That one is my standard, which means I know all of the tracks on it by heart. I need something new… something that can excite these old bones.
Have you considered Meatloaf?
And I would do anything for … You
But you won’t not vote Tauren
I voted for tauren and humans. That has to account for something.
The history books will determine your fate, Rhaewon.
Assuming someone writes one about the AD Forums for some reason. Can’t imagine why they wouldn’t.
After I’m done writing them, they’ll portray me a hero.
But I won’t do that.
Eh, ‘‘Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom’’ or ‘‘We’re Going to Ibiza’’ are way better.
And just because of that, I wanna listen to it.
I’m late for the Bioware talk but I just wanted to say Thane deserved to live.
That and siding with the Templars in DA:2 is the patrician choice and I hate Anders. So my peeve is Anders.
James May is coming for you with a hacksaw and classic music on a speakerbox.
After he is done filing his spanners.
How Alliance RP feels super unwelcoming : (. I have tried a few times to get into RP on Alliance, too, but compared to horde, it just feels like if i’m not part of whatever groups or communities of the places I go to, I just get ignored by almost everyone.
Peeve: I’ve now finished Baldur’s Gate 2 (again) and I want to play BG3 but also I want to try my hand at modding so it’d be cool if I could like add characters or quests or areas or loot or all of those to BG3 maybe that’d be neat but more than anything I just wanna know more about it.
There’s an unreasonable amount of games coming up that I’m actually excited for and it’s quite refreshing but also gotta wait soooo loooooong.
It’s surprisingly easy to add a new NPC to infinity games.
It’s annoyingly hard to make them do anything interesting.
Variables within variables await you.
Double post
End of Azshara raid cinematic is a peeve.
Just seen it, that was… uh…
Pfft. PFFT indeed.