Pet Peeve: The Undying

And hope nothing akin to malfunctions cause our brains to be fried a la SAO :stuck_out_tongue:

Thankfully, the creator of this insidious malfunction will actually free us all after some character figures out he’s the GM of one of the main guilds and rid us of an amazing plotline and setting and anime for a second season of “how did this happen again” questions but with pixies and then a third season of “how is this possibly still happening” but with guns.

The spinoff show with the pink P90 was actually pretty okay.

I die a little everytime SAO is mentionned.

my respect for you DWINDLES by the second
honestly SAO is my peeve
i freaken LOVED the first season and then they do this to me thEY DO THIS JOKE to me

It wasn’t a problem for me at least. Took me a minute or two to come up with Dr. Tamisley.

Of course, that was the first human I made ever. Kul Tiras did a goodun.

I have some names stored up as I intend to use them eventually when opportunity arises, but if I find someone who needs the name a whole lot more than I do, I’m willing to part with them. I gave one decent name to a stranger with the accented version. That person later turned into a friend and a guildie.

provided they’re not a :poop: hat

Turns out nutmeg is quite toxic, I should probably be careful how much I add in my mashed potatoes before I get sick (or worse)

Peeve - people claiming The Cure isn’t a Goth band even though they have songs like this or act like Goths weren’t a thing in the 80’s or earlier.

Like yeah cause Radio Werewolf or The Damned weren’t Gothic at all.


Kinda sad really. It’s like claiming classic music only appeared in the 20th century.

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Places that serve food that have their closing time listed as 00:00 and then you call them, and they say they’re closing at 23:00.

Like excuse me, I’m HUNGRY and when I’m at work I can’t really be like “oh I feel like closing down and abandoning my stuff today an hour early.”


1 Like Can’t help but think of this.
And I mean, depends, I guess, doesn’t some office work let you go early if you finished your daily quota early?

Hey, thanks, I like this song, I’ll check out more of the band.

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Don’t know, never worked in an office, thank god.

I’m pretty sure if you’re in employment, you have to work the hours that you signed your contract for. Mostly it’ll be 36/40 hours a week if you’re full-time, you can always leave early or take a day off - you get a yearly amount of paid days for that.

I just get :rage: when I am hungry.

The desire to play ESO again is growing ever stronger, and I hate it.

I don’t want to play it. If I were to play it, I would want to get in to endgame PvE. But that wouldn’t work all that well because game design and stuff like that. Only way I could effectively play and enjoy it, is if I were to perform a household lobotomy that will put me in to a state of mind, where the open world would be seen as the bestest and most enjoyable part of the game (Which as it stands, it really isn’t because it’s insultingly easy any possible way you slice it, unless you actively don’t put points in to the Champion System, which… Makes the whole thing redundant). But I rather keep myself intact so… No lobotomies shall be performed.

It does at least serves as consolation, the knowledge that there are games that I am looking forward to, that will definitely take up my time playing them (Not to mention I recently picked up Dying Light for a bargain deal, and it’s a lot of fun). So I do have games that can help me push back against the temptation of playing that game.

But alas… As it always happens, I will break and I’ll end up installing the game again, likely play for a month or two, trying to play the one content I am interested in, fail to a degree that my gut will start to hurt whenever contemplating the thought of doing a Veteran Dungeon, and then stand up and say “Wait a minute, why the swanky ham am I even playing this game?” and then promptly uninstall it, and lament in my self-misery with the knowledge that there is a game in existence that I want to play and enjoy, but can’t play and enjoy without feeling physical pain.

Hmmm… Would be really great to be able to convince myself that the open world content in that game is definitely worth playing and all… Would be a nice superpower to have.

Peeve: i would be disappointed if “Mechagnomes” and Vulpera become allied race…
Instead of many other things like Broken Draenei…

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Agreed, Mechagnomes AR is terrible, rather have Sethrak, Vulpera for Horde is fine, though, much more requested than Mechagnomes.

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Am I in the minority that I really DO NOT want anymore beast races?!

Stop turning WoW into a zoo :rage:

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I’m not sure which band you meant but I think it’s fair to warn you that Radio Werewolf were Athiestic Satanists [they’re not anymore now Nikolas Schreck and his wife are Buddhists but at the time they were in fact his wife was the daughter of Antoine LaVey.]

Still if you don’t mind that then they’re best song imho was The Night (Old Version)

As for The Cure this is a common opinion but Disintegration is their best

With The Damned, Nasty is still great.

Except for tuskarr, the most wanted race since WotLK, I AGREE.