, not the SJW’s or blizzard.

Tough cookies. A civilized society considers the contextual use of symbols and gestures and they are given meaning by the people that use them. Especially certain hand gestures! You can personally think the OK sign only means OK and that the “hooked cross” is only a tibetan good luck charm but you’d be wrong and refusing to change your use of these symbols is a choice with certain chosen consequences.

Milk, yes. Another case of “libs are so stupid, let’s convince them racists use milk as a symbol of racial purity”. And then that’s exactly what they proceeded to do. I wonder which emoji 4chan will ruin next? Ironically and in complete jest, of course.


Funny story only slightly related: Years and years back the infamous /pol/ used to be a satire board. I never browsed it but my understanding via friends who used to was that everything said there was so absurd and moronic and ‘meme-y’ that it couldn’t be anything but satire. Then a “normie” news channel did a report about it being an “extreme right” message board, and suddenly they found the board flooded with unironic posting from people who thought they had a safe haven to post their extremely questionable views. Fast forward a few years and basically all the satire dried up and now I’m told most posts there are deadly serious. I have no idea how true this story is but it sounds very plausible.

Anyway my money is on the white family emoji. Taking bets! Come one, come all!


It’s a half-truth. Pol was always a haven for certain opinions to be expressed, mingling freely with “ironic” jokesters who may or may not have been serious. Greater exposure encouraged an influx of membership and posting intensity and the real, unmasked, unironic posters quickly outbred the “natives” regardless of their sincerity.

Satire is a useful shield for what cannot be spoken, known to be such since antiquity. Court jesters filled this very function.

What, am I turning into the meme historian now? First the incels, then the OK symbol and now the growth of malignant pols?


i hate it when people tell me to stop saying words and try to take them away from me.


in ten characters


Like what? :wink:

but that’s only a six letter word

Woah i was on about groid.

Yes, it does. No one in their right mind is going to adopt the idea of “The OK symbol is a WP symbol!” to any serious degree… Unless they’re insane.

Would be nice if we could go back to before people completely lost their marbles. Oh well… At least I can think of the good old days where you could make an OK symbol and not have some people go completely ballistic over it.

I consider it aggressively ignorant to think that because some bad people are taking advantage of a symbol inspired by some dummies on a board, means that it is the only true meaning and none other meaning is valid anymore.

What the Bleetin’ Hell…? I don’t think this is normal thinking.

For you. While anyone else living in the normal world will look at the OK sign, and think “Oh, that means OK. That’s great.”

Then I guess Slovenia is a country filled with savages, because I am 100% certain that if I were to go from door to door in my apartment block, and show the OK sign, people will think that I am saying “OK”. Because, say it with me: Normal people aren’t gonna give WP’s usage of the symbol any serious consideration.

most definitely


We’re a simple folk, y’see. A lot of small towns in the mountains and valleys. Heck, someone could say that we’re a country where old people could move in to for their retirements.

Sadly, the world is filled with insanity in that case and the sheer bulk of it, by virtue of popular use and understanding, says that it now is, among its other meanings, which is an issue.

Agreed, it’s sad that channers decided to troll and meme a benign emoji into being something quite different. But that was the point.

It would be. People who think that are wrong. I’m glad that I never made that point. Symbols have meanings. Some symbols have several. Some symbols have one meaning among many that overwhelmingly ruins the others. Imagine that!

Sure, if they’re completely innocently ignorant of its other meanings, like your “hooked cross” example. But you’re not, are you? So what’s the problem with understanding the problem?

And I’m certain that everyone in slovenia isn’t as ignorant of the OK=WP dynamic as you claim them to be. Good for you that you live in a neighbourhood with people entirely ignorant of the popular and political use of hand gestures.

The issue is that this gesture has been given a new, odious meaning regardless of what it used to mean and I will not fault blizzard for taking issue with a bunch of people spamming it in their streams, signalling that they know exactly what it means.

And you’re free to consider everyone who considers OK=WP usage to be a problem as abnormal people. Cheers!

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Aeilmar can confirm, having shot a few in his armed forces


The patch timing of this expansion. 8.2 will be on the PTR shortly, meaning it’s not gonna go live in May or the first half of June; which brings it close to the release date of the upcoming FF XIV expansion. Gee, what a coincidence.

It also means they timegate flying for close to a year. This while I distinctly remember Ion saying in a Q&A they wanted flying implemented quicker than Legion. Whether I recall correctly or not, it’s still a bloody long time to keep flying from us for no good reason at all.


Because everybody is doing timewalking, nobody’s really levelling pre 86 alts so queue times are atrocious.

Which kind of sucks for me wanting to get my zanda hunter to 65 quickly so I can tame Gon.

However, I have quickly got my orc rogue to 110 because of TWs and am currently working on my troll warlock and my belf DK.

So, a good trade off i suppose?

Is the Timewalking exp reward that good?

Yes, it is!

With full looms its 2 dungeons to level up to 110 (haven’t tried 110 to 120)

EDIT: Also, queues go quickly for the first few TW days

Yes, most people who seek reasons to brand people racists are abnormal.

Worgen but then spelled backwards.

What? a board ment for political incorrectness is political incorrect? whoa…

I’d rather be a uncivilized savage.
Look how that worked out for the romans and their civilized society.

What you are conveying ain’t doing it either, you’re arming mouths with insults.

It ain’t in that case, only twitter and trashtier university students convey this useless stuff, the rest of the world busy not trying to get offed by diseases, war and natural disasters.

And the Ok-sign means OK. :ok_hand:

Excremental grade of an example as swisscheesetika is yet another variation of this cross.

Almost as easy as pulling an actual trigger… to trigger.
Bring back cleavagevey.