Pet Peeve: The Undying

No, I would say that I’m against vegans, but not what they eat.

Because it sells. As I said myself, alot of the same political parties that try to cash in on “The feminists are trying to destroy us” are also those who play the exact same tune towards immigration or other things.

It sells because people easily buy into scapegoats and then get more warped as time moves for various reasons.


Because of the content of that ‘main cause’ and how feminism wants to achieve it, the modern interpretation of feminism is nothing but one convoluted mess.

The term “feminism” has many different uses and its meanings are often contested… When it comes to politics, feminist is any movement which focuses on fighting injustices against women, henceforth it has a broad definition. On the internet, usually feminism is associated with its radical side: political activism concerned with equality of outcome, micro-aggressions, systemic injustice and inclusivity.

Also, feminism can become a dangerous movement, as any political movement: considering the amount of laws being emanated, the amount of culture produced which accommodates hard left-wing claims, one has to consider to which extent leftism ideas are a wide-spread movement (far from being a tumblr thing). And not only in the law sector: I’d have to ask my colleagues or do some digging, but I could give the name of several university professors (which identify as feminists) that advocate for stuff like the extinction of male kind in their academic papers.

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And the real world takes them as seriously as the nutjob at the local butcher’s shop that dresses like a cow and chains him/herself at the store entrance screaming about how eating meat is killing the planet.

Demagogues always pop up every so often to feed on any and all real or constructed crisis that crops up now and then.

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From being on the outside looking in, this can seem to be true. If your only perceived interaction with feminism is primarily a) online and b) with random nobodies having shouting matches in YouTube compilations, that’s a very reasonable conclusion. I used to think so too.

The more I’ve read up on feminist authors, protesters, rights groups (and talked with the women in my family/friend circle) etc. and their contributions to culture and conversation, the more that perception has been picked apart.

Are there toxic people who support feminism? Definitely. That doesn’t taint the ideas that’re fostered within feminism as a collection of ideas (unless of course they find mainstream feminist appeal, which… eh), and in fact I’ve noticed there’s plenty of people on the inside calling out those toxic people and their ideas. You just won’t see it much if you’re only looking in from the outside.


But Aristion is right. Ideas that appear harmless or even good are always easy to be exploited for personal gain and power.

It is how social engineering works.

Not gonna argue with you that a political movement or extremists can’t become dangerous, because that is very true, regardless of which stance they take.

But…it’s a bit of a fairy tale that “leftism” is so overly dangerous and spreading, when the current world state is the exact opposite.

The parties that are, worldwide, but particuarly in europe gaining most traction is as a whole, populists parties with nationalism as their core, or as its reffered to sometimes(alt-right). I have no personal issue with people being right, nor am I shy about that I generally have more left-pointing view, people are people and I have friends I share diffrent views from mine and I respect that completly.

Heck, even nationalism, which I consider to one of the most dangerous political views(Not patriotism, two -entierly- seperate things) are allowed to have their opinions.

But it is, quite bluntly, nationalism, populism and in some cases facism, that is on the march and popular growth worldwide now, not any sort of leftist ideologies. Instead however, when something regarding feminism or leftist ideals shot up, it is immidatly gunned down by people proclaiming it to be the end of civilisation and fall of mankind, which isnt true. But paranoia sells.


Left, Right, Centre… none will matter when I declare the FIRST GALACT- errr TERRAN EMPIRE! For a more SECURE… SOCIETY!

waits for thunderous applause


That awkward moment when people flag Tubri into oblivion to avoid things getting political, but it happens anyway.

In the end, Tubri always wins. His tendrils seep into everything and leave their mark behind to corrupt whatever thread he posts in.


The emperor of mankind approves

Pet peeve: When you are trying to come up with a FOR THE HORDE character and don’t know where to start, because that character is a Highmountain (not Kotur).

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Roll any forsaken.

At the character creation screen ofcourse!

Ignorance of the true extent of the Horde’s gulf from what it claims to be and what it does. Try a fresh mag’har or newly risen undead.

Peeve: it’s all chaos for me… I am annoyed, can’t do anything…
Can’t sleep, can’t be calm, and anything else …
Being sick, in pain… Well, nevermind…

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Most recent one was bricks and smashed cars.

Which the newspapers helpfully label as ‘Violence at speech’, because making it seem like he and his supporters were the cause is what they were intending rather than the truth of the guy and his supporters being attacked.

I fancy chinese take out–

Oh wait, its Tuesday, NONE of the chinese take out places are open today.

Make your own chinese stuff :slight_smile:

Not the same, I just want take out.