Pet Peeve: The Undying

It bloody is.

Star wars came out in 1977, it’s not weird that young people these days haven’t watched it.

Because Force forbid they goof around a bit. All discussion on the matter must be given the solemn weight of its gravitas.

New to the series? New fans aren’t real fans! Banish him to Mustafar!

That Mileena is a beautiful lass. I frankly do not care about outfits being less provocative. Most characters still look badass and if you don’t know the difference in cultural context between a topless man and a woman then I don’t know what to tell you.

It sure ain’t.

Seems a noble goal.

Uh-huh? Elaborate on this supposed black supremacy.

Not touching that septic tank.

Elf ears let them navigate by sonar, like bats.

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Star wars is a mediocre franchise in my opinion.


You’re a mediocre franchise!

I’ll grant that most of the really good stuff was expanded universe, now gutted by Disney to use its carcass for its own ends.

People acting like Sekiro is somehow this massively different beast in terms of Fromsoft Game Difficulty.

Like… it has its mechanics. They happen to be totally different from Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but they are still a set rule of mechanics.

Said mechanics are such that I go “Oh, hey, I’m starting to suck only 50% of the time against these mooks Oh God, Shinobi Hunter, no, put that spear down, on g-!” but I digress…
(I have not got very far, and the NPCs seem set on that continuing, heh…)

Yeah. It’s weird that their parents didn’t sit them down with the original Star Wars. Hell, even the Prequel movies are better.

I know you’re trying to be snarky about it, but think about it. Do fans go to conventions to hear the actors’ opinions on the world and how their work is? Or to talk about X character’s ability to be good for Y character in a relationship, and ONLY that?

Again with the snark I see…

Glad that you don’t care. Personally I wouldn’t care either, however…

When the designers are going around saying “Pfah! It’s supposed to be more realistic! You wouldn’t go in to battle half-naked, would you!?”, it just smells of double standard, and stupidity (In fact, I would even argue that your claim of “Cultural context” is nothing but hot gas outta your bum)

Men get to walk around half-naked and have their muscles quadrupled in size. Women look less appealing and are concealed as if they just came from a middle-eastern country. It’s saying “Hey, the ladies can admire big sexy men, but not you dudes! You don’t get eye candy!”. Double standards.

And it shouldn’t/doesn’t need more. It’s bad enough as it is.

Normally I’d agree with the notion of “Let there be no slavery”, because slavery is a bad thing all 'round. But in the context of the ending… It’s just Woke nonsense.

[quote=“Levey-argent-dawn, post:5558, topic:25407”]
Uh-huh? Elaborate on this supposed black supremacy.[/quote]

A quote from the website One Angry Gamer:
“So the general gist of the ending is that in Jax’s Tower Ending, he defeats Kronika and uses the power of time manipulation to force black people out of slavery and makes them rulers of the world because, according to Jax, he’s done waiting for “people to get woke”.”
You don’t see the problem in this?

Because you know I’m right, and it’s how the direction of the media is.

It certainly isn’t a bad franchise. KOTOR certainly had a pretty interesting universe to explore, and I guess the dynamic of how the Force works can be pretty interesting, even though it’s essentially Future Magic.

Aha! So you DO agree that the Disney Star Wars is in shambles!

It certainly isn’t that different, yes. Though I guess people are more bothered by how the game is now essentially working on the aspect of “Timed parrying” as opposed to energy conservation and positioning like it was in the other Fromsoft games. Also cutting down the strategic options in weapons, down to “One Katana”.

Personally whenever I’m playing the game, I get flashbacks of For Honor and how that game was this timed-parry bananza.

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I think that you’re overreacting to a lighthearted subject.

No one is fighting in a burqa and I disagree that the bulging shirtless guys are intended as eyecandy for the ladies. I think that you’re misunderstanding the intention of the character designs with a basis in “must look sexy or it’s the downfall of gaming”.

Yes, the problem is quoting One Angry Gamer rather than looking at the context within the game itself. I do not trust the perpetual outrage machine of thin skinned angry big “g” Gamers. Seems to me that the guy is using very loose information to have something to rage about.

I’d suggest you get off the chan board bubble where apparently, the world is banning white people for being insufficiently woke. It’s not healthy for you.

