Pet Peeve: The Undying

I will never not Hate™ this…

Needing a seperate sub for US is a peeve.

In FFXIV you can easily hop to a different region no questions asked on one sub and one copy of the game. You can even transfer characters between regions. ¬¬


Money, Money, Money. I know it’s been like this for years(always I think?) but it is money. Activision Blizzard is a -very- greedy company.

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It has always been this way, before Activision was part of it.


Read The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe, it seems to be about a night terror he had and it’s pretty creepy.

It is a bit odd that the US and Asian servers are shared but not the European ones.

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Realised that I need to re-do the sketch of that commission entirely. The client was happy with it but I hate it and I can’t stand looking at that sketch.
At least I know what was blocking me now!


I still say the forums should be merged, or allow posting on US forums. Time and again they have proven they outright do not read or listen to the EU forums.

We riot on the EU forums? Nadda happens.
We make a reddit post that reaches the front page? Instant response.
US RPers complain about sharding for the first time while we’ve spoken issues on it for literally months? Immediate hotfix.


I actually played on the US servers late vanilla up until around Cataclysm, mainly because the majority of people I played games with were American. Imagine my horror when I first bought the game and couldn’t find the realm my friends were on because they were region split.

I was one of the nomads that went over to Wyrmrest Accord when they opened that server and loved it, if the hours were more sociable I would have stayed, but I stopped being a shut and could no longer sustain them.

Haven’t been back since, but I do miss it! I wish the region divide would end, but at this point it might be a huge technical issue to bring it down.

I don’t like how Azerite is portrayed in Lore as some kind of wander ore/liquid that has no flaw.

Can cure every poisons/diseases.
Can make the best armors out of it (No invincible armors but definitely the most resilient out there by itself.).
Can make the most destructive weapons out of it.
Can make its users stronger, faster, more sharp…

It’s not like it’s perfect when I looked it up further in BtS and ingame, most things using Azerite aren’t made of just azerite which is why they’re not unbreakable/invincible, but they’re portraying it as just the best out there. My problem is that they haven’t shown any downsides, no weakness of means to get around it which is somehow fine because it’s a God’s blood, but really doesn’t make for an interesting story.

Add to that, it’s kind of like a Gold rush… Despite Magni’s concerns and warnings, a solid majority of the world doesn’t give a :poop: of them, people are mining it for military purposes mainly, the individuals he sents us to fight against really are nameless NPCs, we can’t feel like “Oh boi, I just helped Azeroth from this evil fiend draining her life force.” but instead it’s “Okay, just killed this guy… Gimme my rep/Azerite”, story wise, it would have been best if we went on questlines trying to topple said individuals which are doing so.

Oh right, Scenarios could have done that… Too bad they were made into Island expeditions with sole purpose is grinding mindlessly :expressionless:.

Edit : Would have liked if Azerite was more similar to ADAM in the Bioshock serie. A wander drug sure, but the more you consume it, the more you end up twisted and corrupted… The blood of a God doesn’t necessarily has to empower you y’know.

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Also, Demolock still sucks.

Another week and still no felheart boots on either of my warlocks.

Would be interesting if prolonged exposure to Azerite would make people turn golden and crazy, with each attack shooting a blast of blue gas that explodes. Or turn people in to explosive goo.

Hmm… Would’ve been interesting indeed…

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Even better. That the more you use Azerite, the more you’re connected to Azeroth.

And she’s aware of Mortal’s greed… She uses that connection to eventually kill off everyone who used azerite too heavily, liquifying them into just that and returning what is rightfully hers and more.

Now that would make Azeroth scary…

I like it!

Don’t give her ideas.

Tanks joins Mythic+

Tank dies constantly.

Tank’s gear breaks mid dungeon because he didn’t repair before entering.

Tank lectures group on mechanics of fight whilst being the only one to die to them.


man I get antsy when my gear drops below 90%. Do people just not have repair mounts? I think the tundra mammoth repairs and that’s only like 10k gold.

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So I’m not alone in this. :smile:

Absolutely not.

Classic peeve, just like momma used to make 'em:

Every female character being shorter than average for their race, even if that means that they’re still 7 foot tall. Described as petite but with generous womanly curves (this is very important), they’re also universally “pear shaped”.

How, when and/or why did this happen?

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I know right. Seeing 5.7 ft Fem nelves really… Rubs me off in the wrong way, not so much as to make me ignore the person but it’s a detail that’s sticking out.

It’s like the Giant growth pot stereotype but reversed.

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