Pet Peeve: The Undying

This thread sure could use some good tubridrogen to boost it up.


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Welcome back Tehya!


Yeah that’s why I RP as a deserter

Peeve - I ran out of Earl Grey.


Sorry, I only have fuel to throw on it, someone else has to actually start the fire.


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I have no peeve.

I feel great, went biking under a nice sunny day during a bank holiday. Yep… A nice day indeed!

My peeve is people content in their lives.

Same, im waiting for… lets call him sparky.

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Don’t worry, in my case, it tends to be fleeting and lasts only for a day.

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Welcome back Tehya :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:


The sword refuses to drop.
Bird boss man.
I beat this terrible first boss on my own for three weeks now.
Drop the damn sword.

Man and woman. Those words are not tied to a particular race.

I’ve just done some Champions of Azeroth dailies for the first time since 8.0 and I’m being hit really hard by the dissonance between them and the rest of BFA’s content.

95% of this expansion’s content is about the bloody war between the Alliance and the Horde, the trials that they face in their search for new allies, and the schemes of dark gods and their cultists who quietly profit from this conflict.
Then you’ve got this other 5% which is about restoring the health of the planet by beating up miscellaneous baddies across Azeroth and mending the wounds they’re responsible for, like some sort of bizarre eco-warrior.

What’s this weird bit of Captain Planet nonsense doing in an expansion that’s mostly about the horrors of war? I get that it’s technically tied in through the lore, but it’s just so tonally disconnected from everything else.


needed a story frame for the time-sink macguffin that exists to artificially extent the expansion’s lifetime


I cant say why its in, but the reason it is so disconnected is the same reason Ive mentioned before regarding the war campaign. Blizzard have already revealed that they got three entierly seperate writing teams for BfA. One for Alliance, one for Horde, and one for the Magni stuff. And for whatever reason, they think everything is better if theese 3 do not communicate with eachother.

So its essentially 3 seperate stories, with no connection that they just tack together.

I particularly love getting a world quest to heal the world while already on a different quest to extract and exploit the same wounds. Bonus points if it’s with Gallywix.

And for that matter, man and woman aren’t human terms and are used by orcs too. They’re gendered terms, not racial and silly stuff like orcess actively ironically dehumanises the orc in question.

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are you saying that my paladinesse lordesse draeineisse from mac’areesse on argusse isn’t a good concept

None of that comes close to same level of pretentiousness than using latin biological name / description in race field of your TRP

Months later, I’m still upset at people’s TRP’s calling their eyes “optics”.

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To me Optics are what you get spirits out of in a pub…