I don’t think the new movies are horrible but I recognise that most good star wars writing didn’t come out of Lucas’ original trilogy. A lot of that writing is now invalidated because megacorp Disney wanted to write their own stories without respect to decades of content. It’s a different issue.


Not really, no.

Skarlet wishes to have words with you.

What other reason could there be? It definitely isn’t to uphold this so-called realism that is making women wrapped up and not showing off much in the form of cleavage, or overall skin.

Now you’re misrepresenting me. It wouldn’t be an issue I’d grind an axe on, if it weren’t for the older games being more than willing to have ladies look sexy while deadly, and the excuse being “It’s all to look realistic”.
Apparently it’s realistic for men to walk around half-naked in to battle while women have to wear armor. I guess they’re gonna deflect attacks with their pecs. Unless this is a Yakuza game (which can get away with Kiryu headbutting an oncoming fist), it’s showing a double standard with the whole “Muh realism” angle.

“It is a website that I do not agree with, therefore it’s invalidated immediately and anything said there is nothing but thin skinned manbabbies!”
This is you, right here. And I understand the context of the game quite well: Jax doesn’t want to just erase slavery, but also create Wakanda. Probably meaning he’d Thanos white people off of America.

Never visited 4-Chan. Just follow the news (And no, news or outlets that you do not agree with are not “Fake News Outrage Generators”. If they were, then the outlets that you trust and follow also get to be considered the same).

It’s already happening. You just don’t want to admit it.

Neither is denial and claiming that it’s not happening.

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That’s a hollywood ninja outfit with a hat. Skarlet is a ninja with blood magic.

Power fantasy wherein both genders can be portrayed as fit, fighting and killing machines. If sex appeal was the only factor, every character would have to look very different.

The first mortal kombat games had the ladies be pixels dressed in 80’s gym clothes, right? The sexninja stuff peaking in MK9 came later.

I’d suggest you wait for the game to come out rather than basing your whole outrage on an Angry Gamer who apparently hasn’t seen the whole thing either. It’s just uninformed, reactionary hot air.

Which news where? Your post read very much like a raging channer which is why I assumed such.

Case in point.


Have you seen MK9? It looked totally ridiculous. Their modern outfits look so much better.

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Should be executed on point.

The game’s coming out tomorrow/in two days, and I’m not really interested in the game. The babbling from the directors was more than enough to make me want to steer clear of it, the Jax leak now convinced me to keep away from it.

I guess it’s easier to just ignore something that got leaked, rather than trying to understand the context behind people’s satisfaction and just call it “Reactionary” and “Uninformed”…

Youtube channels. Tim Pool’s a pretty good source, for example.

And your posts read very much like a close-minded liberal who’s trying to deny and shoot down anyone they don’t agree with.
See? I can make assumptions too.

I played it, yes.

It didn’t look all that ridiculous. It had the whole “Femme fatale” thing going on with the characters, which made ladies look both dangerous and sexy at it.

Eh, only if you ignore the games prior.

I actually find myself agreeing with you. What kind of black magic is this!? I better call Sam and Dean from Supernatural and exorcise whatever black magic is doing this.

You should try wearing outfits like that, then judging again.


Sometimes I think of the Warcraft movie, and how we’re never gonna get a Warcraft 2 movie, and how Duncan Jones put so much effort into that movie, and actually made a good movie, and is totally down to make Warcraft 2, but we won’t get it, because the studios don’t wanna put more money into a project that failed in America even though it did good in Europa and Asia, because those are secondary markets and it’s all about the US greens and it peeves me that it be like that, but it do.


I liked the WC movie. Sure, I had a few grievances such as the Lothar and Garona romance sub-plot and that Khadgar didn’t age after Medivh’s death, but I enjoyed my time in the cinema back then and would totally be in favour of a live-action Warcraft 3 with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau or Chris Hemsworth playing Arthas.

That would be one old Arthas

Nikolaj I could see work, but not Chris Hemsworth.

Anduin Lothar is love… Life…

Wish we get more reference and mention to him in wow… He is a Legend…

Like, make a Questline about the rebirth of Brotherhood of Horse, in his memory and name…

Have to agree with you there. As entertaining as Chris Hemsworth is as Thor, I’d hate to see Arthas go quipping from zone to zone