Pet Peeve: The Undying

I know the feeling, the Highlands Mustang, Lil’ Donkey and Skullripper are the only mounts I still need from both warfronts.

No luck so far.

Oh, that explains things…

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Aahh spring… A time where I hear a lot of people complaining about their allergies and I do not… Until I realize that it’s also the time for annoying insects to start crawling in every and trespassing in my place.

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Sick and awake and this accursed time.

So i was wondering as i was reading some stuff… is the type of rp allowed where you actually act that you do wqs, raids and bgs and ingame?

Some1 from RG link that screen where you were doing IC BG’s

My throat is scratchy, I have a sore eye and my ear canals feel swollen.

Yep its that time of year again.

I’ve still got hayfever. Blocked nose, sore throat, feel weak. I hope it passes soon.

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i take this as a yes.

Thankfully no weakness, irritation yes but no physical weakness. Unless my stiff neck counts to it.

Peeve is needing sleep when there’s RP to be had. I’m pretty sure some of my buddies think that I quit playing by now because I can’t play at their wacky US timezone hours.

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Are US realms any good, anyways…?

Having to get up early and go back to work instead of enjoying this gorgeous weather and relaxing at night with RP. Not long until the May bank holiday at least…

9 days and counting.

This is in other games.

Currently helping out at the family business. It’s going to be closed for a week starting next Tuesday. But my time off from regular work isn’t until the week after.
I guess I can still sleep all I want on Sun- and Monday at least…

looks outside the window and sees rain

Well, no running for me, I guess.

Yes, I’ve seen Wyrmrest Accord and it’s good.

Mind you, it’s the only realm I visited recently. Haven’t played on US servers properly since the end of WotLK.

Allergies is a peeve. Things are in full bloom and im feeling hazy. Doesn’t help having been woken up at 6 am either.

Peeve: Having to avoid the internet for an entire day because I am not able to watch Game of Thrones until later in the evening.

Like if you share the pain.


I’ve only seem bits of the show, but it seems quite nice, certainly more so than the books, which I only read a few of. They were pretty much just 6000 pages of weird naughty fantasies, namedropping and filler. Book 5, that I funnily enough read first, have several pages, just at the very -start- describing and focusing in detail a wolf having very detailed, naughty thoughts about a woman and her orb juice and nakedness.

I’m not sure what George R. Martin is thinking when he is alone, but it is kinda creepy.