Pet Peeve: The Undying

I hate politics, but I’ll make my own party!



Stronger laws against abortions. And overall reducing women’s rights thats been built up. Its legitimatly a selling point for the same parties that are so viciously against any sort of immigration.

Common sense varies so incredibly much between individuals it’s not even funny

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Yeah, but my common sense is the correct one!


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statements like these kinda don’t really help at all, because people who do support equal rights but view feminism as the crazy-bluehaired-kill-all-men type look at this and just see ‘oh ok anyone who just wants simple equality is sexist’.

Yeah but those people are full of crap like the so called male feminists which have a notoriously ironic reputation.

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It’s also just a really dumb statement, as if the world is so simple that you can always dichotomize people into one of two ideologies

Feminism is about equality. It’s always been and still is now. It’s not that complicated.

Yes, it mostly advances women’s rights because that is the main problems being faced now. But it is not exclusive. I have helped spread the word about equality for custody (a context where men are generally disfavoured) as well, for example.


Last time I looked, women are human beings and are thus covered under laws regarding human rights. I don’t ever recall ever existing anything called “women’s rights”. If someone is attempting legislation which states that women specifically have no right for X or Y thing, they are in violation of Human Rights Act of the U.N. and the charter of Human Rights of the E.U. and I doubt something of that kind is happening in the civilized world.

As for abortion laws, that is remarkably complicated matter that I won’t get into.

They are indeed, just a bit more thematically consistent. Like I’ve said before; I don’t really mind as it’s cathartic.

Since the dawn of mankind, it’s been ideologically and practically tied to outbreeding rivals for influence and territory. It’s just articulated and applied differently in the party politics/religious sphere.

It was but it ain’t anymore.

I don’t know what kind of rallies and stuff you have been to, but I have been to enough to make me feel like I can make a reasonably educated statement on the matter.

Yes, you can say that all you like, and as said up above I do agree, but we’ve already gone over the vocal minority of looneys that claim to be upholding the banner of feminism. Of course when there’s many, and they’re loud, it’s gonna skew people’s perspectives. Now, you can be hostile towards these people, call them sexist. That doesn’t help, that reinforces their perception.

Or, you can, y’know, not do that. And think before you talk about how it might be interpeted, and not reinforce that perception.

That is specifically the issue since several diffrent parties and factors, funnily enough in the western part of the world, is pushing for that rights of women are reduced, to how things used to be in the past or the “good old days”

Abortions is part of this, but not the entierty.

I feel like focusing on them is just a diversion from the actual main cause of feminism. There are vegans screaming that all meat-eaters must die as well, but overall the vegans are a pretty harmless lot, and you wouldn’t say ‘I am against veganism!’ just because of the former.

I suspect the difference lies in where people get their perceptions and definitions, along with a general understanding of the thing. Some think it equates to equality and dismantling systemic oppression that hurts both women and men, others think it’s an ideology of brutal female supremacy along the lines of D&D drow.

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Unfortunately, a fair few people would say that. A few bad apples spoil the bunch as usual.

Overall, a issue with political manners, feminism included is the modern day massive rifts between people. You are either the enemy or with to 100% in alot of people’s eyes. There is no middleground.

And I personally blame populism for taking advantage of it and reaching the point we are at today.


That’s my point, this doesn’t really exist outside of tumblr nutjobs with double digit followers who have absolutely no power. Why are people making a big deal of them? Why are you letting them form your opinion of anything other than themselves?

Echo chambers are one hell of a drug, especially in the age of the internet, and to the unexperienced it can be hard to realize when they’re in one.