Pet Peeve: The Undying

It’s logic, not numbers. If blizzard stands to lose by giving license to OK spammers, they ban it. The reverse is true if gains are to be made.

I’m not sure where this defeatist mentlity arises other than by misunderstandings.

Absolutely, on the backs of online propaganda, no less which is why pushing back is vital.

Action is preferable to inaction on a matter of scale. I don’t believe policing the internet (which would be an automated tornado of septic effluence) to be the solution but the alternative isn’t to passively allow anything to flourish as extra odious ideas have incredible coordinayion behind them to destroy opposition. Disempowerment of symbols, analysis of flawed methods znd arguments and outright mockery seems reasonable thus far.

Not an apt comparison because engineered trolling like waterproof iphones doesn’t have ideology backing it up wheres reappropriation of emojis does. Battles must be chosen and fought on the right terms. Some things die out not by ignoring them but because new, more efficient avenues of engagement were found.

False. Misreading my points is one thing but being misrepresented is insulting.

Looking at my posts it’s quite clear that one is a reply to your stance and deals with the impossibility of fighting racism with passivity while the latter post dealt with the recognition that memes move on. The OK sign isn’t an eternal icon but it’s what’s relevant now with blizzard’s ban.

These are different posts on different subjects. Cherry picking indeed. I do recognise that I have a tendency to edge around the bigger picture and thus drifting between points so if it’s that confusing, then no offense taken…

Never was my stance, but it’s blizzard’s solution to avoid losing money. Gamers flashing WP signs scares advertisers. Companies do care, by that 51% metric of profitability.

Never was my point to ban it. I only argued its meaning in the cultural shift.

Quite frankly, a few hundred upset people who love using the OK sign losing it on youtube doesn’t affect blizzard’s bottom line at all.

My aim is true, thats all :boom: :gun:

Not a peeve, but my cat thinks he’s people;




Look at him with his head sticking out of his blanket.


That’s one beautiful cat.


That is ultimately the outcome of conversing with people who seem adamant with their belief, if it goes against WP people.

Unlike regular people who don’t like WP folks, but don’t take them that seriously to allow common hand gestures to be seized by them.

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Thank you!

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Anyway, a peeve I guess anyone can relate to: Rainy days. I want to go out and run, but I don’t want to do that in cats and dogs weather.

Although I would quite like to see it raining kittens and puppies… It would let me open up my window and pick up a cuddly animal off of the roof, and give it a cuddle.

I have adepted, learned and overcome the rainy day.
I become listener of musics ,player of games and doer of works.

Good for you. But seeing as I live in a valley, where it often gets really cold during a rainy day (Even in the Summer), it’d be likely that I’d catch a cold if I ran a circle in this weather :stuck_out_tongue:

Or you’d build resistance to these weather conditions.

It’s real sunny here but the wind feels like knives. So you get warm, decide to maybe get out of your jacket and then you turn a corner and get stabbed by cold air.


I love how this thread turned into a Linguistic Anthropology debate during my ban.

My current peeve is that I’m sick so I couldn’t sleep well last night and that I read The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe yesterday which soured my mood immensely.

I watched the cinematic for WoD again. And god damn does it make my pee boil to remember how much wasted potential that entire expansion was.


People. Just… people.

So much trouble in the world, so much blind anger and hatred and pettiness and stupidity and… ugh. Always seeing decent people suffer while absolute A-grade wazzocks get away with everything, up to and sometimes including murder, robbery, etc… Seeing friends and family who I know are good and kind and hard working never catch a damn break…

Humanity is currently the biggest waste of potential. Why are we not better than this?

Who leaked the script for the Joker movie?

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The Duality of the D…agger (waifu)

I will always :heart: you :sob:

Peeve: Ten runs of Ulduar’s new shtty loot system and the mage chestpiece for 10man won’t ever drop for me.


Urgh! I feel your pain, it took about that long to get the Dk 25 man shoulders.

I had to get most of the recoloured Scourgestalker set for Dreadbore’s first mog.

The last piece to farm was the leg piece that only drops from Yogg.

: )

: ))))))))))))

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