Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yeah, type in /leave trade.

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I have my Trade chat in its own Tab, since I dont care much for it.

But yeah, as Vixi said, you can als do /leave trade


My chosen method of keeping the rot contained until I have direct need of trading.


Ever since we got the LFG tool ingame among other things, Trade chat lost its use completly really. Before that, it was good to gather up people for group content that wasnt available to queue for, and I never cared for tradechat guild recruitement much personally.

All it is now is people thinking they are edgy by throwing slurs around and insulting people cus “Im 13 now, not 12. Im so grown up yo!”


Tbf when I turned 13 I thought I was hot :poop: too


Very different from me then.

I dreaded turning into a teenager, because I thought everyone magically becomes partying, 6-fixated dumb butt, and become more of a general douche.

Boy, was I wrong.

Catching up with the MCU is such a daunting task. I only just finished Phase 1. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna skip some movies.

And now you know you are a divine entity instead? :stuck_out_tongue:

Your words, not mine

That elegant hairstyle and those glowing eyes don’t lie.

To defend myself, of course. Ask anyone - I haven’t dripped a single drop of juicy McMovie spoilers yet!
Also completely irrelevant to the argument at hand but alas.

Except the people who did get banned :thinking:

Blizzard acknowledged a flaw, and rectified it. Sure there are flimsy excuses such as “oh no algorithms” being floated about as to why it happened in the first place, at least we both agree the main reasoning was probably

Considering numerous players were banned without even an explanation as to why they were (nothing listed that is) It’s quite sensible to revoke them.

And I suspect the great majority of players will thus be informed what they were doing wrong and will rightfully correct it. The only players I suspect who will be routinely trying to break the ToS are those who seek some sort of competitive edge against it.

Respectfully, No.
Also, bad business practice to shoot the loyal paying customer for trying to fix glaring model errors that have been present for years with innocuous changes.

It’s not ideal, obviously. After all there were probably at least a handful of actually maliciously acting players who wanted to exploit things to the nth degree for their own gain. Alas they are also subscribers.

I personally still think this is just bogus from people who are angry they got banned and are trying to as I said in my own post, basically just throw muck at Blizzard by spreading misinformation. It happens essentially everytime there is a banwave. Since alot of people are stating otherwise that crossfaction rp addon didnt get people banned.

They will never give any big specifics because as Vrakthis on the US forums, and other blues have stated many times, specifics is exactly what people who use more malicious third party works and botting wants, since they can circumvent and reprogram their things then. However, some form of reason for the ban should be given definatly.

With this, I kinda agree. I do think that ToS breakage or CoC etc should be punished with suspensions or bans, varying in length depending on if its a first offense, the nature and extremity of it etc.

But I do believe that permament suspensions will not be as efficient or effective, as it wont scare people off with that their actions have consquences. Instead it will just make them not care at all, which will lead to them stopping completly, which leads to subscription losses. Or the quite common attitude today, to get extremly petty for the sake of it and try to take revenge, either by getting a new account to troll/disrupt or other methods.

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Very very true these days, permanent sanction would more than likely only cause more problems down the line than even temporary ones. People make decisions based on their wallets these days more so than ever before. Considering the shaky ground BFA has put Blizzard on it wouldn’t be business wise to start readying the gallows for quibbles.

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And because of this, we shouldnt put it past Blizzard, or specifically activision and Bobby Kotick and co., to let the games suffer should there be any substenstial drop in sales or money numbers. Everything from taking away resources for future developments such as expansions & patches, to outright cancel future updates indefinatly(or make them increasingly sparse) and put WoW into maintentance mode as they are going to do with Heroes of the storm after their plug on the esport league.

Or even cancel it. I wouldn’t see that above them, since the expectations for sales in the gaming industry is quite insane currently. Atleast among the big companies.

Imagine the headlines “Blizzard forced to shut down epic fantasy game World of Warcraft because of breasts.”

Even more reason why the video game industry needs a crash.

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You mean another one?

Yes, exactly that.

We’re already in a crash, among the general scene look at the amount of new IPs/ideas which mainly exist among the Indie scene and the almost invisible Middle Market.

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Currently at the cinema for Avengers Endgame with my mom.

It’s taking a while for the movie to start though… Ah, it started now. Took 11 minutes of trailers to start though.

Wonder what it’ll be like…

Just came back from Endgame. Solid movie with a lot of emotional weight. Unexpected Captain America twist, not at all what I expected. Have fun, the rest of you who are planning to watch it.