Pet Peeve: The Undying This peeves me

Tuskarr want no business with this war, no.

This was also a thing in dark souls, the easy mode was through choices you made with your character.

How C++ apparently converts 0,(9) [AKA 0,999999…] to 0 instead of 1 when transferring from ‘double’ to integers.
Like, I spent about half an hour trying to grasp why (10^2) * 8 = 799 (or 792 if (10^2) was previously converted to integers) according to the compiled .exe …

I meant the Cure, and I don’t care about the faith or lack thereof of some band, unless it’s some insane cult that eats babies or something ofcourse.

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and Overwatch matches you with worse players if your stats are bad, and better teammates

Peeve - I just realized my RP character is a red head and wears black.

I’m Shadow the Edgehog in game.

Why is it very few Thornspeaker RPers seem to be actual Thornspeakers? They dress like everyone else, don’t seem to be reclusive and no Kul Tirans seem wary of them. They just seem like any other bland druid!

Because most RPers are worse at RP than LFRers at raiding

Probably because people do not like RPing reclusive characters, I guess.

Well, you can drop the reclusive to a degree, try to start blending into society a bit to help remove the Horde, there’s rp there. And still, dress the part, be the part.

Slow reply but I think this is pretty standard in the food industry. It’s done so that they actually can close at 00:00 instead of being stuck there an hour after they’re paid to be because a group came 30 minutes before closing.

It can suck to be in your position but let’s be honest, the food industry isn’t known for paying well and most folks do have lives outside of work.

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While I once supported the Junker Gnomes as a allied race, I think you’re right.

They would make for a lousy allied race, especially since the best race ever™ is also one of the least played ones, so I’d rather have those options as extra custimisation options for gnomes after you reach exalted with Rustbolt Rebellion.

The void elves should’ve been customisation option for blood elf priests and warlocks, the Lightforged should’ve been options for draenei paladins and priests, and the mag’har/highmountain should’ve been custimisation options for the orc/tauren acrace.

Void broken would’ve been way more interesting, or what Blizzard could/would’ve done with maybe making the Stillpine a playable race?

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More like Black Widow (Assuming the character is a woman)

She changes hair color though.

Red, black or blonde even in one of the movies.

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Oh great so I look like the character who the writers abuse for their shipping fantasies.

Daredevil X Black Widow was the best hookup though.

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She was blonde in The Winter Soldier.

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Quinton Flynn tweeted this which is probably about KH3 DLC.

Playable Axel? Xion? Roxas? Kairi? All of the above? Arrrrgh I want to know. I want to know NOW. I want to PLAY IT NOW.


Control yourself, Elensette!

Contain your impatience!

Yes, but she is most easily identified as with red hair, rather than any other hair color.

Anyway, peeve time: Not running the entire weekend due to bad weather has left me… With less stamina for today’s run. Still managed to get through, although now I feel like expelling the sandwich I ate before going out.