Pet Peeve: The Undying

Nah man, you got beef’d.

logs on to his Goblin Shaman I am… THE ELEMENTAL ELECTRICIAN! crowd cheers, sparks go off from all sides, flexes muscles

Hopefully they’ll do something similar to this for the next Heroes of the Storm Summer event.

They did it with Garrosh, giving him a Luchadore skin, hopefully something like that will happen to Arthas as well.

It has been a while since I’ve interacted with most people about this (Actually barely logged in to the game at all, except for that Free Weekend), but a cursory glance over the forum certainly paints a picture of “We are a military guild who hates the opposing faction!”. And it isn’t like a ragtag group of people just getting together and making the world a better/worse place, but it’s rank’n’file type of military as well, with uniforms and shizz. It’s… Kind of deflating, I’d say.

I am genuinely curious why you don’t like RP-PvP. It’d be an interesting read at least.

My guess is that some people do indeed do this… But more as a thing if they can’t get dates scheduled with four other guilds for a cross-faction throw-down with multiple guilds in play.

Honestly it just feels like people don’t really like PvE-themed RP events as much as PvP-themed RP events, and it is a shame, as when I was still open to most RP guild themes and events (Before I became embittered by some things), I had experienced a fair amount of fun PvE-Themed events, and some that didn’t even have any combat to really speak of.

From what I have experienced, events that are either PvE themed, or are just something of a more relaxed type of event fall under a niche category, Which is kind of a shame, as I did actually end up joining some concepts that seemed really decent. An Orcish Clan type guild that eventually just turned in to a typical military Warband guild, a Spiritual guild that seemed to have been disbanded due to a lack of interest (At least when I logged in and saw that I was guildless, I didn’t see any signs of it existing anymore), and I was also in a guild on my Mag’har that seemed to serve as a type of bounty hunting guild, but… I honestly stopped playing and didn’t check how it was doing, I did at most see only three or four people online at most in the guild.

If I were to host my own event, and I would have to choose who or what is being fought, it would probably be… Horde v Alliance themed, but instead of outright going at war for a location or whatever, it’d have to involve subterfuge, a bit of magic, and let people do what they do best. No large army-sized forces or skirmishes involved, just something close to like… Ten people doing their own thing, or something like that.

I imagine something like that would be absolutely boring to someone who expects 60+ enemy forces along with 59+ allies to go fight over a patch of land, with high-octane action setpieces with explosions and Makael Bay’s spunk all over the place.

Isn’t that a subsection of tauren pr0nography?

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I grew large on true enlightenment.


This is a CHRISTIAN forum! Don’t come here with your devils work!


[Grimtotem intensifies]

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Where would I even start? You could probably sift through my post history to get a rough idea. A long, long, long time ago I could tolerate it but over the years and after many attempts to try and enjoy it, I just don’t see the appeal.

The best parts were always the parts not involving RPPvP and frankly you could achieve literally the same thing with an RPPvE event.


The peeve here is “Where on Earth did you get that crown from?”

Sounds like me and RP in general, really.

The new raid, fourth boss. @Tubri

Aaah. Thank you.

And here I thought it was something you get out of… I don’t know. Sacrificing your credit card to the ActiZzard God or something crazy like that. What.

Oh, so when I bring up something stupid that the Stupid Left does, I am called “Alt-Right”. But when someone else does it, everyone agrees that it’s a stupid concept?

I think that’s called “Double Standard”

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Who would’ve thought that “ironically” appropriating a hand gesture to trigger the libs™ would ever lead to actual people with these actual views adopting it sincerely, affecting its use and meaning to the point where the bold keyboard warriors memed an emoji into into being banned?

Y’all got no one to blame but yourselves so snuff the outrage.


you know they had to do it to 'em

It sounds like you’re trying to make the argument of “Hey, people with bad views drink water. We best all stop drinking water!” You’re obviously not trying to do that (I hope), but it really sounds like it

You’re giving the actual more power than they deserve. Don’t do that.

It’s like that old saying of “Don’t feed the troll”.

I’m stating facts. OK emoji as WP symbol was manifactured as a 4chan triggering, then it caught on with actual WP people and now it unironically(!) means what people were saying it meant in jest. Culture changes, symbols have the meanings people assign to them. Bans as such are not unreasonable and the outrage over such is insincere and lacks perspective.


:ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:


And I am merely stating (Or wishing to suggest), that you’re giving it more significance than it deserves when it comes to WP people doing it.

No. It doesn’t. Want to know why? Because normal sensible people who still live in the real world, know well enough that it means either F in Sign Language, or simply as “OK”.

The crooked cross is a positive symbol in the Hindu faith as far as I know, and I choose to see it as that, because I don’t want to give WP folks attention when they use it for other means.

Only if people let it change.

Only if people give it significance (Which, unfortunately, you are).

This really could boil down to “Water is drunk by WP people, let’s ban water”, because we might just as well look at it that way.

Certainly is unreasonable, because Blizzard are making themselves look foolish because they are giving more significance to it than it actually needs or deserves.

This sounds really disingenuous, as it really sounds like a lack in the foresight of “Wait… Why am I giving these people credibility with using a perfectly normal hand gesture that was used for many years without incident?”.

Edit: I mean, the banning of a simple hand gesture sets for a pretty dangerous precedent, wherein anyone can decide that anything can be seen as a bad gesture. I could always say that the middle finger, or the thumbs up/down gestures are symbols of hate against someone, and then WP people may end up adopting them and then they’d end up being banned. You see where I’m going with this?

To quote Telaryn: :ok_hand:


I-I was just trolling, you guys!!