Pet Peeve: The Undying

Fun fact, if your eyes actually are orbs for example, then you are essentially blind. You need all the bits like your cornea, iris, the protective goop (I’m sure it has a technical name), but your eyes are not orbs, you just wouldn’t be able to refract light properly and would wander round in a daze.

I’ve even seen female characters describe their ta-ta’s as ‘Orbs’. For the love of all that is holy, that is Nightmare Fuel! Stop and think what that would actually -look- like! That’s hideous!

‘Their eyes are Veridian’. Wait, No, no, they might be really dark green, Veridian means something specific, it is a colour only achieved by the addition of chromic oxide, which is used to colour glass and ceramics. I don’t want eyes with that in it! Just use dark Emerald, as that is a colour in its own right, as well as the Gemstone.

Characters ( Other than those of taller races, I’m talking human, Belf that sorta thing) Who are seven foot and beyond tall, and yet still capable of the most astounding ninjamatics ever. Seriously, we’re talking Andre the Giant meets Bruce Lee here. If you are that size you have a medical condition! Your spine will ache, your hormones will be out of whack and your pituitary glands will plague you. I mean sure, Andre the Giant had a very successful wrestling career, but if you ever watch one of his matches he had a very simple victory technique, he didn’t move fast, he just pure overpowered opponents with his size and strength. Now that’s in a wrestling ring, an enclosed environment, out in the open, that just wouldn’t work. Because of the associated health problems, you’re also not likely to make old bones, as indeed he did not. So if you’re ‘human’ and topping out at 8 foot (the worst I saw) bear in mind you are likely to lose in a fight against a 6 foot human.

“But what about Kul Tirans?”

Garithos said it right. “Inhuman!”

They are likely some offshoot of the Human species that has evolved, so their bodies will be more attuned to their vast size, especially the male model, which bears more in common with Orcs, than with humans, that would be their default. Same is true for Orcs, Trolls, Draenei, Tauren, That’s their ‘right’ size.

Just grinds my gears. Wanna be Goliath? Just remember he got his backside kicked.

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Their optical orbs, u mean?

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I think you’re overthinking it man


I overthink you’re thinking it.

Not a peeve but im afking infront of caretaker Padae…

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Agitated nipple blinking in terror and confusion. Verily, the Drowned God’s gifts are strange and plentiful.

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1st Peeve - Pandaria Timewalking makes me homesick.
2nd Peeve - I want to read Journey to the West again but I forgot which chapter I was on.

After several Mythic runs of Legion raids, there had to be a detail ruining them for me.

Why is there so many RL accepting lowbies in Mythic Antorus or ToS? They are utterly useless and the only value I’d see them in is within a cloth/leather/plate only run and those are rather rare.

They don’t help, they’re leeches just being carried either for gear or hugging Tmogs for people actually doing stuff.

We’re almost a year in BfA and yet still amazed that they aren’t at the very least 120.

I agree, it is super annoying. I think they intend to twink, but they really are complete dead weights.


Gonna add a similar peeve in general of Legion raids not being “Legacy loot” for…no apparent reason.


Because it refers to the system… so legacy loot in legion would mean you get it the legion way.

What? No it doesn’t. Why you lyin’ for?

A new method of Loot Distribution will be added in the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch called Legacy Loot Mode . This loot mode will apply to all dungeons and raids from previous expansions that your character is at least 11 levels above the intended level.

This loot mode is a response to the Patch 7.3.5 changes to Legacy dungeons and raids, by swapping them all to Personal Loot. This change meant that level 110 transmog hunters had a chance to receive zero items from a boss due to the Personal Loot rules. When an item did drop, it would only drop for their current spec, meaning no one-handers for Fury Warriors and so on.

Transmog hunters will be happy in the 8.0 Expansion Pre-Patch as the Legacy Loot mode will automatically activate if your character is 11 or more levels above the content’s intended level.

  • The number of items dropped by bosses will be the same as if you were in a full party.

    • For a 5 man dungeon, 1-2 pieces will drop per boss. This would be the same number if 5 level appropriate characters were completing the instance.

    • This work similarly for raids that have a set number of players: 10 man (Firelands), 25 man (Firelands), 40 (Molten Core).

  • Flexible raids such as Siege of Orgrimmar will act if there were 20 players in your group.

  • As per before 7.3.5, all items on the loot table can drop, not just ones designated for your spec.

  • If there are multiple people in the group, the loot will be split among the players and be tradeable.

It’s got zippy-idddy-doo-daa to do with which expac it’s related to. They just didn’t turn it on for Legion beause “oh it’s too recent”.

Aah then i am wrong. My bad.

My peeve; Should check the calendar more often.

On the bright side, going to level a few alts up this week and grind badges on my rogue.

It’s because the level cap isn’t +11 yet, if we were max 125 instead of 120, heck if we were 121 at cap, it’d be triggered.

i think Elenthas is peeving at the fact they set the cap to +11 and not +10


Should of not even bothered raising it at all, not like we get anything 110-120 ¬_¬

Tbh while personal loot is neat in its own way, I did prefer the older system because you actually saw loot drop, which felt more exciting. Now when I play dungeons & stuff with friends, its 90% of the time AP/gold, sometimes a thing appears in your inventory, and then you ask the others if they got anything.

Even if I didnt get loot personally, it was exciting for me to see friends get loot dropping/on the boss after we beat it.

And while personal loot removed the chance of people ninjaing stuff they didnt need, it didnt solve people being douches. Roughly half the time I get a drop in, lets say LFR, you have the following happen:

1.) Some people will just open the trade window with me and say -nothing-.

2.) Some will whisper “give x item” and open trade.

3.) Some will do as above, but atleast ask “do you need x item”

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That same logic should have been applied to Legion portals… But for some reason they completely ignored anyone who wanted Dalaran portals (At the very least the Kara, WR, CoT ones) to stick around.

Their reasoning for us not having Legacy/Master Loot in old raids is completely empty of argument, it always was this way for every old expansion but why change it now? Artificial retention of player is the only reason I could think of.

Personal Loot sucks… The game is already RNG as it is, so putting another layer of RNG despite everyone saying “We don’t want it.” is rather scummy, especially for activities such as old raids.

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I think they should remove the weekly raid lockout on the older raids. They aren’t relevant anymore in terms of gear for progression, so there is no reason for them to not be fully grindable for as long as the players like aside from artificially extending subscriptions/playtime.