Pet Peeve: The Undying


In the name of Draenor, in memory of Orgrim!

no! for the Wilds! burns the Blighted Red flag

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Apparently some of the bans are being reversed.

This is a peeve.


Wait what…

I saw this happen today.

Well… I have nothing to say…

I usually don’t bite - but why?

Are you being directly effected by people using addons like Cross RP? are you being effected by players using fixes to janky armor models blizzard have left -rotting- for years? The textures on characters they are unnaturally stretched to fit a model?

Or perhaps players wanting greater immersion playing High Elves, Arakkoa, Ogres and other races that should be playable?

Credit due to blizzard understanding what a -colossal- PR disaster they inflicted on themselves once again, and accordingly fixing it. Hopefully the damage won’t be cumulative to their downward spiral.

The very act of reversing the ban acknowledges they were in the wrong. So unless its some sort of complex case of schadenfreude against Blizzard, I am utterly baffled at why someone’s misfortune being reversed is somehow a peeve to you.

Unless… you know…

People getting their bans removed for using that third party system…

Everyone knew this was against ToS, the people who used it should’ve been permabanned, not gotten a 6 month ban to even have that later removed.

Just how low have the subs fallen, next Blizzard’s gonna unban hackers because they need their $$$ to keep this catastrophe of a game alive.

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Were? They still are!

As someone who gloated about using spoilers as a weapon against others your confusion is disingenuous and laughable, as disingenuous as you pretending people were innocently using it solely to fix armour models or race change as opposed to, you know, tiddy/nude mods. Which you know of course, you’re just choosing not to mention it to reframe the topic.

No one got banned for using cross RP, that’s a meme. The bans were for using tmorph or the like via a third party launcher.

The bans being reversed doesn’t mean they were in the wrong - the players banned still violated the TOS and did so knowingly. The model adjustments can confer advantages in game over other players (such as making mining nodes easier to see). Blizz just decided for whatever reason (PR, sub loss, whatever) that 6 months was too harsh and let them off with a warning.

You’ll note that Blizz say outright in the clarification post they made that if people keep using it they will be banned, thus a ban is justified. And that’s why ban’s being reversed is a peeve.


If it’s one thing I’ve learned over the years of playing WoW: Despite Blizzard having issues, their support is fairly good and they do follow the rules they have set up. If someone claims to have been banned wrongfully or that it was cus of Crossfaction, or something similliar that just isnt the case, 90% of the time, they are lying to throw muck at Blizz or to not lose face.

And yeah, as you say, they know full well that this was not a permitted thing, Blizz has never wavered on that using third party software or editing gamefiles, even locally, is prohibited, and clearly stated in the ToS.

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They do allow people to have 40 alts follow their main, mirroring their attacks to nuclear strike in pvp and farm herbs. Similarly, forum dynamics matter none and it’s preferable to have 40 active subscribers flagging one disagreeing voice into an automated ban than it is to police its abuse and lose the 40 abusers.

As long as you pay, it’s kosher. Though I doubt nude mods users are in any kind of majority, there would be enough to make a slight dent in the Holy Quarterly Profit Report as they probably outnumber us RP plebs whose numbers and concerns count for figs.


Peeve for today: wanted to watch SpaceX’s launch of their heavy rocket, but some brainless toothless miscreants spoiled Endgame in the live chat. Why live anymore…

Well, a douche nozzle did it on one of these forums yesterday too.

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Thats a correct way to talk about Zarental, and I still think 1 month ban wasn’t enough for him


Trade chat spoiled it for me.

Which is fine because I care more about the Deadwood movie than Avengers.

That’s a real crappy thing to do, people can be down right terrible.

I don’t care about spoilers (because I’m not going to see End Game), but come on guys.


Same, regarding most things like stuff coming to WoW in patches or w/e, but I won’t talk about it unless the other person wants to know.

It’s called being respectful people.

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Imagine being so petty and empty that you spoil things for other people for no other reason that “lolz, im cool and edgy. Look at me yo.”

I think very little of those kind of people.


Is there a way to turn off Trade chat that I’m not aware of?

It would be both useful to avoid spoilers and pseudo political experts while I’m RP’ing.

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